Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

.f:'qrt I. AN A N T I-1: R 0 P 0 P A T I-I Y• Teachers of his Word (which are compared to Stars, Re-v. i. 20) with his own proper Lioht. ( 3 .). As there is bm one Sun which excels and illuminates the inferior Luminaries of H.~aven ; fo Chrijl has the Pre-emmence ("'PWT!Vw•) o-ver all, Cot. 1. 18. 1.. With Refpetl: to Efficacy ; for as the Sun chafes away Darknefs and Clouds, iUuf– tratino all Things : So Chrilt difpels the Darknefs of the Mind, by the Light of·his Worcl; the Da1knefs of Sin, by the Light of his moft holy Merits; and the Darkne!S of Calamity, by the Light of his comforting Grace. • 2. With Relpect to Equality, for the Sun rifts on the E-vil and the Good, (affording its Light without Difhnction to all Things fublunary), Matt. v. 45· which neverthelefs blind Men, and fuch asjleep by Day, do not enjoy: So Chrift illuminates every Man that cometh into the World, (that is, he aftbrds the Means of Illumination,) 1 John i. 9· yet Unbelievers, who a~e blinded by the Devil, and fuch as giye themfelves the Liberty to neep fecurely tn Sm (and, that by the•~ proper Fault, and parucular VICe} John iii. '9· and 2 Cor. iv. 4· do not enjoy that faving Light or Illumination 1 which is the Reafon why the Prophet Malachy fpeaking of the. aftual Illumination of the Sun of Righteoufnefs fays, 'fo them that fear the Name of the Lord jha/1 the Sun of Righte– ~ufnefs arife, &c. 3· No Man cah refifl: or hinder the Courfe and Efficacy of the Sun: So · no Devil, or Tyrant can retard or hinder the Co11rfe and Energy of the Gofpel of Chri;~, the Sun cf Righteoufnefs. 4· The Sun refre01es and quickens the World by its Heat, which Nature demon– fl:rates in the Spring: So Chrijl quickens and makes alive thofe that are fpiritually Dqd, Eph. ii. 5· and caufe~ aDivine Heat of Love and Devotion, Luke xxiv. 32. !>· That which the Prophet mentions, by the Phrafe, with Healing in hi< Wings, is to be underfl:ood of the firft Beams or Rays of Light called the Wings of the Morning, (or the firft Appearance of the Sun) Pfal. cxxxix. 9· that is, the firfl: Sun-beams. This telefl:ial Sun is alfo a Phyjician whlch can heal and deliver from fpiritual Death. The Sun when it rifes gives fome Eafe and Comfort to fick Perfons, lee all that are Soul-fick, rejoice in this jqftifying and healing Sun of Righteoufnefs. 6. The Sun riling caufes ]oy to all Things, who were as it were immerfep in the me~ lancholy Sadnefs of Night, as the Poet fays, Phofphore redde diem, q11id gav.dia noj/ra moraris? Come Jweet Phofpher briilg the Day, Why doft tbou our Joys delay ? So by this heavenly Sun of Righteoufnefs, true Caufe ofJoy is given unto Men, Luke ji. 10, 11. !fa. ix. 2, g. 7· The Sun doth make all Sorts of earthly Fruit ripe, to which it alfo gave the Be– ginning of Vegetation. So Chrift is the Author and Finijher of our Faith, Heb. xii. 2. He worketh in us to wilt and to do, Phi/. ii. 13· 'fbat we may walk worthy of the L ord, tmto all wellpteajing, bei11g fruitful unto every good Work, and increa}ing in the Knowledge of God, Col. i. 10. 8. lt is faid of the Heliotrope, or Sunflower, tbat it. always turns and inclines to the Sun: So let our Hearts always incline to Chrifl:. 9· There is nothing more pleafant to thofe in Captivity than to behold the Sun : So there is nothing ought to be more comfortable to us in our fpiritual Captivity, than by the Eyes of Faith to behold Chrift the Sun of Righteoufnefs, &c. The Second Place is Luke i. 78. 'fbrough the Bowels of!he Mercy of our God (fo the Greek) whereby the Day-fpring fro;n on high, bath vijited 11s. Some think that this meraphoncal AppellatiOn (viz. ""~TO>." •E v.J-•< oriens ex alto) arifing from on high, is taken from .Plants.which are faid (~•~TEIA~I) to branch Or Jpout forth, when they grow, t.>r bc·gm to flourifh, that fo it might re(peft thofe Places of the Old Tefl:ament, where ChnO: IS called a P!ant and Brmzch, ]er. xxii. 5· Zech. iii. 8. and vi. 12. where the Septu~wnr render n~:l. by avxnA'IJll orient, arifing, and that we are to underfl:and here, eh~ aribng, or Brancbjrom .on high_, .fent from Heaven to us, and widely diff~ring from all