Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

N D E X. Ru"ltrJ, Miniflers of the Gofpel, why fo called~ S3S. PJmtUrJ, Minillers, why fo called, 827. Plough, the Word of God compared to, 57z. Poor, wicked Men are, So6. Porti011, God is, in twelve Particulars, 230. Con~ lidercd in a fourfold Scnfe, ih. Jll. Its Na– ture. 2dl;r. Extent. 3dly. Signification. And, 4-thly lts Ufefulnefs, ib. Poijou, Sin compared to, 896. Prny, Saints muJt always, 724. Good, their Qualifications, how chofen, and how they govern, 839. s SACRIFICE ofBeaJis, a TypeofChriQ, 971. Sniuu compared to Babes, 705. To Children, 707. To Heirs, 710. To Eagles, 71J. Tn Sheep, 713. To Soldiers, ib. To Rilnnc.!i, 726. To Salt of the Earth, 730. To Merchams, 711· To Pilgrims, 733· To Palm Trees, 737• To Wheat, 740. To Lighr, 742. To Cedars, 74+· To Myrtle Trees, 745· To V~lilJows, 746. To Veffcls, 747· To L10ns, 749· To Gold, 752. To DoV<:s, 753· To Lambs, ib. To Steward,, 756. To lively Stones, 757· To Jewels, i6. ·1o Kings, 759· To PrieJh, 761. Prayr, fpecial Seafons for extraordinary. 724. A great Ordinance, ib. What hinders it in Saints, ~;~~!;J, Chrifr is, and to whom, with ten Marks of Tria.l, 436, 437· The Way to find Chrift fo, 438. P,-iejl, ChriJt one, 347· Chrill:, as fuch, exceeds the Jewiih High-PrieH, in nine Particulars, 351. Pri1h, Saint~ ar~, 761. Rrirjlbood of Chnll, and Gofpel-Government, ex– ceeds thatoftbc Law, 3)2. 5'4· The Notions Q( the Church ofRome about it, 352. Prinu, ofDarknefs, the Devil fo called, 905. Pri'tliltge, great, of that Soul who is let into Chrill: as the Door, 333· Saints, cannot encounter their Enemies without their Shield, 290. Chrin judgeth between them, 359· Joint-heirs, yet every one !hall have Pofreffion of the whole Inheritance, 710. Heart of, why caJ. led an Heart ofFleJh, 755. Prom!fi,, of the Gofpel, glorious, 543· rll:. In Re– tpeCl of him, in and through whofe Ne1me they are made, ib. .zdly. In rhat they fuit all Con– ditions of the Soul, snd tend to anfwer all \()l,jrClions a poor Sinner, or weak Believer, can make, }46. 3dly. ln refpeft of the Firmnefs Clfdtem, 545· Prcmijt1, of the Gofpel, glorious above thofe of the Law, 515• 545· Salt, Grace compared to, 583. Saints compared to, 730. · Sai'VIllirm, common, why fo called, 364. Chrit!-, the Captain of, in twenty-duee Particular6, 444• Only by Chrill, and how, 520. Glor.iou~ JQ fixtt·en P<!tticulars, 548. Sn'r:Jon, a Type of Chrilt, 961. Siln,!Juwr_y, God the only one, 235• S~;rab and ~agar, 951L ProplJit, Chrirt one, in feventeen Particulars, 3H• P-t;opbm, foretel Things to come, 356. Ch'tiJl ex– ceeds all othCf's, 357· Prophtticnl Office of Cbri!llayeth a Foundation for the Chu;ch to build on, 35)· P.r"'tlidwu, of God, wonderful in prefervjng his Pec,ple in rheli: Day~~ 6j8. Compared to Clouds, 921· Q_ 6)UE!J..C7i the Spirit, how, 563. Caufe of, 564. '-' A wicked Thing, 565. R RACE, fpiritual, what a Man muft do who would run it, 726. Rttl-fldjir, a Type, "977· . Rr}int,, who and what, 111 lif!een PartiCulars, 449· 'R:jirgt , import of the Word, 2{C. None like God, 272. Cities of, under the Law, 273. Way made plain to, 272. Rt.eiflcr, God keeps one againft the great Day, 295. l?ljl, God the Souls, 236. , .,..., 1?