Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

I N D E X. Imitate, ·Saints do God, 70)• JnjlitutitJn, none of God to be ufed but as he re· Sluggards, 767. Fools and ·Idiots, 776. Painttd Se.p.ulchres, 774• Compared to Swine, 77~· To Debtors, 777· To the Rod of God, 78o. To Tares, i/,, To Chafi~ 782.. To Thorns, i.IJ. To Mountains, 783. To a troubled Sea, 78 4 . Are to be dead in Sin, 785. Viicked, .bt:!;de •thcmfclves., ;.88.. To Dog~. i8g. 'J'o Bulls, 792. To Lions, 7'94-• To Foxes, i9B. To Goats, 8oo. To Thieves, 801. Ta Vipers, io; . They .are poor and miferable., 8o6.. To Eagles, S:o9. To Dcvih, 8 w. quires, 342. Jnurejl in God, makes the Soul·valce him, Zj·.f.· jont~h, a T.ypc of CbriU, 963. :Jojiph, ditto, 959· :lojh1w, ditto, 960. 1/aac., ditto, .g;g. Jubilee, Year of, 347· ·Jrui .. ~mcnt:tlay, .compared to an A!lite, 949· 'judge, Propenies of him, 292-zgs . Jufiice, God's nwn be farisficd, gg3· No MRn or · Angel it_, ib. Only tiHi~hed by a Sacri– fice4 ib.. K KING, the Title C«plained , 343· Chrift is attended by Angels, 34+· The Privileges and Excellencies pertaining to Chrift as, ib. Cbrift as fuch cxc:cls.all others, 34-6. .Kingdom af Gtd, the Church, why fo cal!ed, 51.6. Why the Gofpel is fo called, ih. .Kiji, the Word ope.ned, in twelve Particulars, 55·J. J(ijftJ of Chrill's Mouth, opened in four Parricu– lars, 55 1. Lnowtth, ·en rift, the Caufes of Difiempers and Dif– orders, 3zo. L L AE0 'RE R S, Minifters, why {o.called.. -6 14. Chrifi's, ou~ht to be provided for, 815. Lamb, how Chnll may ·be fo called, opened in ten Particulars, and pratl.ica.lly im.proved, '76. L am!n, what meane by, in a large Place, 7-53· L ea-ven, Word of.God compared to, and why, ~69 . ..Life of Man, .compared a fwift Poll, :936. T.o a fwifi Ship, 937. To an Eagle .h.alleuing -tn her .Prey, ,ib. To a Cloud, 938. To a Weaver's Shuttle, ib. To the Wind, i/;. 1:o a Flower, 939· To aShadow, ib. _Lift., fpirltual, how we may know a Man who has the Principle of it in him, 786, 787. Light, Chri1l as fuch cxcC'eds all od1ers, 408. Sown tor the Righteous, 920. The Word of GQd -..,cnmpared to, 518. Various Acceptations of, ib.. li{y, the Church compared to, 6S5 . Of the Vallies, Chrifi compared to, 4 1 4. L1?11, flrange .Story of lll.s Jullice, 463. Of.his Sight · and Voice, z.6z. Why Chrilt compared to, 337· And Lionefs re.venge the Death of their Young upon a Bear, z6j. Rc'luites Kiodncfs, ih.. Liom, Saints compared to, aod wJ•y., 749· Wicked Men ditto, 794· .locvjh, out of the Bottowlefs.Pit, ·703.. .Lo·vt compared to Death and the Grave;, 6og. To Coals of Fire, :b. -Chrifi's ,compa[.ed to Wine, 61 1. QfChri.fl.gloJious, 61z.. M i'JA N, a brittle Cr~aturc, 280. By Nature in Debt, 777• 881. Cou1pared to the .E.arch., 700. To a Worm, 70 1. 'J"'o a !