Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

AN ANT HIt 0 P0 PATH Y. Book I. The Son of God is faid to tome d9wn from lleaven, when he affumed human Nature, and manifd'red himfelf to Mm in Order to their Salvation, Jolm iii. 1 3· and vi. j8, .p, 50. The Holy Spirit is fa id to come down, when in the vifible Appearance of a Dove he manifefled himfelf rd'ring upon Chrijl, }lfatth. iii. 16. Mark i. 10. Luke iii. 22. John i. 32, 33· In another Signification God promifed that he would go down with Jacob into Egypt, that is, that his Grace and ProteCtion lhould accompany him in that Way, Gm. xxvi. 4· RIDING is afcribed unto God, by which his glorio\1s Operation is noted, which he ·exerts in the Heavens, in Tempeft:s and orherwife, Deut. xxxiii. 26. '!'here is none like unto the God of Jefuruu, who rideth upon tbe Heaven. Pfa!.!xviii. 33· 'I'o him that rideth upon the Heaven of Heavens. Likewife his Speed and Celerity, in the Execution of his Judgments, Pjal. xviii. 10. He rode up011 a Cherub, and did fly, yea he .did fly upon the Wings of the Wind. So !fa. xix. 1, &c. ToMeet or Meetiltg with a Perfon is afcribed to God, and fignifies either his Manifeft:a– tion, as Numb. xxiii. 4, 16. or his Grace and Beneficence, as !fa. lxiv. 5· God is faid to return to his Place, which fignifies a fending of Punilhment, Hof v. 15. for when Men are affliCted, and Help is delayed, God feems to be abfent from them. Judg. xvi. 13. Lam. iii. 43, 44· A RETURNING on High, fignifies his going into his judicial Throne, or Divine Judgment itfelf, Pfal. vii. i· A returning to the Godly, fignifies the taking-away of Sin and !he Exhibition of Grace. Pfa!. vi. 4, 5· Zech. i. 3· By his RISING up his Divine Purpofe with RefpeCl to his great 'Vorks is noted, Numb. x. 35· Pfa!. xii. 5, 6. ·x]iv. a6, 27. lxviii. 1, 2. and cii. '4· !fa. xxxiii. 10. The Holy Ghoft cotT)ing upon one, figni6es that he works in a fingular Manner in and by him, Luke i. 35· Arts i. 8. which Luke xiv. 49· is to be endued with Power from on High. .11 PASSING througb, or palling over, is arrribmed to God, Exod. xii. 12, 13. Amos v. 17. by which Divine Punifl1ment is noted, fometimes a Forbearance from punifhing, as Amos vii. 9. viii. 2. with i. 3· Micab vii. 18. Prov. xix. 11. noEl Pefach or Pefcha, the Paffover takes its Name from hence, Exod. xii. 13, 23. So it is ufed in the Deli– verance of the People from the Babylonijh Captivity, !fa. xxxi. 5· Dan. v. 30. VISIT.lltiON is afcribed to God, by which either his Exploration, that is, a diligent Search, Notice or Knowledge of Things, Pfal. xvii. 3· or a real Exhibition of his Grace and Benefits is noted, Gen. xxi. 1. Pfal.lxv. 9,.10. and cvi. 4· ]er. xxix. 10. Lt!ke xix. 44, &c. Sometimes it denotes Wrath and Punilhmenr, Exod. xxxiv. 7· Pfal. lix. 6. !fa. xxvii. 1. Jer. vi. 6. and xv. iii. Sometimes a diligent SEARCH is attributed to God, Ezek. xx. 6. To bring them forth our ofthe Land of Egypt, to the Land which I Jearcbed om for them, fo it is in the Hebrew, flowing with Milk and Honey; the Land of Jud.ea is commended (fays 'jtmius*) by the Providence and Choice of the Eternal God, becaufe (as if it were by Search) he had provided it for a moll commodious Seat, where after they had call out their Ene– mies they were to rcfl, &c. the like is faid of the Ark of the Covenant, Num. x. 33· SEEKING which is done by going up and down, is alfo afcribed ro God, fignifying his Defire and ferious Will, Ezek. xxii. 30. John iv. 23, &c. FINDING our Iniquity is attributed likewife to God, when he chaft:ifes and punifhes in \oVrath, Gen. xliv. 16. He is faid to find his Enemies, when he lays condign Punifhment upon them. He is faid to find David his Servant, when out of fing,1lar Lov.e and Providence he elected and made choice of him, Pfal. lxxxix. 20. Afls xiii. 22. In which Senfe he is alfo faid to Jeek him, 1 Sam. xiii. 14. The