68 AN ANTHROPOPATHY. Book I. The Earth is faid robe the Lord's FOOTS'l'OOL, !fa. lxvi. I. Matt. v. 35· by which is noted his lmmenflty, for be is prefent in the Jowermofl: Pan of the World. Or rhe Ark of the Covenant, in which by fpecial Revelation, be was ro manifefl: his Prefence, according to ~ Chroil. xxviii. 2. Pfal. xcix. 4, 5· and cxxxii. n, 7· Lam. ii. I. Some by this Appellation would underfiand the SanC/uary of God. See Pfal. xcix. 4• 5• 8, 9· Upon which Illyricus fays, rbeSenfe is-know, that no where elfe, nor with any of rhe Gentiles is the trCJe Worfhip of God, and hi' propitious Prefence to be found. There– fore feek him here according to his Word and Promifes. When it is faid of Cbrijl, Pfal. ex. I. The Lord faid unto my Lord, Sit thou on my Right-hand, until I have made thine Enemies thy Footflool, and I Cor. xv. 25. For he nutfl reign until he bath put his Enemies all under his Feet, and Heb. i. Ij. it intimates that he will mofl: perfeetly con– quer and fubdue his Enemies, as it is faid, Pfal. viii. 6. Eph. i. 22. Heb. ii. H, &c. 'Ihat all Things are put under his Feet. Neither is PLACE only afcribed toGod, but a local Pojlure or Situation alfo, as Pfa!. x. I. Why jtandtflthou afar off, by which the Delay of Divine Help is noted ; a J11ttaphor token from Men, who when they fl:and at a great Difl:ancc cannot lend a helping Hand. To jland at the right Hand, notes his powerful Help and Favor, as Pfal. xvi. 8. Bccaufe he is at my right Hand Ijhatl not be moved. So AC/s ii. 25. God is faid ro fit, Pfal. xxix. IO. and other Places, in the fame Senfe that aThrone is afcribed to him; by which his Government, Divine Judgn·.enr, and Excrcifes in peculiar Ac– tions are flgnified. He is faid to fit upon a Cherttb, Pfal. lxxx. I. xcix. r. becaufe of the peculiar Ma– nifefl:ation of his Prefence in that Place. He is fait! to fit upon the Circle of the Earth, ija. xl. n. becaufe of his Majefiy in Clory, which infinitely excds all the Glories of rhe World and therefore the Inhabi– tants of the Earth are called Grajjhoppers, &c. Of the fitting of Chrijl at the right Hand of God, we have fpoken before, God is faid to dwell on High, in Sio-z, in the Church, and in contrite Hearts, &c. Pfal. lxviii. 16, I7· cxxxii. tl, I3, 14. and cxxxv. 20, 21. !fa. lvii. 19. Ezek. .xxxvii. 27. John xiv. 23. 2 Cor. vi. 16. by which the gracious Manifeilarion, Action, Defence,]]. lumination, Confolation, and Salvation, of hiS Divine Prefence to his People is ra be underfl:ood. It is an emphatical Word which Paul ufes, 2 Cor. xii. 9· *That the Power of Chrijl l!lay rejl upon me, the vVords properly are, that the Virtue or Power of my God may dwell upon me, or that he would place his Tabernacle upon me, and as an Umbrage or Shadow may furround, clothe and protect me. When the Cloud of Glory had filled the :Temple, Solomon faid, 1 Kings viii. 12; :The LordJaid that he would dwell in the thick Darknefs, that is, by this Sign he manifefl:s himle!f to be prefent, as he faid ro Mofes, Lev:· xvi. 2. I will appear in the Cloud upon the Mercy-feat. See Exod. xix. 9• and xvi 0 10. Num. ix. I5. !fa. vi. 4· Matt. xvii. 5, &c. The Phrafe ofGod's fitting in the Heave~ts, or dwelling there, as Pfa!. ii. 4· and ciii. 18, 19. 1 Kings viii. 39• 43· lllyricus rhus expounds. t Heaven neither ouo-ht nor can, when· it is called the Habitation of God, be underfl:ood of a certain realor ma– terial Place, but it has rather a metaphorical Signification, and denotes that fpiritual Kingdom, Glory, and Felicity in which God with his Holy Angels and ether blelfed Spirits lives and reigns, as Pfal. cxv. 15, I6. The Heaven, even the Hca·vens t!re the Lord's, but the Earth bath he givw to the Children of Mm, that is he requires and com– mands fpiritual Good and Divine Worfhip to be given to him, and leaves them to enjoy the good Things of the World, for he in a proper Senfe requires nor Monev, Calves, Kids, &c. . ' And the learned Gerhard fays, God is every where, with Refpecr to his Elfence, buE he is faid to dwell in Heaven wirh Refpect to the more ample Appearance of his • ha r7.'1o7Jo)~AIO'l1 ur ·~·., J-u~"fl·'' Tl::l 9HI, quod ptoprie rj!, utjuperbabitet foper me virtus Dei, <r.Jtl, utfoper me tabernaculum/uum collocet. t Non potejlmc dt!Jtt C~lum, cum pro habitatione Dei aaipitur, intelligi de Ieo aliq11o urto reali aut ttfattri– llli; fidpotiuJtji metaphoricajignificatio, &c. lllyr in Exeg. 'l.Om, I. p. 8.3'• Majcfl:y