M 0 SE S's V A I L RE M 0 V E D; Book!V. frelhment any where elfe, but without him mu£1: perifu eternally. If ye believe not that I am be, )'e jhall die iu your Sins, ]ob11 viii. 2 4· . IV. The Rock was fmitten, before it yielded Water: So Jefus Chri!l: was fmitren of God, and crucified, that his precious Blood might be poured forth, to confummate the Redempnon of our Souls. V. The Rock was fmitten for a rebellious People, who murmured again£1: God; and who deferved no fuch Grace and Favor from him: So Chrifl: was flain for us, who were Rebels and ,Enemies to him by evil Works, who deferv.ed nothing but his eternal Wrath and Difpleafure. VI. The Water out of that Rock followed the Children ·of Ifrael, through the Wil– dernefs, over all Hills and Vallies, unto Canaan; all the Drynefs of that dry and barren Defert could not dry It up: So the Waters of Life !l:reaming from Chri!l:, that facred Rock, follow the true Ifrael of God, auite through the Wildernefs of this World, until they come to the heavenly Canaan; yea, all the Perfecutions and Temptativns in the World, whatfoever, cannot dry it up. THE PILLAR OF CLOUI;> AND FIRE A TYPE OF CHRIST, Exod. xiv. I. THE Pillar of Fire was a certain Guide to the Ifraelites, whil!l: they pafs from Egypt to Cmzaan: So Jefus Chri!l: is our true Guide by his Word and Spirit, till we. come to the heavenly Canaan, or Land of Immortality, Numb ix. 15, i6, 'i· I!. Ir was a Guide to them by Night, that they might not lofe their \¥ay: So Chri!l: is our GUJde, in the dark Night of Trouble, Temptation, and Dcfertion. Ill. The Pillar of Fire was not only a Guide to them, but it alfo afforded them much Light, which niade their Journey comfortable to them; Perfons may have a fure Guide in a Night, and yet be in Darknef.<, or have but little or no Light: So Jefus Chrifl is not only \l Guide to his People in their palling through the Night of Mortality, but al!o ~ Light; a Light to them that Clt in Darknefs, as well as a Guide for their Feet inro the Way of Peace; he is upon this account the Comfooc and Joy of God's lfrad, Exod. xiv. 20. IV. The Pillar of Fire was Darknefs to the Egyptians, though it gave Light to Ifrael: So is Chrifl's Salvation, Joy and Comfort to the Godly, but a Stumbling– block, and Stone of Ofti:nce unto the Wicked. V. The Pillar of Fire did flOt afford the lfradites Light only, but Heat allo, (as • worthy Vv'riter obferves) b)' which means they were kept from the piercing Cold of the Night: So Jefus Chri!l:, the Anti· type of this fiery Pillar, affords us much fpirir.ual Heat, by his Word and Spirit, which are compared to Fire; by which means we are kept from the cold and lukewarm Temper or Frame of Heart, which God's Soul hateth, and thereby preferved fervent in Spirit, burning in Love and divine Zeal to God, his Saints, and to Holinefs. VI. This Pillar, in going behind, between the Camp of Ifrael and the Egyptimzs, was a blelfecl Defence and ProteCtion unto them : So J efus Chri!l: is the Defence and Safe"'uard of his People, Exod, xiv. 20. Vll. The Pillar of Fire, if the Enemy had !l:rove with it, or made Refiflance againfl: it, would have burned and confumed them together : So all that rebel again£1: Chri!l:, or refi£1: him, fi1all be devoured : fVho wculd Jet Briars and 'Thorns again.fl me in Battle? I would go through tbem, [would burn thtm together, Jfa. xxvii. 4· THE p I L L A R OF c L 0 u D. I. THE Pillar of Cloud was a "'reat Refrefl1ment to tile Children of Jfraefby Day·, durin<> their long Journey i; the Wildernefs, the Sun in thofe Countries fhining fometimes ~ery hot, which n1ight, had it not been for this clourly Pdlar, have been very deO:ruCl:ive or grievous to them, during lo many Year~ T ravels : So JeltiS Chrifl:, as Mediator, is as a Cloud or Screen between the hot Beams af Gad's· Wrath, ancl poor