(/irrrt8ion, compa!;fd to the Morning, 9H·· To waking out of Sleep, 945· To a Reaping-day, 946. To the Saint's Marriage-day, 947· To the Salnes Coronation-day, 948. :Rr", !he Gofpel reveals, Ill:. The (;Jory of Chri!l's Pcrfon. 2dly. His Offices. 3dly. His Love. 4rhly. His Riches. .And, jthly, His Po1ver, 522, SZ7• .Righltoujit'.fi, Chrilt the Sun of, 4-02. ,l?1'Vcr of Gnd, Excellency of it, 498. Holy Spiric compared to, 495· The Spirit an ove.rflowing, 490· Rock, Chriti: one, in twelve Particulars, 364. A Sinner's .Heart compared 10, 807. Smitten, a T~pe of Chr;JI, 977· Ro(ky Heart, five Marks of, 8oS. Rod, of God, wid~cd Men are, 780. Affi.itlions fo called, 923. What Voice in it, 924. Ro;e of Sharun, Chrill compared to, 389. Sa1m1's SubtJity in warring againfl the Soul, 71.6, SuJfte·Goat, a Type of ChriH, 976 S.hoolmajfer, theLaw, why fo called, 167. Strptr.t, of Brufs, a Type of Chrift, 470. Ser-vant ofGod, Chri!t is, in eleven Particulars, 334· A~ fuch ChriH excel~, 336. $baron, Chrill, the Rofe, of 389. Shefhrrd, Chril~ a, in nineteen Particulars, 358. Great, why Chrifi: i.~ fo called, 360. Shtpb~rds, Chrill excels all others, 360. Mioifters compared eo, 833· Ship, the Church ccmpared to, 687. Si11, compared to a Thief, 878. To a Debt, 88J. To a heavy Burden, 889. To a Sting, R9o. To a Wound, 891. To a Plague, 894• To a deadly Poifon, 896. To a Sickncf~. SgS. To an abomin:1b/c \.omit, Bgg. To Uncicannefs. 900. To Gra_r-hairs, 902. Si~t, the Caufe of our Mifery,26j. God punifhes gqd~t~ally in his ~wn People, 268. The hvil. and <~bo.,linable Nature of if, in divers Meta.. phors, 878-902'. Si11 OjjeriJ:~~· a Type ofChrift, 973· Sim, Chril! bore our, what meant by it, 888. Singilll( nf Pf.1lrt1s, an Ordinance of God, 678. Slup, Death compared to, 941. Difierence between that of the Godly and Ungodly, i6. Sl11ggards, wicked Men fa called, 7fq. SolditrJ of Chrill, who, 713. Solttnn year!)' Sacrifice, a Type, 97)· Solomo11, a Type of Chrirl, 962. Soul of M:1.n, compared to a Ship, 6jg. To a Candle, 64z. Spirit, Holy, a Comforter, 476. , A divine Perfon, 480. Compared to Wind, 481. To an Earnefl, 489. To a Sea!, 492'. To a River, 495· To Water, 500. To a Teach~r, 504. Spirit ofGnd, a Guide to Saints, 507. Spi:-it of a Man, why called the Candle of the Lord, 6.p. Spokrfimn, Mini!lers ofChrift are, 821. Star, ChriH, the Morning, in eighteen Par-ticulars, 460. RfJot of David, Chri!~ in nine Particulars, 408. And Stem ofJeffe, lww Chrill i~, 4.10. Ste'luoY(h, Sa.ints are, and why fo c:alled, 756. Minillers qrc, and Gitto, 826. s,, ... 71tr,