Book IV. On, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. 971 viz. Jefos ChriO: alone; who only once, and in one Place, offered up a fufficient and unreiterable Sacrifice for the Sins of Mankind. III. This Altar had four Horns all<>. See Altar of lncmfe. IV. It',bad a brazen Gate in the Mid{[ of it, which let the Afh'es and like Thin<Ys fall tnrough, &c. whereon the Fire was pm, which might li<>nify two·Thincrs: 1. The Humanity of our Sa:vior, who bore the Fire of God's Wra~h for our Sins ; 0 thus Guild, !fa. liii. 12. 2. lt Jignifieth, faith Ainfworth, the Place wherein the holy Fire always bornech; rhat is, the Heart whieh fL>ibineth alfo the Sacrifice, and where all Afhes and Exe'remenrs of Corruption are inwardly conveyed away, as they are difcoveted by the Word and Spirit of God ; as alfo eur SanCtification by Affiidion, 2 Tim. i. 3· Rom. i. I, 2. Heb. vii. 14. ' V. In that the Altar was to be made of flhittim Wood, and overlaid with Brafs, that it mlght endure tlie Fire; i(might figure out the hllman Nature of ChriO:, fupported or foila1nl!d by the Deity, to endure God's Wrath for our Sins. . VI. They that ferved at the Altar, lived of the Altar: So they who preach the Gof– pel, fhoold live of the Gofpel. D I S P A R I T Y. THE Altar \vas one Thing, and the Sacrifice another: But ChriO: is both the Altar, Sacrifice, and Sacrificer tOo ; lie offered up his Body by the eternal Spirit, as a Sacrifice acceptable to God the Father. THE BRAZEN LAVER, WHAT IT WAS A TYPE OF, Exod. xxx. 18 to 25. 1. THE Brazen La~er ferved for the PrieO:hood to wafh their Hands and Peet in, before they miniflered before the Lord; typifying that inward Wafhing by Chrifl's Blood, where\vith all the holy Priefthood of Chrift muft be fanctified in Heart and Life, before their Services can be accepted in the Sight of God ; and that none ought to minifter the Word· of Life but godly Perfons, who are wafhed in the Laver of Regenerll{ion: Ulfto the !Vieked God faith, What hafl thou to do to take my Words into thy M•utb? &c. Pfal. I. I!. Af<er the Priefts had wafhed themfelves clean, and arrayed themfelves, they entered into the holy Place : So after the Godly are inwardly wafi1ed by the Blood of Chrift, and have received by Faith his Righteoufnefs to adorn them, they become fit Members of the true gofpel Church. Ill. :They jhall wajh themfelves, faith the Lord, left they die ; to fhew that all Per– fons fnuif be purged by Faith in Chrift's Blood, or die eternally, Mark xvi. t 6. IV. He that toucheth, or wafheth, in the Laver, it being anointed with the holy Oil, as all other Things in th'e holy, and moft holy Place were, jhall be holy, f~ith the Lord; fignifying, that all they who by faith touch the Lord Jefus, who is anointed l.vith the Oil of Gladnefs above his Fellows, fhall be fpiriltlally fanCl:ified, accepted, and accounted l10ly before the Lord likewife. THE SACRIFICE OF BEASTS A TYPE OF CHRIST. I. THE Beafts that were appointed for Sacrifice were to have Horns, lignifying the kinglv and prieftly Office of Chrift; Horns, as we have elfewhere fhewn, being a Symbol o( Power, f.:1c. II. They were to be of a tame Sort, not wild and favage BeaO:s, who by Force are brought to the Slaughter; fignifying the Mceknefs a.~d Mildnefs of J efus ChriO:, who was patient, like a Lamb led to the Slaughter, !fa. !111. Ill. They muO: be of the Male-fort, which generally are the ftrongeft; fignifying the Excellency and Strength of Jefus Chrilt. IV. They aught to be without Blemifh, and the beO: of the Flock or Herd, and prefented of voluntary Will; noting two Things, (x.) That ChriO: fhould be per– fetlly