Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

B'ook IV. OR, T Y P E S E X P L A ! N E b. . poor Believers. It is he who keeps us from being confumed by the Wrath of him, who js to the Wicked a co>ifuming Fire, Heb. xii. u/t, II. lt was a Fire and a Cloud, yet both bm one Pillar: So Chrift is God and Marl, and yet bm one Perfon; and the fame Chril1, who is a Savior to the truly Penitent, wlll .dellroy all ungodly and impenitent Ones. THE P A S S 0 V E R A T y p E OF c H R I s T . <Chrift oHr Paffovcr is facrijiced for us, I Cor. v. 7. ·THE Paffover, or pafchal Lamb, was a mofllively Figure or Type of Chril1; nay,. . as a worthy Divine obferves, this one legal Sacrament preached, not obfcurely, ~o ~~~e antienr Jews the whole Doctrine of the Gofpel. This will' appear in five Things: ( 1.) In the Choice of the Sacrifice. (2.) In the Preparing of it. (3.) In the EfFufion 'Of the Blood, and AClions about it. (4.) In the Eating, and the Conditions ~herein. (5.) In the Fruits and Ufe, Epb. iii. 21. P A R A L L E L & 1. IN the Choice of the Sacrifice, the Lord appointed it to be a Lamb; notably fig– nifying J efus Chrift, whom the Baptifl called, the Lamb of God, takfng away tl!e Sins of the World. !I. It wa• to be a Lamb without Blemi01; fignifying the moll: abfolute Perfeci:ion of Jcfus Chrift. IIJ. The pafcha) Lamb, was to be taken out of the Fold ; fignifying, that Chrift !hould be taken from amongjl Men, or, from among his Brethreu; Dcut. xvii. 15. one of the Seed of Abrabam according to the F lefh. IV. The Lamb was to be a Year old, and alfo it mull: be llaih; fignifying, that Chril1 in his full Vigor and Strength !hould be put to death. V. The Lamb was to be roafted with Fire ; which might.fignify th~ Manner <if Chtifl's Death: He was crucified and pierced; he endllted the Fire of Affiictions, ani! .t he Fire of God's Wrath that was due to us for our Sins. VI. The Lamb was roafted whole; to fignify, faith Dr. 'I'aylor, that Chrift bore the ~vhole Wrath of God, both in Soul and Body. Not a Bone of the Lamb was to be broken ; to !hew, that not one .!lone of Chrift !hould be broken, Johit xix. ~6. VII. The Blood <>f the Lamb was to be in aBafon; it mull not bellied upon the Ground; nor trodden ·under Foot; fignifying the Precioufnels of Chrift's Blooi:JI, · and that great E fteem God the Father, and all true Chriftians hal'e of it. VIII. The Blood of the Lamb muft be fprinklcd upon the Lintel, and Sides of the Doors of the lfraelites; which held forth , that the 13lood of Chrift mull be applied by Faith ; for our J u!lification llands not only in the Shedding of Chrift's Blood, but alio .in the Sprinkling of it upon our Confciences. IX. lt mull: be fprinkled upon the Polts and Doors, fo as the Ifraelites could neither go out of Doors, nor come in, bm they muft fee on all Sides the Blood of the Lamb 1 fignifying, that they and we !hould, both at home and abroad, going forth, and .coming in, and on all Occafions, have tile Paffion of J efus Chnft before our Eyes, in holy Meditation and Contemplation. . X. lt was not enough for the Jews to have the Lamb !lain, and the Blood ihed within the Houfe, but the Blood mull: be fprinkled without Doors; fignifying, as fome ab– ferve, if Chrift's Blood, i. e. the Merits of it, be received into our Hearts for J u!lifi– catibn, the Sprinkling of it will appear, and be feen outwardly in a holy Lite, and real Sanctification. XI. The Blood of the Lamb was to be fprinkled with a Bunch of Hyffop dipped 1n it, Excd. xii. 22. which might fignify, that firch who would be fprinkled with Chrift's Blood m11ft obtain true Faith; for Hyffop bears a Refemblance to Faid1 in three Things: (1.) lt is a ground, low, and weak Herb: Faith in itfelf, and as it is in Be– lievers, is weak, and teacheth Humtlrty. (2.) It wrll grow on a Rock or Wall: So Faith roots itftlf in Chrift, that true fpirirual Rock. (3·) Hyffi.>p hath a cleanfina and 'healing ~ality : So Faith purifies the Heart and Life of a Sinner, and heals all the . Sores of a wounded Con(cien.ce. XII. They