!look IV. OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. of lfrael engraven upon them, and wore upon the High Prieft's Shoulder, was a great Ornament to him: So Chrift looks upon his People to be as precious Stones, and Jewels to him. 5· The H 1gh Prieft was to have on, the Breaft-Plate of Judgment, the moft precious Part of all his Garments. . ( 1.) In refpeEt of the twelve coftly and glittering Stones, which were to be fet in four Rows, according to the Number of the Tribes of /fracl: Thefe Stones fignified the !hining Grace and Holinefs of Chrifl:, not only as it !hone forth in his own Perfon, but alfo as it is communicated to all his faithful Children, thefe .Stones !hone gloriouOy-: So do the Saints in Grace, and true Gofpel Purity. (2.) Thefe Stones were of great Worth and Value; fignifying what a yalue J ef:Js Chnlt puts upon his Church, they are as precious Stones, and coftly Jewels in his efl:eem, though Oightcel·and contemned by Men. (3.) They were fet in the PeCtoral, and Aaroll mufl: carry them on his Heart; figni– fying that Chrift hath as much Care of his own People, as if they were inclofed in his Heart; they lie near him, and are always upon his Heart, and in his Mind. (4.) In number Twelve, according to all the Tribes; noting there is room enough in Chrill:'s Heart for every particular Saint, he loves them all, bears them all upon his Heart, before the Throne of God. (5.) They ll:ood in four Rows in a comely 0!:1adrangle; fignifying the comely Order that Chrill: hath placed in his Church, fome in a higher, and fome in a lower Rank. (6. ) All the Srones, and fo confequently all the Names of the Children of /fracl, ftood in the Breall:-Piate in a narrow Compafs: So by Chrift all the Children of God are gathered together, and fweetly vailed through the Spirit in Love: In the Breall:-Piate al1o, was the Urim and 'l'hummim, which the R.1bbi David, a Jew, faith, It is unknown to us what tbeje fzgnify; it is thought it was the Workmanfhip of no Man, but a facred Monument immediately received from God, but all the Learned, I have met with, agree they fignified Jelus Chrill:. 1- Their Names, fay fome, fignify Light; others Beauty and J:'erfeebon.; in Chrill: is all Fulnefs of Light, Beauty and PerfeCtion. z. Their Ufe, was to receive by them Anfwers from God, in difficult Cafes, when the Priell: confulted with him, the Oracle by Urinigave certain DireCtion: So Chrifl: is the moll: perfeCt Rt!le and Direction, fhadowed by that. As God fpake then by Urim to the Pridl:; (o now by his own Son, Heb. i. 1, z. Thole who would have their Doubts •refolved, mull: go to the Urim, go to Chrill:, and to his Ordinances, &c. Buc to return back, and fpeak a little further to the Robe of the Ephod, and Bonnet on the Skirts of the Ephod, were fafl:ened, the Pomegranates of blew Silk, and Purple, and Scarlet round about; this Fruit had a moll: plee.fant Smell, fweet in itfelf, and !iveetening other Things, and is full of precious J e~ice and Liquor, Exod. xxviii. 3 r. 2. Bells of Gold between them round abom a golden B"ll and a Pomegranate, &c. this --Vefture or Garment, mighr fignify rhe RighteoufneiS of Chrift's human Nature, and by the (weet Pomegranates, the moft excellent favor of his Rightcoufnefs and Obedience, in the Noll:rils of God the Father, in the behalf of Ma11; whrch alto in a fpirimal Senfe was full of precious Juice and Virtue, to qualify and abate the raging Heat of God's W1ath; as the Juice of Pomegranates doth a\L1y the b•Jrning Heat of an Ague or Fever; as alto they might fignify what a fwect favor Chrifl:'s Rrghteoufnefs cloth call: upon us, when wrapped, as it were, therein, who by Nature are in a ftinking and loathlome Condition. 3· As to the golden Bells they might figure forth the blerTed Sound of the Gofpel; or, as fame underftand~ Chrift's vilible owning of us now in HeJven, and our public owning of him on Earth, which muft be fincere; \ve muft not only make a Sound, but alfo have good Fruit; we muft not only have a \Vord for God, but a Work for God; a Bell, a Pomegranate, a \\'ord, and a \Vork. 6. The High Priefl: mull: be heard when he goeth into the Sanctuary; Ggoifying, faith Dr. 'l'aylor, the Power of Chrift, our Higl> l'rie!t's perpettul lnterceffion, being entered into the tnle SanCtuary, viz. Heaven itfdf for us. As touching the Mitre, or Bonnet upon the Pritft's Head, made of blue Silk, and fine Linen, like to an half Coronet, beautified with a golden Plate, on which was writ– ten Holineis to the Lord. 1. The Mitre might not only fignify God's covering and protecting our Head the Lord Jefus, and us in him, but alfo his kingly Dignitv. 2. The golden Plate in which was written Holinefs to the Lord, figured focrh in a moft con– fpicuous Manner; that moft divine and perfect Holinefs of th.e Lord om Righteoufnefs, 11 N the