N D Summtr, 'Means of Grace, why fo called, 913. S1111 of Righteoufoefs, Chrift is in thirty·four Par~ ticulars, 402. Supper, the Lord's,{JJ6. Suretyjhip, of Chfifl, in ten Particulars, 302. Dif– ference between his, acd Suretyfi1ip among Men, 304· no' . T .1. ABERNACLE, a Type, 967. 'Tahle of Shew-brcad, a Type, 969. q'ares, wicked Men compared to, 780. 'leacher, Spirit of God a facred one, in eleven Par– ticulars, 5o4. 'fhe Saints beft, 5o6. 'l'eachers, better to lofe all others than the Spirit, so6. ~caching, who have the Spirit's, 5o6. 'Temple ofSolomon, a Type, 66o. 'l'e,-,.ible, Chrill is as a Judge in a threefold Manner, 469. CJ'tflator, Chrill is, in fifteen Particulars, 325. As fuch excels, 327· A fivefold Tefiimony to Chrift as fuch, ib. Cf'hiif, in the Night, Chrifi's Coming compared to, 464· 7'hirf, a, why Sin fo called, 878. 'Tbie<r.~es, wicked Men compartd to, 8or. 'Ihorm, wicked Men compared to, 782. CJ'rade, of the City of God excellent, 65 z. Godli~ nefs a, in thirteen Particulars, 915. 'l'ralfic, all heavenly by the Spirit, 653· 'frea/ure, Gofpel compared to, in eight Particulars~ 58o. CJ'rtt, Apple, Chrifl: compared to, 415. Olive, Church compared to, 664. t['reu, Palm, Saints compared to, 737· Myrtle, ditto, 745· Cf'rinity, the Perfons of, made known by Chrifl fix Manner ofWays, 318. E X. Unio11, prefent Time to be improved in orJer to obtain it, 4·H·· · Uni<verfi, happy State of, when, 3-4-7• 348. w W .ALL of Fire, God is about his People 290. God, as a Portion, frees from fear oi, 2 31• War, w~y God declares againJI:: a People, 250. God g1vcs Warning before he makes, zs 1. Warri(m 1 God excels all others, 250· Watchmen, Minitt:ers, why fog called, Rt8. Water, the Spirit compared to, soo. The Nature of, 501. Of L\fe, free to all, soz. Excellent Nature of, facred, ih. Way, ~o the ~ities of ~cfuge made plain, 272. Chntt the, 10 ten Paruculars, 3(n. To the Fa. ~her, Chrift i5, 363. What kind of, Chrift is~ tn ten Par.ticulars, ib. l.Ytddi"$ Garment, what, 4S6· Wtllt Wlthout Water, falfe l'eachers, 844· W~~at, Saints compared to, 74o. Trial of, from I arcs, 742. 1-i'hore, the great, fhall be burned, 281. 1Yt!dtrntfs, this World is, in eight Particulars, 935• Will of Man, how it aCts, and how aCted upon m Converfion, 53S· ' Wi.!low Trees, ::iaints compared to, 746. W1.nd, .Properties of it, 481. Spirit compared to tt, m twenty Particulars, ib. How to know ~vhich War that of the Spirit blows, 483. W~tne}i, Chnft is, in ten Particulars, .p:z. In the Day of judgment, who and what, 468. The Spirit is, in eight ditto, 503. Wit111Jrs neceffary for a Chrifhan, .<t-68. 7'rumptttn, Minillers, why fo called, 820. Cf'ruth, Word taken varioufly, 585. Excellency of ;,, 5 ss. Cfjpts, Definition of, •225. Prophetical, •zzS. Word of God, compared to Light, 510. To Kiffes of Chrifl's Mouth, 551. To a Net, 554· To Gold, 556. To Mtlk, 5;9. To Hroug Meat; .56o. To Honey, i6. To Fire, 561. To a Hammer, 566. To the Sword of the Spirit, 567• To Leaven, 569. To a Glafs, s7o. 1 o a Plough, 572. To Seed, 574· To Rain, 576. To the Dew of Heaven, 579· To Treafure, 58o. World, had a Beginning, 274. A Wildernefs, 290, 935· A Field, 935· End of the 1 why called a Harvell, 936. . Of an hilt.orical, •231. Rules for expounding, • 2 33· rtjpical and fymbolical ACtions, •z28. V V. AIL of the Holieft, a Type, 968. Ytjftls, Saints, earthen, 747· Yint, ChriH the true, in ten Particulars, 41t. As fuch excels, 413. Yineyard; the Church compared to, 67o. Yiptrs, wicked Men, why fo called, 805. Yirgin, the Church compared to One, 673. Yifiom, prophetical and typical; •229· Yomit, what meant by turning to the old, 900. Unclean, uothing more than Sin, 900. Undtannifi, of Man, by Nature, 901. F I J¥orks, Chritl's undoubted Right to all thofe of God's Hands, !hewed in five Particulars, 347· Worm, Man compared to, 70 1· Wormwood, Affi.itlions compared to, 93 z, Wound, Sin is, 89t. When it may be faid to be deadly, 892. Wrath of God, terrible, 28z. y yEAP.LY Sacrifice .. of the Bullod:,"' a Type, 975· z ZERUBBdBEL, a Type ofChtift, 963. N s.