Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

N D .1rrc:icus Ointment, in ten Particulars, 3So. A Be-liever's Friend, in t\\Cnty.four dlt(O, 383. The Rore oi Sh:non , in eleven d1tto, 389. An Advocate, in twcnty-feven ditto, 392. An ApoiHe, in ditre, 397. The Bread of Life, in Jixteen ditto, 399· The Sun of Righ– teoufncfs, i-n thirty-four ditto, 402, The Root of David, in nine ditto, 408. The true Vine, in ten ditto, 41r. The Lily of the Vallies, in fixe ditto, 414. An Apple Tree, in eleven ditto, 415. An Amba!f:1dor, in eighu~cn ditto, 418. A Witne(~, in ten ditto, 422. An Alr:~.r, in eight . .ditto, 4-2; . The Heir of all Thing.s, in eight ditto, 4:2.6. The only Foundation, in eleven ditto, .pg. The Corner Stone, in fourteen ditto, 434· The \Vonderful Counfellor, 43~· A Hen, in mne Paniculars, 442. The Captain of our Salva– tion, in twenty-three ditto, 44-4· A Refiner, in fifreen ditto, 449· An Eagle, in fixteen ditto, 452A Bundle of Myrrh, in feven ditto, 4~4· The \\o"edding-Garmenr, in feven ditto, 4s6. )he bright and morning Star, in eighteen ditto, 4 6o. A Thief in the Night, in fix ditto, 464. The Judge of at!, in eleven ditto, 4-66. 'fhe brazen Serpent, in thirteen ditto, 470. Is All _in All, in twenty-one ditto, 4iZ· His Perfon glorious, pz. His Godhead, in nineteen Parti– $:ulars, 523. Very beautiful, SZS· H is Love wonderful, 526. Very rich, 527. Our PalT– over, 623. Children of God, how fed and cloathed, z.z.6. Saved ~nd defended, '126-277. What God loves belt in them, ih. Taught of God, ib. Prevented from finning, ihTheir Father grieved for their Sins, 228. Their Portion, ib. Childrtn, Saints compared to, yo7. Church, God's, 246. \..Vay of En– trance into, 333· Ciry of God, why fo called, in twenty Particulars, 650. Comp.are("l to the IVIoon, 659The Antitype of SGiomon'sTem– ple, 66o. The Anti type of the fecond Temple, 662. To an Olive rrt.!e, 664. To an Inn. ib. To a Vine, 666. To a Dove, 667. To a Bod)' na· toral, 669. T o a Vineyard, 6]o. To a Virgin, 673. To a ·wife, ih. To a Bufh on Fire, 677. To a Mother, 679To a Gar.dcn, 682. To .a Lily amongTho11H, 6S5. To a Merchant Ship, 687. To a golden Candletlick, 6M9. To a I' lock ofSheep, 690. To an Ho~fe, 693 - To ::.Family, 69)· ('itics of Refuge, 2]J· Cir,umcijifJfl, a Type, 977· Comfol·ter, Proper~ies_of, in liftecn Pa~ticular:, 476. C011/omce, what 1t 1~, 643A \Vnne{s;, ln ten .Panicolars, 644· A dreadful Tormentor, 646. A good ooe, hr-w known, 647~ A good one, the of it, 648. Con''lHrjion, Chritl all in, 472. Cor.'Vi8iom lay upon the Heart, 240. Courag! of Saints, in five Particulars, 7 1R. Council, what Chriftgivcs, inclnen Particular~, 440. The Gofpel-Covena.nt, the Contrivance of, 518. Co<venant of Grace firm to Believen, God's eternal, 488. Crorwn of Life, Heav.en, a, 952. D DA I L r Sacrifice, a Type ofChrift, 972· Day ofGraa, what_, 9 1z, How to know w1Jen it draws near the End, fhc\lted in five Particulars, 91 3· "[)ay of Judgment, cniied an Affize, 949· Dangers, the Holy Spirit in the Word give~ Notice ot eight imminent, soS. Darlme/s, divers S-ignificarlons of, 927. Affiitlion fo called,i~. Hell a Place of ulter Darknefs,954-• E X. Da'Vid, in ten Things, a Type of Chrill:, 961. Deatb, compared to Sleep, in three Particulars, 94-'· 0f the Body compared to Seed fown, ib. A Departure, 94-3· A Reft, 944· Dead in Sin, what meant thereby, in fevcn Particu~ Jars, 785. "' Deht, Sinwhyfocalkd, SSt. , Debts, how fatisfied for and . yet freely forgivcnp largely opened, 883. OfSmners cfpoufed unto Chrifl:, are difcharged, 31 z. Debtors, wicked Men, why fo called, 777• Duei'tlers, their many Ways laid open, 845· Dtftnd, the Righ~eoufncfs of Chrift does fo four Ways, 374· Deftnct, God is of his People, 255, Def,itio11 of a Type, •225. Of a Parable, •238. Deity ofChritl, 523. Of the Holy Gholl-, 53°· Difrgn of God in fending Chrift, fhewed in fix Par– ticulars, 519. Dtjlrufli011 ofMan is from himfelf, 44-4De'tlil, wicked Men compared to, 8-to. "Why call– ed the God of this World, 904· Why called a Prince, 905. A Hunter, 9o6. A Fowler. 90i• A Lion, goS. A Dragon, 909. A SerDe~~~s:1 J~~·not the Portion of, 230. Dcrw, Word of God comp:ued ro, in five Particulars, 57-9· Dealogi}N, Figures of a Sentence, 203. Dignit)', of Miniilers great, 813. Dijenft, Sin is a, ~94• S98. Divhzation, or Augory, 8. Di<vijion of Types, "'228. Of an hiilorical Type. •231. Othersofditto,•232- OfaParable,•239· Di'tlint Authority of the holy Scriptures afferted and vindicated, ix-xxiv. Dog1, \\icked Men compared to, in fixteen Particu– lars, 789. Door, Cbrilt compared to. in fourteen Particular~, 3.32- Wha.t, imo the Church, 333· Do-ve, Holy Spirit compared to, in fix Particulars,, so6. Do-vu , why Saints are fo called, in thirteen Parti– culars, i53Dut)", whence of Men a-nd Angels, 347· Uma Chrilt a.Kin_g, in four Particulars, 3+7· E EAGLE, Propertie' of., in fixteen Pa-rticulars, 45 2 -- Eaglu, Saints compared w, in ten Particulars, 7 11. Wicked Men compared to, 809EartL'luah, the natural Caufe of it, 484. Earnijl,ofrheSpirit, opened in ten Particulars, 489. Ebjha, a Type uf Chcift, 963. Elohim, meaning of, 256 l:.'nemio, Mifery of Chrill's, 34-7· Ero:.ifis, Figure of. 210. Error of the Church of Rome, concerning Prieil– hood, 352. F pA tcr H, a Shield, 593· More precious than Gold, 59\· True, how known, 598. Ne– c~!lity of it, 6oo. Difl:hence between weak and lfrong, 601. F o/fi Cf'eacherJ compared to Wolves, 842. To .Foxe~, 84_3· To Wells without Water, 844. To Clouds without Rain, ib. To Deceivers, i6. Falfi Churth, Myfiery Babylon, 846. Family, the Church compared to a, 695The Na– ture and Excellency of its Government, 697Father, its Acceptations and Signification~, and how God is the F.ather of Believers, 225. The Parallel between an earthly, and God, in l'<miculars, zz6. Fatbtr,