Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

M 0 SE S's V A I L RE M 0 V E D; Book IV. A A R 0 N A T y p E OF CHRIST. P A R A L L E L S. I. _AARO N, a Teacher, or the Mountain of Fortitude: So is Chrirt the true Teacher · of God's Word, .and in that refpeEl not only the Anti-Type of Aaron, but at all true Teachers and Minirters of God's Wocd, that went before him, and is alfo that exalted Aaron, or Mountain of ·invincible Strength. I!. Aaron was Mofes's Mouth to the People, Exod. iv. 30. So is Chrifl: his Father's Mouth to Men, in his Will and Mind to them. · Ill. He was the Bldfer of the People, Lev. ix. 22. So is Chrift the true Ble!ler of his People, in and by him are all the Families of the Earth ble!fed; himhath God the Father fent to blefs you, &c. Ails iv. 26. JV. He the High Priert of the Lord: In this he was the exprefs Type of the Lord Jefus, who is the true and only High Priert of his faithful People. V. He died upon the Top of the Mount: Chrifl: was crucified upon the Top of a Mount, calledGolgotha.. THE H I G H p R I E s T A T y p E OF c H RI s T. P A R A L L E L S. THE High Priefl: was a Type of Chrifr, Heb. v. 1. 1. In his Deputation to his · Office. 2. In his Confecration. 3· In his Apparel. 4- In the Execution of his Office, &c. Firfl: ; In his Deputation to his Office. . .,. He mull: be chofen out of the Tribe of Levi: Chrifl: was taken from among Men of our Flefh and Bone. · ' 2. He muCt not be blind, lame, &c. but wholly without natural Blemifh: To fignify Chrirt fhould be without Sin, fn his Mouth was found 110 guile. 3· He was to be a Man of Knowledge, or no l'ridt to God: 'Which figured forth that perfeft Knowledge that is in Chrifl:. Secondly ; As to hi' Confee-ration, it 'is fet down, Exod. xxix. r. J. Wafoing. 2. Anointing. 3· Sacrificing and purifying with Blood, and this Confecration to continue [even Days together; which in general, fhadowcd the furpaffing Sanftity and Purity of Chri!t; above all Men and Angels, and of his being anointed with the Holy Spirit above his Brethren, and of hi£ becoming our High Prieft, by the Sacrifice at himfelf, or by offering up his own Blood, to atone and make Peace, &c. Heb. i. 8. lldt whereas che High Priert needed Sacrifices to offer for his own s.ins, in that there is a Difparity, for Chri!t having no Sio, needeth no Sacrifice for himfelf. Thirdly; The High PrieCt in his Apparel wos a Type of Chrirt. 1. He to have on a linen Garment, "hich lignined Chrifl:'s Righteoufnefs, ~vhich all that app,ear accepted befDfe the Lord, murt have on. 2. A Girdle, which as Ainfwortb, and divers others oblerve, fignified that ConCtancy and Stability that was in Chrifl:, who is as firm as a Rock ; as allo to fhew how fixed and fl:able all God's People fhould be, being girt about with the Girdle of Truth and Verity, and fa prepared ready, and fl:rengthened to every good Work. 3· A Bonnet, which lignified God's covering and protefting our H ead from all Dancrers, and in him, us, that no Evil may befal us, /'The High Priefl: was to have an Ephod, not of Wool, nor Silk, but of Linen, the Matter of which rifeth out of the Eartb, which Jignifieth, faith Or. 'J'aylor, that holy Flefh of Chrilt, which vai.!td his Deity, as a Garment; it was a long white Gar– ment, ficrnifying the abfolute Righteoufnefs of Chriil:; which is long enoug!' to cover all our Nakednefs. it was adorned with two Onyx Stones, and in them the Names of the twelve Tribes e11graven, which he carried on his Shoulders; fignifying that the Names of the Godly are not lightly written, but engraven in the Love and Mem()ry of Chrirt, that Chrirt fhould carry hi' Church and People upon his Shoulders, or fupport them by his own Strength; Alfo the two On)'>' Stones, with the Names of th~ Children . ~