Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

MOSES's VAIL REMOVED; Book IV, was defiled in the Sight of God, and could not be cleanfed without Blood : So our Sins do defile God's Church, and his moll holy Ordinances therein performed, fa that neither we, nor any of our beft Services; can meet with Acceptance, but by the Means of Chrill's Blood and Merits. V. No Man was to be in the Tabernacle, when the High Prieft went in to make 'Atonement, only the High Prieft himfelf, &c. plainly fignifying, that Jefus Chrill our High Prieft, hath no Partner with him in working our Salvation: He his o·wn Self bare our Sins in his Body on the 'l'ree, &c. 1 Pet. ii. 21-. VI. The Altar of Incenfe was fprinkled with the Blood of the killed Goat, lhadow– ing, that Chrift, through the Shedding of his own Blood, lho11ld be confecrated our Intercejfor, and by the Means and Merits thereof our Prayers lhould be accepted, Heb. vm. 6. VII. The High Prie!l: was to caft off his glorious Garments, when he made this Atonement; fignifying, that Chrift lhould be abafed, and lay afide, as it were, his glorious Robes, or vail his Deity, and appear in the Form of a Servant, that fo he might finilh the Work of our Redemption, Heb. viii. 4· Phi!. ii. VIII. The Day of Atonement lhall, faith the Text, be a Sabbath for ever; fha– dowing thereby, that through the Atonement and Expiation of Chrill, he hath ob– tained everlalling Reil for us; and that in his Death, all typical Sacrifices lhould end. IX. Once only in a Year this Atonement was made; to lhew, that not often, but once for ever, without Repetition, Chrift fhould make a perfect Atonement for us bv his own Blood, and thereby enter into the higheft Heavens, to appear in the Prefence of God for us, Heb. ix. 24. THE SCAPE-GOAT A TYPE OF CHRIST, Lev. x. 20, &c. I. THE Scape-goat, called in Hebrew, Azazel, that is, the Goat gone away, &c. was fo .called, becaufe he efcaped alive; reprefenting Chrift J efus alive in his divine Nature, though put to death in his human Nature, or alive after he rofe again from the Dead. 11. He was prefented alive, that by him Reconciliation might be made, and this after the other Goat was facrificed ; fignifying, according to the Learned, two Thinas: (1.) The RefurreB:ion of Chrill. (2·) Our Rifing with him, from the Death of .Sin, to a Life of Grace, by the Operation of the Spirit, &c. lll. Aaron foal! put or lay both his Hands upon the Head of the live Gont, and confefs 6Ver him all the Iniquities of the Children of Ifrael, &c. and he foal! bear them, &c. Lev. xvi. 21. Figuring thereby, how Chrill fhot1ld bear all our Sins, viz. the Punifhment due to them: 'l'he f-ord bath laid on him the Iniquities of us all, Ifa. liii. . IV. And fo the He-goat wasfent into the Wildernefs, or Land not inhabited, which the Greek calleth Abaton, waylefs, or inacceffible; figuring the utter Abolilhing of our Sins by Jefus Chrill, both from the Face of God, that fo they may not appear before him againft us, to condemn us, or be imputed or charged upon us, nor have any Do– minion or Power over us. V. They were to confefs upon the Head of the Goat all thelr Iniquities; fignifyino– if we would have our Sins carried away, and for ever to be forgot, we mu!1: confefs them: &c. By this, fairh Ainfworth, it appeareth, that as the killed Goat figured Chrill killed, or put to death, for our Sins; fo this living Goat figured him alfo, who bore our Griefs, and carried our Sorrows, &c. Ifa. liii. 4, 5, 6. And becaufe Chrill was not e>nly to die for our Offences, but alfo to rife again for onr J ullification; and becaufe thefe two Things could not fitly be lhadowed by one Beall, which the Prie{1: having killed, could not make alive again : Therefore God appointed two, that in the Oain Beall Chrifi'• Death, and in the live Beaft his Life and Victory might be 01adowed. See tlre like Myftery in the two Birds, for the cleanfing the Leper. 2