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974 MOSES's VAIL REMOVED; Book IV. God told the J ews, 1 will not accept a Minchah, or Meat-offering, at your Hands; he addeth, For from lhe Rifing of the Sun, roen to the Going-down of the fame, my Name fball be great among the Geniiles, and in every Place htcenfe jhall be offered unto my Name and a pure Meat-offering, Mal. i. 10, 1 1. Which is fulfilled when Men pray ever; where, lifting up hory Hands, &c. (2.) Towards Men: See Heb. xiii. 16. Phi!. iv. 18. 4· All the Meat-offerings were of Wheaten-flour, except the Jealoufy-offering, and the waved Sheaf, yea, and ought to be of fine Flour ; fignifying the Purity and Per– fection of Chrift, as alfo that we fhould offer our beft Things to the Lord. 5· Oil and Incenfe was put thereon : The Oil, faith he, fignified the Graces and Comforts of the Holy Ghoft; and the Incenfe or Frankincenfe !hewed how accept– able Saints and their Services are unro the Lord, Eph. v. 2. Rom. xii. 1. 6. It muft be brought to the Prieft, and he !hall bring it to the Altar; fhadowino-, that it is by Chrift, and his Oblation, that we and our ' Vorks and Duties are accept~d of God. 7· That which was burnt thereof was a Memorial, and fweet Savor before the Lord; fignifying, that the Death of Chrift, and his Merits, lhould be an eternal Me– morial before his Father, to be merciful unto us. 8. It muft be without Leaven, to !hew, that Chrift was without Sin, and that we muft worihip God in Sincerit'y, without Malice in our Hearts, and without Hypocrify, 2 Cor. v. 9· 9· All Meat-offerings were to be feafoned with Salt, fignifying thereby, that as Salt feafoneth, and keepeth from Corruption; fo Chrift feafoneth us, and all our Ser– vices, and makes them acceptable to God; and that his Grace preferveth us from fpi– ritual Corruption. 10. '!'he Prieft and his Sons fball eat, faith the Lord, of the Meat-offering in the holy Place, without Leaven. Thus, faith Ainfworlh, the Meat-offering fignified the Main– tenance and Livelihood of God's Minifters. This is to be underftood of the Meat– offering alone; but the Meat and Drink-offerings added to other Sacrifices, were not to be eaten, but burnt, and poured all upon the Altar, &c. before the Lord; which figured forth, faith he, the Graces and good Works whereby we honor Chrift, and relieve his poor Saints ; as alfo our Communion with Chrift and his People in his Houfe, and blelfed Participation of his Death._ 1 1 , It mu.(t have 90 Honey m tt; though Honey be fweet, and contrary to the Na– ture offour.Leaven;yet being much eaten, it breedeth Loathfomentfs, and is not o-ood, but turneth to Choler, '&c. Both thefe were forbidden in this Sacrifice, viz. both L~aven and Honey; to fignify the Perfection of Chrift, and the excellent State of Believeri in him, ·as they are fmcere, and without Guile, before the Throne of God and the Lamb.. Befides, it may fignify, that there is enough in Chrift alone, without the Swee,ts of carnal Delights, to fatisfy a gracious Heart. ;-; if Jf~E PEACE-OFFERING, ANDWHATIT WASA TYPEoF,Lev.iii. IN many Things this Offering was alike with the Rites of the Burnt, or Sin-offering, and much of the fame Signification; and therefore we !hall only fpeak to it wherein it differed from them. . His Oblation, or his Korban, which the Greeks tranflate Gift; and fo Korban is by · _the Evangelift expounded, Mark vii. I 1. Peace-offering, or Pay-offering: So Ain[– worth, ( Hebr.) a Sacrifice of Payments, or of Pacification, &c. whereby Men paid ·unto God Confeffion and Thanks for their Peace and Profperiry: 'J'hy Vows are upon ·me, 0 God, I will pay Confej]ions unto thee, Pfal.lvi. 12.- Thefe Sacrifices were of fundry Sorts, either for Confeffion or Thankfgivings, Lev. vii. 1 1, 12. '· The Peace-offering was to be eaten the fame Day, which mig~t fignify how it behoveth us to haften, and not delay to como to Chrift, and keep God's Command– ments; or, as Ainfworth hath it, with Speed, whilft it is called To-day, to be Par– takers of Chrift, eating his Flefh by Faith, and every Day to be thankful to God for all his Mercies, Pfal. cxix. 6o. Heb. iii. 12, 1 3· lf any of the Peace-offering be eatm at all 011 tbe third Day, il jball not, faith the Lord, be accepted, neither fbal! it be imputed ,.