g66 M 0 SE S's V A I L RE M QV E D; Book IV. the H olinefs of his Perfon, the Holinefs of his Nature, the Holinefs of all his ACtions and PalTwns; his 1-lolinefs, who is the Caufe, Stream, and Original of all our Holi– r.efs, that is accepted of God. Fourthly; The Prieft was a Type of Chrifr in the Execution of his Office. 1. The Priefr mufr kill rhe Sacnfices? and none but he; fignifying Jefus Chrift's vo– luntary Acbon, m laymg down .lm Ltfe for us, _none could take it away from him; John x. ~ ~- he w.1s as well the Pneft as the Sacnfice. 2. The Prieft offc·n-d the Blood of the Sacrifices to God, and fprinkled it on the Altar. no Man might ofl(r his own Sacrifice, but he muft brin<> it to the Prieft; fi"urino- ther~ was no coming to God but by Chrilr, who offered up "his own Blood to a~one tor our Sins; no other con affcr any Sacnfice to take away Sin, but him alone, Lev. vii. 4 . 3· The Prieft prepared the Body of the Sacrilice, flead it, divided it irto fcvera! Parts, wafhed the Entrails, put Fire unto the Burnc-Ofterings, confumed the Fat, cafr the Filth and Dung into the. Place ot ,'\ O,es, &c. fignifying that Chrilt alone did the whole Work of our Redcmptton, he fuffered the H eat of God's V'v'rath and Juftice, he puts away all our Filth, and covers it in his own Grave, and wa01eth us in the Foun– tain of·his own Blood, &c. L ev. i. 6. 4· The Prieft was to teacn the People, The Pri.jl's Lips mujf preferve K11ow!edge, and thou Jhn!t feek the Law at bis .~1outb; Mal. ii. 7· this f.gured forth Chrift in his prophe– tical Office, who is the great DoCtor and Teacher of God's Mind and Will to rhe Chil– dren of Men, it is he who bath the Tongue of the Learned, fo that never Man fpake like him, it is he who hath the ~Vords of everlaftiog Life, Pfa!. xlv. 2. 5 . The Prief:s were to preferve the Oil for Lights, and the Incenle, and for the daily Meat-Offering, and the anointing Oil, &c. figmfying that Jefus Chrili: is the Preferver of all Grace, in and for his Church, he only watcheth for the fafety of his People, he prefen·es the Light of Grace and good Works in us, and the Oil ot Gladnefs from de– caying in our Lamps and Vdfels, Luke xxiv. 50. There were fome ACtions more peculiar to the High Priefr. , . He mult daily drefs the holy Lamps and Lights, Morning and Evening, before the Lord, to preferve the Lights from going out: So Chrift prei<:rves the Light of h;s Word ancl Gofpel from being put out, though Men and Devils with all their Might have endeavored w do it, Lev. xxiv. 2, 3· 2. He muft weekly make the Shew-Bread, and fet it before the Lord continually, and, more exprefsly, C\'ery Sabbath he muft fer on the Table twelve Loaves, according to theN umber of the Tnbes of fji-t?el, and take the old away, &c. Exod. xxv. 30. In this he was a Type of Chrilt, who fets himlelf continually in the Minifrry of the Word, as the Subltance and Anti-type of the Shew-Bread, before the Children of Ylen, efpe– cially to feed and lrrengthen his own Children, nay, and brings forth fre01 Food, new Bread for them every Sabbath. 3· He mufr yearly, an.d that in the Day of Expiation, go into the Holy of Holies, to make an Atonement fur himftlf, for his Houfe, and for all the I' eoplc, but not withcur Blood; fignifying; that Chrilt by one alone Sacrifice of himfelf, hath opened the Sanc– tuary of Heaven, and hy his Afcenfion bath made Entrance into it on our behalf, and there appears betore God once for all to make lntercelTwn for us. The Prieft wenr alone without any Attendants: So Chrift hath trod the Vvine-Prcfs alone, no Compe– titor, no Companion h:ah he in this Work, and now pleads alone, as our own, and only Mediator, by vtrtl'e of his own Blood, at the Father's Right-hand; 'There is cne, t hat is but one, Mediator, between God and Man, &c. 4 . The Hio-h Pricft continually was to ckcide the higheft Controvcr.fies, he mufr judge between the Clean and the Unclean, he muli: put the one out, and receive the other inro tlte CongregatiOn; lignifying that Chrili: only, Chrift alone is the fupreme Judge of all Conrroverfrcs, it is his Word only that can decrde the Cafe, who IS Clean, and who Un– clean, who is to be pm out, and who to be taken into his Church, Exod. xxx. 10•. ,Lev.xvi, 2. lleb.x. 12, '9· TilE