Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book IV. . OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. THE TABERNACLE, AND WHAT IT WAS THE TYPE OF. THETabernacle in fame vefpect, according .to the Learned, was a Type of Chrift's human Nature. .. . ( 1.) It was exceeding glorious within, all the inward Parts thereof were overlaid with pure Gold. This might fignify how the human Nature of the Son of God was covered with the Deity; that being the true Tabernacle that God hath pitched, and not Man. St. John faith, the Word dwelt, or rabernacled amongft us, [peaking of his being in our Flelh, or taking upon him our Nature, it being conceived by the Holy Ghoft, and n.ot erected by Man. (2.) The Tabernacle was the Place wher.e God met with his People; now God meets with his People in Chrirt, it is in and through him, we .come to know or have the true :Revelation of his \Nill, and enjoy his gracious Prefence, &c. Thofe who would be ac– .cepted with ·God, and worlhip him aright, mull: wait at the Door of this fpiritu al Tabernacle. Others underftand by the T abernacle, the Church, or mynical Body of ChriO:, wherein God graciouOy dwells, and hath promiled' alfo to meet his People. 1. It was moveable, lignifying the troublefome State of God's People, whiiO: they pals through the Wildernefs of this World. 2. The Tabernacle had three Places. r. The outward Court, where ll:ood the brazen Altar. 2. The holy Place. 3· The Holiefl: of all. In the tirfl:, it typifies forth the vifible or outward Form of the Church, in refpect of the exrernal Exercife of Religion and \Vorlhip, hither the common People may come. The fecond typi– fied out the fpiritual State, or more clofe and holy Fellowlhip of ·the Church, which none have Admittance into, but fincere and fanctifiecl Perlons, who feed upon the fpi– ritual and true Shew. bread, Jefus Chrifl:. The third typi5ed [.leaven itle.!f, or the Church of God triumphant, where Chrifl: is fet clown in G!Ofy, at his Father's Right– h2nd, to intercede for us. 3· The Entry to the Holieft of all, was by the holy Place, and to the holy Place, was by the outer Court, &c. So our Entry into Heaven, is by being·Members of the viGble Church, through Faith, and a good Coufcience. He that would enter into the I lolieft of all, mull: lid( be holy; and he that would c~me into a St.ate of true Holi– nefs, anJ Communion with God and his People, mult learn to know where the Candle– fiick and true Shew·bread !lands, which is the vifible Church. +: You read of the fixed Pillars of the holy Ploce ; they might fignify the holy A ponies of Jefus Chrift, and his faithful Min ifters, who help to lupport the fpiritual StruGI:ure, the·Church, as Pillars ·do fupporr a 1-loufe, &c. 5· The divers Ornaments· and Inft ruments thereof, might ·lignify the Diverfity of fpimual Gifts and Graces in the Gofpel-church; the Tabernacle was exceeding glo– rious within, and all the inward Parts thereof were overlaid wilh pure Gold: So in– wardly, the Church of God is very beautiful, the King's Daughter is all glorious within, Ex,d. xxxv. Pfal. xlv. . 6. The feveral Coverings thereof, typified the Lord's {ure "nd fafe Protection of .his Church, by his own immediate Power and gracious Miniflration of Angels. · 7· Gold within, and Skins without; might fignify, though the Church is glorious within, yet outwardly, to the Sight and V1ew of carnal Men, lhe hath no Beautv, but is looked upon as contemptible. · 8. The Tabernacle and all the Innruments thereof; yea, the very Alh-pans, and Snuffers of the Candlef\ick, muft be made according to the Pattern fhewed in the Mount; which figured forth, that the Church of God, and all the Exercife of \Vor– fhip that is therein, whether DoGI:rine or Difcipline, muft be exactly according to the exprefs written \Vord ; nothing mull: be added to, nor dimini01ed from , no Alterati– ons one Way or other mull: be made, Exod. xxv. 40. . 9· The voluntary Oblation of the People to build the Tabernacle; · fignifies how willing Chrill:ians fhould be to contribute of t·heir outwa.-d Subttance to uphold God'• Church, and the public Worfhip thereof. 10. The glorious Door of the Tabernacle; might be a Figmc of Chrift, wlio faith, I am the Door, Jobn x. 7· it is by him we enter into the Kingdom of Grace and Glory. THE