Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book IV. OR,. T Y P E S EXPLAIN E D. 977 THE SACRIFICE OF THE RED-HEIFER A TYPE OF CHRIST, Numb. xix. I. THE Col0ur of this Beat1: was red. As other Sacrifices of Beafis prefigured ·Chrirt; fo this, faith Ainfworth, in fpecial figured him. Red Ggni5ed his hu– man Natme, and Participation of our Afflictions, and the Bloodinels of his Agcny, and grievous Paffion. I I. She muft be wid>out Blemiih, and upon whom never Yoke came : This Ggnified the perfect H olinefs of Chritt, who never bore the Yoke of Sinfulnefs, nor was fu bject to the Laws or Precepts of Man. Ill. The Heifer was burned without the Hot1:, and her Blood {prinkled feven Times before the Tabernacle of the Congregation, which Ggnified Chri!l.'s Suffering without the Gates of Jerujalem, Heb. xiii. II, 12. CIRCUMCISION, WHAT IT WAS A TYPE OF. ;J. CIRCUMCISION was the Cutting off the Forefkin of the Flen,; Ggriifying the Cutting off the Lut1:s of the Heart and Life, or parting with the Corruption .of Nature, which rebels againt1: the Spirit, Col. ii. 11. Il. Circumci!ion puts the Body to pain: So thofe who come under the Circumci– fion of the Heart, are fen!ible of much fpiritual Pain upon the Account' of Sin, Gen. xliii. 25. 11!. As that Part cur off was never fer to the Body again, but was taken quite away: :So in this fpiritual Circumcifion, Sin mull not be parted with for a Time only, buc muft be caft off for ever. ' IV. The circumcifed Perfon was admitted into the Church and Family of God : :So he that is fpiritually circumcifed becomes a fit Perfon for Baptifin, and fo to be ad– mitted into the Church of God. V. Such who were not circumcifed, were not eo be admitted to the Privileges of the Church, and outward Worlhip of God : So the U ncircumcifed in Heart and Lite <Jught not to be admitted unto the fpiritual Privileges of the Gofpel, and Communion of the Saints. · Vl. The uncircumcifed Perfon was looked upon by God's People as an hateful Perfon ; fee with what Contempt David beheld Goliath upon this Account, This un– .circumcifed Philiftine, &c. 1 Sam, xvii. So thofe who are not circumcifed .in Heart, are hateful w God. V1!. Circumci!ion was a Sign of the Righteoufnefs of Faith: So the fpiritual Cir- · .cumci!ion of the Heart, i. e. putting away the Body of Sin, &c. is a Sign of the Truth of Grace, and of an Intereft in the Righteoufnefs of Chrift Jefus. THE ROCK WHICH WAS SMITTEN, OUT OF WHICH CAME WATER, WAS A TYPE OF CHRIST, Exod. xvii. And that Rock was Chrift, viz. a Figure of him, 1 Cor. x. 4· :1. JT was a Rock which in Appearance is dry and barren, and a very. unlikely Thing ro afford Water: So Chrift in his outward State, in the Days of htS Flelh, feemed •very unlikely to carnal Eyes, to afford fuch fpiritoal of Grace and Salvation. ll. It feemed wonderful, that it fhould fend forth Water in fuch Abundance: So Jefus Chrift to the Wonder of Men and Angels, fends forth the Water of Life in Abundance to all rhofe that believe on him. Ill. That Rock fent forth its Water to the People of Ifrael, when they were ready to perifh for Thirft, there being no way to reliev~ them: So Chrift refrelhes the Souls cl poor Sinners that come unto him, when they can find no Help, Comfort, or Re- . · · 1 1 Q frefhment