MOSES's VAIL REMOVED; Book IV. fdl:ly holy, and that he fhould wimngly lay down his Life. (2.) That we fhould dedicate to God the befi: of our Days, Time, and Strength, and not offer unto the Lord a corrupt Thing; and alfo perform all our Services to him with a free and will– ing Mind. V. They were to be prefented at the Door of the Tabernacle, to be fiain; fignifying, that Chrift's Blood makes our Entry into the Church of God here, and into Heayen itfelf hereafter. VI. They muft lay their Hands upon the Head of the Beaft, who brought him ; noting thereby, our Sins being laid upon Jefus Chrill:; and that we mull: lay the Hand of Faith upon him, if we would have Benefit by his Death. VII. Then the Burnt-offering was fiain ; fignifying, that fo it behaved Chrill:, the great Anti-type, to be fiain or crucified for our Sins. VIII. The Blood thereof then was fprinkled about the Altar; noting the All-fufli– ciency of Chrilt's Death, and Plenty of his Bloodfi1ed, with the large Spreading or Preaching thereof univerfally throughout th~ whole World, Mark xvi. '5· IX. The Skin thereof was plucked off, and the Flf;fh cut in pieces ; thereby !hew· ing the Grievoufnefs of Chrift's Sufferings. X. The Body, the Head, and the Fat, and all was laid on the Fire; fignifying how Chrift fhould fllffer for us both in Body and Soul; My Soul is exceeding forrowful, evm unto Death, Ifa. liii. 12. XI. This Burnt-offering was called a fweet Savor unto the Lord, which in Chrill:'s Death is folely and only accomplifhed ; for it is thereby God's Wrath is appeafed, and his J uftice fatisfied. XII. The Afhes were to be carried without the Hoft, and put into a clean Place; fhadowing thereby, how Chri!t fhould be buried without the Gates of Jerufalem, in a Tomb wherein never Man lay, and that his Body iliould not fee Corruption. XIII. The Fire which confumed the Burnt-offering came down from Heaven ; fig– nifying, that that Wrath which feized on J efu s Chrift in the Garden, and on th., Crofs, came from Heaven, or that it was God's Wrath, due to us for our Sins, that confumed him. Or, as others, it may be on better Reafon, give it, that that which moved Chrift to fuffcr for Mankind, was wholly his heavenly, facred, and divine Love. XIV. This Fire was to be continually upon the Altar, fignifying the unchangeable– nefs of Chrift's Love to his Elect, and recent Vique of his Death and Merits. THE BURNT-OFFERING OF FOWLS A TYPE OF CHRIST, Lev. i. 14. I. THE Fowls that were appointed for Burnt-offerings, were to be Turtles or Pi– geons, fignifying the Meeknefs and Innocency of Chrift. ll. The Neck of the Fowl was to be pinched with the Nail, that the Blood might go our, but not that the Head fhould be plucked off from the Body; fignifying how Cbrift fhould die and ilied his Blood, yet thereby his Deity, as the Head or principal Part, fhould not be divided from his Humanity; nor yet by his Death fhould he, who is our Head, be taken from his Chl)rch, bm iliould rife again, and be with them by his Spirit for ever, John xiv. Ill. The Blood thereof was ftrained or prelfed out at the Side of the Altar, before it was plucked, and laid upon the Altar to be burned ; fignifying thereby the Straining or Preffing out of Chrift's Blood in his grievous Agony in the Garden, before he was taken, and ftripped to be crucified, &c. Luke xxiv. <1+ THE DAILY SACRIFICE A TYPE oF CHRIST. I. THE daily Sacrifice was a Lamb : So our Savior, not daily, but once for all w~ offered unto the Father himfelf, as a Lamb without Spot. II. It was fiain in the Morning, and in the Evening; to iliew, that Chrift was a Lamb fiain from the Morning of the Creation, or in the Decree of God, from the Foundation of the Work!, though not actually till the Evening of the World, or latter Days. Ill. Ic