MOSES's VAIL REMOVED: Book IV. Altar fignilied Chrift in both his Natures, his Deity yielding Glory to his- Humanity, and now crowned With Glory and MaJefty at God's Right-hand, where he abid~s fur ever incorruptible, &c. I!. The Altar had Horns on the four Corners thereof; overlaid with Gold, which 'vere not only for Ornament, but to keep Things from falling off the Altar, for the Horns were upward, Ezek. xliii. 16. Heb. iii. 4· And Horns ufually fignify Power and Might; thefe four Horns, faith the learned Ainfworth, fignilied the Power and Glory of Chrift's Priefthood, for the Salvation of his Church, gathered from tne fot 1 r Corners of the Earth. Ill. The lncenfe was only to be offered upon this Altar; to fhew that all our Pray– ers and Services muft be performed in Chrift's Name, or offered up upon the aolden Altar of his Mediation, Rev. viii. 3, 4, 5· " IV. The Incenfe was to be firft beaten, made fit, and well prepared, before it was to oe ptit on the Altar; noting how our Prayers, which are compared to Jncenfe, ouahr to proceed from a humbl~, contrite and broken Spirit, which we offer up in the Nam~of J efus Chrift, Pfal. xli. 2. and li. V. The lncenfe was kindled by Fire upon the Altar: So muft our Prayers be holy and fervent; we mufr pray with much Zeal, or be fer on fire by the Spirit and pow– erful Heat and Operation thereof, if we would have them accepted upon the golden Altar, &c. Vt. The Incenfe was offered up by the Prieft: So are the Prayers of all the Saints made acceptable to the Father, through the Oblation and lnterceffion of our Highc Prieft, Rev. viii. 3• 4• 5· . VII. No (\range Incenfe was to be offered upon this Altar. This figured, the Pray– ers of the Sain·rs mull: be according to the \Vill of God, by his Spirit, and in Faith, not in a vain or fo'rmal Manner, after the Tradition of Men; we mull: not intermix them with any fuperftirious and idolatrous Devices, or human Inventions, we mull: offer up r.o firange Prayer, no Prayer to Saints nor Angels, Matt. xxi. 22. 1 John v. 14. Rom. viii. 26. VIII. The Perfame was to be perpetually before the Lord ; which fignified not only the continual Exercife of Prayer, which daily we fhould ufe, but alfo the perpetual Interceffion of our Savior, in the Heavens, for us, Heb. vii. 25. IX. The High Prieft only made this Perfume, and it might not be applied to any Qther ufe, than to burn before the Lord; teachi10g us that Chrift only gives Direction how we lhould pray, and that we fhould in Prayer only dcfign the Glory of God. X. After the Clearing of the Lamps of the Candleftick, Evening and·Morning, then the Incenfe was burnt, lhewing that all our Prayers and Duties mull: be according to the Directions of God's Word and Spirit. XL The Incen1e was made of divers Spices: So mull: the Prayers of the Godly be feafoned with divers Graces, viz. true Repentance, lively Faith, and unfeigned Love, XII. The. Incenfe was offered up in the holy Place, without the Vail of the Holieft, near to the Teftimony before the Mercy-feat: So we mull: always have an Eye to Chrift in our Prayers, who is the true Mercy-feat, we muft come to God by him, &c. XIII. Once a Year the Altar was fprinkled with the ·Slood of the expiatory Sacri– fice; fignifying how Chrift is, by lhedding of his Blood, confecra:ed our bldfed Medi– ator, and that no Prayer is acceptable to God, but through Fatth, m the Blood of Chnlt. THE ALTAR OF BURNT-OFFERING A TYPE OF CHRIST, Exod. xxvii. r to 9· PAR ALL EL S. . · I. ALTAR, in Hebrew, Mizbeach; in Greek, 'Iht!fiojlerion; fo named ofSacnfices offered rhereon; it was anointed, dedicated, fanEtified, to be moll: holy, that It might fanctify the Gifts offered thereon: This Altar and Sacri_fice, fignified Jefus Chrift, fanctifying himfelf for his Church an? People, that fo he might fanEt1fy them. II. This Altar was bi.1t one, and m one Place, and the Sacnfice only to be offered upon it.; fignifying theteby•that we have but one Altar of Redemption and SalvatiOn, 2 V/:0,