Book IV. OR, T Y .p E S E X P L A 1 N E D. IV. Solomon was a Type of Chrilt, in that he was a King of the greateft Royalty, Wealth, and Glory, that ever was .; he fo enriched his Subjects, that Silver and Gold were as common to them as Swnes in the Street, ., King. iii. '3· Chriil: enriches all his People fpiritually, the Price of Grace being far above Gold. V. Solomon was a Type of Chriil:, x. In building; 2. Dedicating; 3· Ordering the ~~ . . . 1. He built the Temple: 'Chvilt built or builds his Church: Upon this Rock will [ build my Church, Matt. xvi. 18. 2. H e dedicated the Temple, and confecrated it to -the Service of God, by whic!t means Prayers, and other Acts of religious Worthip, were accepted: So Jefus Chriil: dedicated his Church by folemn Prayer to God, and by his Blood and Mediation ren– ders all their Services, and other Acrs.of religious vVorthip, accepted by-the Father. 3· He ordered all Things in the Temple, appointing the feveral·Offices and Officers thereof: So Jcfus Chrilt, the true Solomon, orders all Things according to his Wifdom in his Church, about the public Worthip of God, and hath appointed all Offices and Officers that thould be therein. VI. Solomo11 was a Type of Chrift in his Adminiftration of J uftice, which waHhc Glory of his royal Throne. Yet in many Things Solomon was no Type of Chrifr, &.c. E L I s H A A T y p E OF c H R I s T. I. ELISHA lignifies the Health of.God. Jefus 'Chrift is truly the Health and Sal– vation of God ; it is he that heals all poor Sin-lick Souls. I!. He fucceeded Elijah: So Chrill: li1cceeded the fecond Elijah, viz. John Baptift. Ill. He received the Spirit of 'his Predecelfor in a dollble Mcafure : Chrift not in a double Meafure, but without Meafure. IV. He cured Naaman of his ·Leprofy, and raifed the Dead: In this be was a Type -of Chrill:, who cured the Leprofy both externally and intemally, and in both Senfes raifed the Dead alfo. · V. He had a wicked, ungodly, and .covetous Servant, calf Gehazi: So had Chrift: .a wicked and covetous Judas. His Prede6e1for was a Type of Chriil: alfo 'in many Things, particularly in !\is Af– ,cenlion into Heaven, &c. J 0 N A H A T Y P E 'OF C H R I S T. :'f. ":j:ONAH, a Dove in Name: Chrifl: was the fame in Nature. J I r. He was three Days and three Nights in the Whale's Belly, yet at !aft came forth alive: So Chrill: was three Days and three Nights in the Bowels or Heart of the Earth, and yet rofe again alive. lll. .He preached Repentance to a wicked People : So did Chrifl. Z E R U B BA B E L A T Y P E OF C H R I S T. I. ZERVBBABEL is called the Elcll of God, Hag. ii. 24. So is Jefus Chrift, Be– hold my Servant, mine E!ell, &c. II. The Lord .promifed to make him a Signet, lignifying thereby rhat his Dignity .and Glory thould be moft excellent, which is only accomplifhed in Chrift. II I. He was appointed to raife up the Temple of David; it was promifed that he thould lay the Foundation, and finith ir, &c. So was Jefus Chrift appointed ·to build up and reil:ore the fpiritual Temple and Tabernacle of David; he lays the Foundation, and he finilhes it by his Spirit, &c. AARON