Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book IV. OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. 973 Ill. It was to be offered up with fine Flour, beaten Oil, and Wine; to £hew, that Chrift by his Death and Oblation becomes not only a Redemption for us, but alfo fpi– ,ritual Food, Gladnefs, and cheering Comfort. IV. Where this Sacrifice was offered, the Lord promifed and appointed to fpeak unto Jjrac!, and £hew himfelf; lignifying, that in Chrift, and through his Death and Blood– fhed, the new Appointment, or Covenant of his Grace, and Manifeftation of his Love and Favor, is eftabli£hed to his Church, and faithful People, Exod. xxiv. 42. THE SIN-OFFERING A TYPE OF CHRIST. I. THE Blood of the Sin-offering was to be poured out; £hewing how tiie Blood of Jefus Chrill, our true Sin-off<;ring, £hould be poured forth. II. '!'he Priefl, faith the Lord, jhall dip his Finger in the Blood of the Beaft, and Jprinkle thereoffeven <J:imes before the Lord; £hadowing the PerfeCtion of that Expiation and SatisfaCtion for Sin, which Chri£1: £hould make, in the Virtue, ~ality, and Per– petuity thereof; the Number of feven being the Number of Perfection, Heb. ix. 12. Ill. The Prie£1: £hall bring in the Blood of the l:lullock into the Tabernacle of the Congregation; £hewing thereby, how Chri£1: £hould enter into Heaven, by his own Blood, having obtained eternal Redemption for us, Heb. ix. 12. IV. The Priefl: was to take fome of the Blood, and put it upon the four Horns of the Altar; lignifying thereby, that the Preaching Remiflion of Sins by the Atonement of Chri!l:'s Blood, £hould be proclaimed to the four Corners of the Earth, Mark xvi. 15. Matt. xxviii. V. The Bodies of thofe Bea!l:s, whofe Blood was brought into the SanC\uary by the High Prie£1:, was burnt without the Ho£1:, or Camp; fignifying, that Chrift £hould fuffer without the Gate; teaching us alfo to go forth into a public Profeflion, and bear his R eproach, Heb. xiii. II, 12. ' VI. The Prieft was to eat the Sin-offering in the holy Place, whofe Blood was not brought into the Tabernacle of the Congregation; lignifying, that Jefus ChriO: dorh not only reconcile us to God, but alfo fe~d and nouri£h the Souls of all his royal Prie£1:– hood, unto eternal Life. VII. '!'he Priefl jhall make Atonement; frill this is repeated, always lignifying, that it is Chrift, our High Prie£1:, and his Sacrifice only, that makes a real Atonement and Reconciliation for our Sins. THE MEAT-OFFERING, WHAT IT WAS A TYPE oF, Lev. ii. THE Meat-offerings, as Ainfworth obferves, were nine, and all of them came to the Altar: (1.) The poor Man's Meat·offering, Lev. v. 11. (2.) The Jealoufy-ofrer– ing, Numb. v. 15. (3.) The Meat-offering of Initiation, which every Prie£1: offered when he fir!l: entered into his Service, Lev. viii. 26, 28. (4.) The Meat·offering, which the High Prie!t offered every Day, Lev. vi. 20. (5.) The Meat-offering of fine Flour. (6.) The Meat·offering baked on a Plate. (7.) In a Frying-pan. (8.) In an O ven. (9.) Wafers. r. The Mincbah, or Meat·offering, faith he, was primarily a Figure of Chrifl:'s Ob- ·1ation, who gave himfelf for us, an Oblation and Sacrifice to God, for a fweet-fmelling Savor, Epb. ,•. 2. Sacrifice and Oblation, Minchah, thou would<ifl not; but a Body haft tbcu prepared me, &c. Above, whm he Jaid, Sacrifice and Oblation, and Burnl– dlfn-ings fer Sin, thou wouldefl not, &c. '!'hen faid he, Lo, I come to do thy Will, 0 God, &c. b)' whicb Wdl we are Janllified through the Offering of Chrift once f or all, Heb. x. 5, S, 9, ro. So that in the Oblation of Chri!l:'s Body, this legal Service was accom– pli£hed and ended. . ~.. It figured, faith he, the Perfons of Chrifl:ians, who through him are cleanfed and fantl:i6ed, to be pure Oblations unto God. 3· It figured, Jirith he, the Fruits of Grace and good vVorks, that ChriO:ians are to perform both towards God and Men. (1.) Towards God: Let the lifting up of my Hands. faith David, be as the Evening Minchah, or Oblation, Pfal. cxli. 2. So when 11 P God