Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book IV. OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. did do upon this Account : So w'>at the Law could not do, being weak through the Flelh, Chrift, our Jojhua, hath done, Ill. Jojhua was a mighty Conqueror: So rs Chrift. Jojhua overcame and utterly deftroytd many Kings, d1at fo he might give lfrael the peaceable P<>ffdlion of the Land of Ceuaan : So Jefus Chrifr overcame; and tota.Jiy vanquilhed divers mighty Kings, and Enemies ,of our Souls, that fo he might give us a certain Affurance of the eternal Inheritance, vi'z. (1.) Satan, the great King of the Bottomlefs-Pit. (z ) Sin, who, like a cruel and mercilefs King and Tyrant, ·reigned over all the Children of Men. (3.) Death, the Klng of Temm, ·&·c. IV. All the good Promifes God made to Ifrael, were fulfilled by the Hands of'jojhua: So all the gracious Promifes of God to his Elect, werefulfilled in and by Jefus Chrift. V. Jojhua Rahab's Houfe, that had the red Cord hung out at the Window: So Jefus Chri!i faves all poor penitent Sinners, that exprefs Faith in his Blood. VI. He accepted alf" the Gibeonites, who humbly e"treated Peace of him : So dotb ·Cbrift alliincere Coaverts, who wifely leek to him for Mercy. '8 A M p s 0 N A T y p E OF c H R I s T. P A R A L L E L ~ ~. SAMPSGN's Nativity was foretold by an Angel of God: So was the Conceptiofl and Nativity of Jefus Chrift foretold by an Angel. (2.) Sampfon was fanctified from the Womb: So was Chrift much more. ·11. Sampfon in refpeC'c of his great Strength, as fome conceive, was a Type of Chrilt 11 I. He conquered a !lout Lion in the Defert, hand to h. and, as it were: So Chrill: tf)Vcrcame the roaringLion, the Devil. in the Wildernefs, ahd made him fly. IV. He flew many of God's Enemies by his Death : So jhus Chr>ft by Death over– .came Sin, Satan, Hell, and the Grave. D A V I D A T y p E OF c H R I s T. ·' AS all the Kings of lfrael were exprefs Types 0f Jefus Chri!t, the Head of his ~ · K1·ngaom, and 'Of all the People of God, &c. So were there two of them, that ·• weie more manifeft Figures of him than aB rhe reft ; I mean, David and S(l/omon, ·• of both which we !hall enquire wherein the Rtfemblance conG!tethDavid was fo ~ fpecial a Type of the Lord Jefus, as fcarce is any Thing noted of Chrift, but fame ~ •Shadow of it might be obferved in David, {ome of which we fi~all briefly touch upon ·• in the following Parallels.' Dr. Ta)'lor. · P A R A L L E L S. [, pGR his Perfon; Da·vid, the Son of Jejfe: Chrift, the tr·ue Rod out of the Stock of Jeffe. Both of obfcure and low Parentage, both our of dry and defpicable Roots, lfa. xi. 1. H. ])avid was a King of Ifrael, and had his Kingdom raifed out of Humility: Chrift iA a King, King of Saints, and King of Nations; and yet at firll. his Kingdom was fmall, and rofe by degrees; much after the Manner as David's did, whofe Kingdom was the Figure of it. · Ill. David was a Man after God's own Heart, fave in the Cafe of Uriah: Chrill: much more a Man after God's own Heart, a Man without Spot. Chrift is often called David: My Servant David jhall be the Prince among them, Ezek. xxxiv. 24. They jhallferve the Lord their God, and David their King, whom I will raife up unto them, ]er. xxx. 9· rbey jhall feek the Lord their God, andDavid their King, Hof. iii. 5· Not the typical David, long before dead, but the M1fiah, the true David, the beloved of God. IV. David was made the Head of Nations, as he himfelf fpeaketh, Thou haflmade J/1.1' the Head of Nations, &c. Which was not fo fully true in the Type, as in the Anti– ~.rpe; he fpake it figuratively of Jefus Chrift: For literally David was King but of one 11 M little