-.lower., 704. The Heart of, like a Rock, Soi. Jo.1anna, a Type of.Chrift., Jot.O. ;Ch"iH excels, ·34-Z.· /llarriage·day of the Saint:., ~47• JlJea!uofGract c.ompared to theSUlll01er, 913. To H arveft, 914. )\'[eat, ftrong, what, s6o. ..Meat-Ojj'ering, a Type., 973-• J'lltdiator, ncceffity of, 1ft. 1o Rc.(pe&: ofGod·; ~dJ.y.. l.n RefpeCt of Man, 299· Chrift fully qualrfied for, 300. But one, 302. ~'1elcl>ifider:., a Type, 957• ]',Jembllr, Chrift judgeth between one 01nd anocher., JIJ,~~~9Cbri.{1; the Light of, +c6. C:~ptiYcs, ;6 1. 111e1r, wicked, compared t& blind, 7!,7. To naked, 864· Mtrchant, fpiri.rual, Saints ar-e, 731· Mercy, to fave Men by, God will not w.rongJufiice, 888. Mer<y-Stat, ~ of Chrifl, -968. .Milk, Word of God, whyfoca.Jled, H9· .Min.jlen of Chrill compared to Angels, 812. T () Stars, 813· T,o Laborers, 814. To Watchmen, 818. To Trumpeters, 820. To Spokefmen, 821 . To Clouds., 813. To fathers, 825. TD Stewards, 8z6. To Planters, 8z7. To Buil– ders, 830. To Shepherd~. 833. To Pillan,ib. To Ambaffador.s, 834· T.o Rulers, 838. Minijltrs of Chrift, work hard, Soi. Who are the true, 8f2-838. Minij.ltr.s, fa!fe, who, S.:p---.-844· Compctred tCJ Wolves, 842. To Foxe~, 84-3· 'fo Wells withcut \Yaler·, 8.1-4. To Cloud$without Rain, ib. To Deceivers., iA. .ft1wijl.ry, of the Gofpel, neceJTary, -841. Chrift. all in ir, 473· Moa~ the Church com.par.ed to, 659· A1~;ral Suafion infu-fiicient to convert, S35· .MorNing, .Refurrct1ion compared to, 944· M,;<,, .a Type oECh:ill, 96o. Jlfotber, wh}' the Church lo called, 6yg. M ountain;,. wicked Men .compared to, 7S3~ Myrrh, fcven PJopertics of .U., 454• A Bundle of. wh~u meant L>y it, i6. }:f:Jr.J!e-Tae, a of Sain-ts, in (even Particulars. 745· N N A/( £D, .wicked Men are, :804. .Name, of God, what, 25-6 Of the Lord, & ilrong T ower, ZSJ• Of Chrill:, like precioui Ointmcru, 380. Excelleth all others, 38::. Neo:Jfory, the Lord Jefus, -uni\'erfa!ly, 40 1, +O~. Net, th~ Word of God compared to, and why.. SH· 1-·crw-man, what, >t5. Noah, a Trp• of ·Ch•ill, 956. 0 Q IL, Nnt-ur.r:.of i-t, in feventeen Particulars, 48:;. .Of Glid'nefs, i.ts Nature and Excellency, iP. Anointing the Head in Co.nfccration, 371. Ointmmt, Chrill's Name as precious, in t~n Particulars, 380. 0/i'Vt-T..ree, the Church compared to, 664-. Op(.ratio'u Q[ the Holy Spirit, g.lorious, 533• Order, of God, in the building of the JirH and fecrmd Creation, 245. .Ordinanus, Cbrift all in .then\ 473.. p p .ALM-r'rus, the Godly compared to, in nine Par~ ticular,, 737· Paradifi, cclellial., 950.. ParaJJomajia, Figure of, 201. Pajfo'Ver, ·a Type, 979• Our Ohrill is, 623. Plact-Ojj'erinK, a Type, 974• Pillt1r ol Cloud and .Fire, a T ype of Chril1:, 9rB· Plague, Sin is, 89+· Of the Leprofy., a Figtue of $ in, s95· l P/.1:J.'CYJ-.