Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book JV. OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. 975 to him tbat offcrcth it; it jha!l be an Abomination, and the Sou/ that eateth it, jhall bear his Iniquity. Which m~y fbew us what a dangerous Thing it is ro deter or put off a hearty CloGng-in with Chrift to an After-rime, &c. On the third Day, what remained was to be burnt, which Ainfworth faith, chiefly lignified Chrifl:'s riling from the Dead on th~ third Day, to abolifh all legal Offerings. 2. The Peace-offerings were to be eaten with Cakes of leavened Bread, and yet with Bread unleavened: The Bread brought with the Sacrifice of Confelflon, as you have it in Maim. Treatife of Offering, was thus prepared: He took twer.ty Tenths, or Bottles, of fine Flour, and made of them ten Bottles leavened, and ten unleavened; the ten that were leavened, he made of them ten Cakes; and the ten that were U n– leavened, he made of them thirty Cakes, equally of every Sort, viz. ten Cakes baked in the Oven, ten Cakes hafl:ily fried, &c. And the Priell: took one of all four Cakes, one of every Sort, &c. Leaven, as it figured Corruption of Nature, Hypocrify, or Malice, as it is noted by Ainfworth, was ufually forbidden in all Sacrifices; but yet Leaven in the Sacrifice of Thankfgiving or Confelflon was accepted, which might hold forth God's gracious Acceptance of us in Chrift being fin cere, fignified by the un– leavened Cakes, notwithftanding our manifold Corruptions and Infirmities, figured by the leavened Cakes. Or, as the learned Author* notes, to fignify how- careful we lhould be to prepare ourfelves, Leaven being ufed fomerimes in a good Senfe, de– noting Grace and alio to teach us to temper our Joys with Sorrow and Afflictions in this Life; as the Prophet's Heart, faith he, was leavened, Pfal. lxxiii. zo. 3· If any unclean P'Yfon, faith the Lord, eat of the Flejh of the Peace-offering, he jhall be cut off from his People, Lev. vii. 20. fignifying the fearful DeftruCl:ion and Punifh– ment that attends all carnal Profe!fors, who dare adventure to rely upon, or partake of Chrift, and yet lead an unclean and wicked Life, I Cor. xi. 4· The Offerer fl1"ll bring the Sacrifice with his own Hand : Teaching m, that every one is to have a particular Faith in God for himittt; in order to his being accepted in Jefus Chriit, and to be himfelf truly thankful unto God. 5· The Heave-offering was fo called, becaufe it was feparated from the Reft, and heaved up towards Heaven, and after given to the Lord; lignifying all our Acknow~ ledgments, that all good Things come down from God ; and to lhew that all our Ways lhould tend Heaven-wards, according to that of the Prophet, 'Ihey jhall dwelt on high, !fa. xxxiii. and of Paul, Our Converfation is in Heaven, &c. Phi!. iii. Orhe iS underll:and, it lignified Chrift's being lifted up upon the Crofs. THE SOLEMN YEARLY SACRIFICE oF THE BULLOCK AND HE-GOAT A TYPE OF CHRIST, Lev. XVI. I. QF the two He-goats it was by Lot, that the one was taken, and the other efcaped, &c. The Manner, faith Ainfworth, was thus: They had two .Lots, the one had written upon it, For Jehovah; and on the other, For aScape-goat. Now God by thefe Lots lhewed ' which of the two he would have die: Figuring clearlv unto them, how that Jefus Chrift, the lively Antitype of them, was to die by God's Decree, or according to the determinate Coonfel of his own Will, that we might efcape eternal Damnation thereby, Acts iv. ll. He on whom the Lot fell, was made a Sin.offering for the People; to ligniir, that Chrift fhould by God's Decree become an Offering or Sacrifice for our Sins. Ill. The Blood of the He-goat, as alfo the Blood of the Bullock, was brought into the ~'ail, and was fprinkled upon the Mercy-feat, on the Eaft Side, which was towards the People: So are the Merits of the Blood of Jefus brought within the Ho– lieft of all, viz. Heaven irfdf, before the Throne of Mercy, pleading for us, Heb. ix. 2 3· IV. The Prieft was to make an Atonement for the holy Place, becaufe of the Un– cleannefs of the Children of lfrael, And fo he }hall do for the 'Iabemacle of the Congregatioll, &c. Lev. xvi. 16. This lhewed the horrible Nature of Sin·:, For though the People never came into the holy Place, much lefs into the moft holy Place; yet fuch was the Power oj' their Iniquities, that the holy Altar, Ark, and Sanctuary irlelf * See 4in/wortb on Lw. vii. 3·