,~So · M 0 S E S' s · V A I L R E M 0 V E D, &c. BooK IV. ' XIL They we:e to eat the Flefu of the Lamb; to fignify, tha~ we mu(( fpiritually feed upon Jefus Chnf1:, vrz. beheve on h1m, which IS. called an eatmg of his Fleih, and drinking of his Blood. ·· X Ill .. Every particular Lamb _was to beeaten in one Houfe; fignifying the Unity of the Church of God, or the fpmtual ConJuncbon and Agreement of all the Faithful, in one Bread and one Body, I 'Cor. x. 17. XIV. Only !fraelites, and not Strangers, were to eat of it; to fhew, that none but 1he true Seed, "Jiz. Beli~vers, have right to Chrift, and the bleffed Rites of his Houfe. XV. They were to eat it with bitter Herbs; to fignify, that Repentance and god.ly Sorrow for Sm, ought to be 10 thofe who come to receive and partake of Jefus Chrift, and that they fuould remember with Grief of Soul what their Sins brought upon their Savior, a'nd what the fi lthy and bitter Nature of Sin is. XVI. They were to eat it with unleavened Bread; to fignify that thofe who come to the true Paffover, fuould keep that Feaf1: with the unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth, hating falfe Doftrine, Hypocrify, and everyevil Work. XVII. They muft eat in Remembrance of their Deliverance out of Egypt: So thofe who come to the true Paffover, ough~ to remember how God bath by Chnlt's Blood de– livered them from Wrath and Hell. XVIll. They were to eat it with their Loins girt, and their Staves in their Hands, and their Shoes on their Feet; to ihew, that we who feed upon our Paffover, ihould have the Girdle of Truth, and our Feet fuod with the Preparation of the Gofpel of Peace, and that we arc but Strangers and Pilgrims here. XIX. They were not to eat the pafchal Lamb, until they had purged all Leaven out of their Houfes; which ihews what Care every Chriftian fuould take, to purge <Jut the Leaven of Malice and Wickednefs out of their Hearts. The Jew> were w fearch for Leaven, and not fuffer a Crumb or fmall Morfel to remain in their Houfes: So carefullhould all thofe be to purge out every Sin, and let no Iniquity remain in them, who come to the Lord'5 Table. WHEREIN the Brazen Serpent was a Type of Chrif1:, as aJfo the Manna, and di– vers other Types, we have !hewn. And the Paralle!. of the firf1: and fecond Temple, we have inG.fted upon under the Head of Metaphors concerning the Church of God, to which we r.efer yo.u. And findin<Y to what a Bignefs this Work is fwollen, I muf1: be forced to break <iff, and ]eave 0 thefe my poor Labors to the Bleiung of God, praying they may prove -to the Advantage of his de!pifed and alllifted -Church; defiring, what Profit any Chrif– tians may receive herefrom, they would not forget to , give the Honor to God, who only deferves it: To whom be Glory in the Church, by Chrift Jefus, throughout .all .1\,ges, World without End. /lmm. 1NDEX