g68 M 0 SE S's V A I L RE M 0 V E D: Book IV•. THEVAlLoF·THE HOLIEST, AND WHAT ISFIGUREDFORTH,Exod. xxvi. 3 r. I. JT was glorious, of embroidered Work; this faith Guild, Cignified the Body of Chrift, filled with the Fulnefs of God, or beautified with all the moft excellent and heavenly Graces of the Spirit, Heb. vii. 26. II. It was replenifhed and wrought full of Cherubims; noting thereby that fervice– able and ready Attendance of the Angelson Chrift's natural and myftical Body, John i. 51. Ill. It was borne up by glonous and coftly Pillars, overlaid with Gold, on Sockets of Silver; to fhew that the Humanity of Chrift, efpecially in his Sufferings, ihould be borne up by his Deity, which his Manhood overvailed. IV. By the Vail only, there was Entry into the holieft Place of all: So by the Vail, that is to fay, the Fleih of Chri!t, which was rent, as it were, upon the Crofs, a new and living Way is made for us to the Father, Heb. .x. 20. THI> A R K A T y·p E OF c H R I s T. ·I. THE Ark was an Alfurance of God's Prefenee .amongft his People: So Chrift IS the Caufe and Alfurance, that God 10 a grarwus Way IS prefent with us. II. Where the Ark was, there it was lawful to offer Sacrifice, and no where elfe · Which might.ihew that our Acceptance in God's Sight, is through J efus Chrift. lfChrill: dwell not in our Hearts by Faith, if we have not the Ark with us, Chrift with us, God will not accept of our Prayers nor Service. Ill. In the Ark was the Pot of J'.1anna; to £hew, that in C:hrift is the Life, Comfort, and fpiriwal Nourifhment for our Souls. IV. The Ark had a Crown of Gold round about it; !ignifying the Majefiy of Chrift's Kingdom, or his regal Power. .V. The two Tables were in the Ark, the Ark kept them; which might !ignify Chrift's keeping the Law perfectly for us, and deliver us thereby from the Curfe of ir. VI. When the Ark was fet in the Temple of Dagon, Dagon fell down and broke to pieces: So when Chrifr, and his Truth, are fet up in a Man:s Heart, or a Nation, Sin and Idolatry will go down. VU. ·Where the Ark was, there was the Glory of God; and when that departed, the Glory of God departed: So where Chrift's blelfed Truth and · Gofpel is, there is the Glory of God, but when Chrift leaves a People, tzkes away his Gofpel, the Glory of God goes from that People. ·Some run a Parallel between the Church and the Ark; others between the public Worihip of God and it: But in my Judgment, it more clearly was a Type of Chrifr,., ,which may coq1prehend much of .what they iay in refpeC\ of other Things. THE MERCY-SEAT, .A TYPE oF CHRIST, Exod. xxv. p. I. IT was called the Mercy-feat, or, as ./li!Jf<l)orth gives it from the Hebrew Vlord, a Propitiation·covering; this, faith the Apollle, appheth to Chrifr, called God's Propitiation; it is in Chrilt, Mercy is truly feared; and it is he that hath.made a Propitiation for our Sins; I John ii. 2. · I!. It was the Cover of the · Ark where the two .Tables lay. : ·So Chrift is rhe true Cover, and Deliverer from the Curfe and Accufation of the Law, Roll'. iii. 2.2. HI. It was of pure Gold, noting the fpotlefs Holinefs of Chrilt. . lV. Upon the Mercy-feat were two Cherubims; thefe Cherubims !ignified the holy Ancrels, they ftretched their Winos on high, covering or ihadowing fo the Mercy– feat~ This Word is ufed for Prot;Cl:ion or Defence from Ev.il, faith the learned Ainf worth. And doubtlefs, it mi<>ht !ianify the Ufefulnefs of Angels in Chrit1:'s fpiritual Kincrdom; the·y looked c\own°upon"the Mercy-fear, ognifying the Myfiery of Chrifl's Jnca~nation, or God manifefted in the Fle01, which 'fhi11gs the .Angels drjircd to look into, , 1 Pet. i.. 12. Hence the Apofrle faith in another Place, He was Jwz of .Angels, feen 3 With