Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

MOSES's .VAIL REMOVED; Book IV. Jittle Corner in 'Judea; but Chri!l:, the true David, hath, and fhall have his Dominions from Sea to Sea, and from the River to the Ends of the V. David was a Prophet as well as a King: So is Jefus Chri!l:. VI. was anointed about the thirtieth Year of his Life: So Chrilt, the true Da– :uid, was baptized, and then anointed by the Holy Spirit, being about the thirtieth Year of his Age. . VII. David in his Wars had many poor Men that followed.him, fuch as were in Debt, £3c. So Jefus Cl)ri.!l:, the true Dr<vid, had many poor Men who followed him, and became his Difciples, who were heavy laden under the Jlurden of Sin, which is called .~Debt. VIII. David had fcveral brave Men with him, who were called his Worthies" So had ·Chri!l:, the tn1eDavid, his twelve Apo!l:Jes, who were moll: valiant and noble Cham– pions for the Truth, befides the fevenry Difciples. , J)(:. Da'lJid. haq many open, and fame fecret Enemies, as Doeg, Achitophel, &c. His own Son alfo role up in Rebellion againfi him ·' So Jefus Chri!l: had, and frill hath, many open and fccret Enemies. The Jews, who were called his own People, plotted again!l: him; nay, and one of his own Difciples, that eat Bread with him, lifted up the Heel again!l: him, and at la!l: treacherouOy betrayed him with a Kils. X. David was a Type of Chri!l: in his Kingdom. 1. In reCpeCI: of rhe Entrance. z. 1n refpeCI: of the 1\dminifhation. 3· Of Continuation, &c. I. David entered not \Vithout lhong Oppofition, much Contempt and Diftlain: So jefus·Chri!l: was vilified: 'Ihe Stone which the Builders ref ufed, is become the Head-Stone 0fthe.Corner, A&ls iv. J.I. No Man was more defpifed of Saul's Courtiers, than Da– vid, who was thought far enough from the Kingdom : So no Man could be mo'e .Oighted and rejeCted, than Chrill: was by the Scribes, Pharifees, Pr.iefts, and other People of.Jfrael. · - .2. ·In his Adminilhation, David would judge uprjghtly., and fing .of Mercy and J u.dgment,; he would endure no hateful Perfon in his Sight. Chrilt, the true David, is the moll: ,juft and righteous Judge of Heaven a~d Earth, who moll: fincerely dif– penfeth Grace and Mercy to all penitent Sinners, but feeds impenitent and rebellious Ones with Judgment, &c. 3· In the Continuation of his Kingdom, God promifed Mercy to David, and his Seed fo.r ever: \Nhich Promifes are not to be •extended to his carnal Succeffion, for the princely Dignify is taken from them; but the fpiritual Seed of the true Davjd was •there meant: (I.) Chrifl: himfelf, in whom hisKit)gdom is perpetuated. (2.) The ·true Jfrael, whether Jews or Gentiles, who by Faith are engrafted into the Mejjiah, in .t;efpetl of whom there fhall be no End of his Kingdom. XI. Many Things that David fpeaks in the Book of Pfalms, which feme are ready to think he fpake of himfelf, yet, fuch a Type was .he of Chri!l:, that, they are direCtly applicable .to none but Jefus Chrift, &c. s 0 L 0 M 0 N A T y p E OF c H R 1 s T. P A R A L L E L ~ :1. so 'LO MO N, or Shelomon, peaceable, the Son of David, greatly beloved, and Ki11g of Jjrael and Jerufalem~ So was Chrift the beloved of God, the true Son ,of David accordina to the Fldh, King of lfrael, and Prince of Peace, E.::c. H. Solomon exc~ded all other Men in Wifdom and Knowledge: Chri!l: is the Wif– dom of God: In him are hid all the 'Ireafures of.Wifdom and Knowledge, Col. ii. 3· But in this there is great Difference between them. J: Solomon had his Wifdom by Dona– tion and .Gift: Chri!l:, as God, denved Jt from none. 2. Solomo11 by all hJS W1fdom knew not the Hearts of Men : But Chri!l: cloth, .he kne'v what was .in Man. 3· Solo– mon could ·not infule his Wifdom into others, to make them wife : But J efus Chrifi is made of God .unto us, Wifdom; he makes .us wife. ·4· Solomon in all Things he did ·was not wife.; but Chri!l: was in all Things wife; in him .was no Folly. lll. Solomon for his Wifdom was admired, and .his Fame was fpread Abroad: But .much more was ·the Wifdom and excellent Speeches, DoCtrine, and Miracles of Chr~lt .!pread Abroad, fo that his ;ver.y Enemies confelfed, never Man fpake like him, ]oh11 viii. 3 IV. Solomon