Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book IV. OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. With Delight and Admiration. Some by the Mercy-feat and Cherubims, underfiand the Holy Trinity in Unity, viz. by the Mercy-feat, beino- a Fio-ure of Chrifl· and the two Cherubims, the Father and the Holy Ghofl:; and by tl~ two Cherubi~s at the End of the Mercy-fear, they underfland Chrifl's il:andino- between God and the Rigor of his J uf\ice, God looking on the Law, through Chrift, as fulfilled by him, for us~ and from hence commumng with us: Bur that the Father !hould be reprefemed to us m the Figure of one of the Cherub1ms; I fee no ground for it, forasmuch as we read of no Similitude of the Father, fave the Perfon of Chrifl: o,nly, fo Deal. iv. rs. THE TABLE OF SHEW-BREAD A TYPE OF CHRIST. I. JT was covered over with Gold, and a Crown about it; noting faith Guild, the Purity of Chrifl:'s Humanity, with the Glory of his Deity, and Majefl:y of his Kingdom. I!. It had Food, called Shew-bread, fer upon it, which none were to eat of but the Priefl:; qnly fignifying that fpiritual Nouriilimcnt which is in Chrifl:, the Bread of Life, which none receive or partake of, but Believers only, or the royal Priefl:hood of the Faithful. Ill. The Bread was always to be upon the Table; fignifying, in Chrifl: there is Food continually for our Souls. IV. There was much Bread, twelve Cakes, or fquare Loaves, 'Se. fignifying, in Chritt there is Food and Nourilhment enough, for all who fee a Neceffity of him; or it cloth !hew how plentifully God feeds his EleCt; his Poor !hall not want Bread, his Table is always fpread, always richly and abundantly furni!hed. THE CANDLESTICK A TYPE OF CHRIST, AND OF I-llS M Y S T I C A L B 0 D Y. I. J T was the only Thing that held the Light, which enlightened the SanCtuary: So from Chri!t all the Light of Grace and fpiritual Gifts come, for the Ufe and Be– nefit of his Church. I!. lt had feven Lamps, to fignify that PerfeCtion of Light that is in Chrifl:. Ill. It was placed in the SanCtuary : So is Chrif\ as a glorious Light placed in his Church, or fpirirual SanCtuary ; Out of Zion the Perfellion of Beauty, God bath jhined. Some by the Lamps, underfl:and the Mini!ters of the Gofpd were fignified. IV. It had an upright Stem, which bore the many Branches that ilfuecl or proceeded from the lame: Typifying Chrifl: Jefus that true and blelfed Stalk and Fountain of Light, from whom all Light floweth, and who bears up and keeps confl:anr in th~ Truth, all the Branches, and true Light-Bearers of his Word, Rev. i. 20. V. The Branches were adorned with Bowls, Knobs and Flowers, &c. So are the Minifl:ers of his Gofpel, or true fpiritual Light-Bearers, with many rare and mofl: ex– cellent Graces and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. ·v!. Aaron drelfcd thofe Lamps, and renewed their Oil daily: So our High Priefl: Jefus Chrifl:, is the only Enlightener and Fitter of his faithful Minifiers. That they may !hine more clearly, and be the greater Ornament to his Church, it is he that fop– plies them continually with his Spirit, and the faving Graces thereof. VII. The Candlefl:ick had Snuffers, and Snuff-di!hes of pure Gold; which might figure forth the good and o-odly Di!Cipline of the Church, whereby thofe evill'er• fons who hinder the Peace a~d Glory of it, are taken away by Excommunication. THE ALTAR OF PERFUME A TYPE OF CHRIST, Exod. xxx. I to I 3. 1. THE Altar was made of Shiltim, Greek, incorruptible Wood, or Wood that never rots, overlaid with Gold, and ~aving a Crown about it, as had the Ark : This u 0 AltaC