Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

METAPHORS FRO!'<! LIGHT. Book I. &c. Where Chrill: our Savior is called Lucifer, is expounded before in the Chapter t hat treats of an Anthropopathy. Btfides the Phrafe a,.e "ew.,@', ( Pjler proinos) }le/la matutina, the Morning Srar is a Symbol of the glorious Light in Eternity, Re-v. it, 28. SecalfoDan.xii.3. 1Cor.xv.41,42. · M etaphors taken from Light. ·THERE are two principal Effects of the Luminaries and Ornaments of Heaven, viz. to give Light to the World, and to diilinguifh Times.. In 1'.1etaphcrs takrn fi-om Light we will dill:inC\ly treat of Nouns and Verbs, which are fometimes j oined together. ' - Generally Light is taken, 1. For Life itfelf, job iii. 20. Wherefore (has God) given'Light to the Miferab!e, fo the Hebrew, the Explication follows, and Life to the bitttr in Soul, Vcrfe 21. Which long for Death, but it cometh not. Hence comes tne Phrafe, to fee the Light, that is, to live, or be born alive, job iii. 16. 'I'o walk in the Light of the Li·ving, that is, to aft amongll: the Living, or to live, either a corporeal or fpiritual Life in God, Pfal. Ivi. '3· So David prays, Pfal. xiii. 3· Lighten mine E)'es, left Ijleep the Sleep of Death. 2. For any Projperity and Joy of Mind arifing from thence, Eflh. viii. 16. 'Ihe jews had Light and Gladnefs, and joy and Honor, where the fynonymotts Terms make our that it fignifies the Eminency of the Jews Profperity, and Joy for their Divine De!i. verance, job xxix. 3· By his Light I walked through Darknefs, that is, being free from Calamities I led a happy Life, Verfe 24. '!'he Light ofmy Countenance they cajlnot dGWII, that is, they gtieved me nor, but fludied to pkat<: and gratify me in all Things. Pfal. xcvii. 1 1. Light is fown for the Rigbteous, the Explication follows, and Gladnefs for the Upright in Heart. The Word fowing is a!fo emphatical, as if he had faid, it is re– pofited and hidden as Seed is in the Ground, but in its own Time it w>Il certainly come ,forth. See Ifa. !xi. 11. Col. iii. 3• 4· It is fown with the Seed of the heavenly Word, and a moll: full and bright I-larvell: of this celell:ial Seed will follow in rhe Rtitmeftion to eternal Life. So Light is alfo taken, Pfal. cxii. 4· Prov. xiii. 9· Ifa. xlv. 7· lviii. 8. and !ix. 9· The R eafon of the Comparifon in this and the foregoing Paffage is to be fought in the Profitablenefs and Pleafurc of Light, Eccl. xi. 7, &c. · 3· For the open and manifell: State of Things, 'Matt. x. 27. What I tell JOU in Dark11efs, that Jpeak ;•e i11 the Light, another Metaphor of this Publication follows, and what ;•e bear iu the Ear, that preach Je upon the Houfe 'fops. The Senfe is, you are therefore called by me, that you may preach publicly to the whole World, what you privatdy heard from me. So Zeph. iii. 5· john iii. 21. 1Cor. iv. 5· 4· For Grace, Benevolence or Favor, Pr.v. xvi. 15. In the Light of the King's Countenance is Life, the Expofition follows, and his Favor is as a Cloud of the latter Rain. So it is taken of God as was faid in the Chapter of an A11tbropopathy. More efpecially the Myll:ery of Regeneration, Renbvation and Salvation, is frequently expreffed by the Metapbor of Ltght, and that refpefting, 1. The organical Caufe, which is the Word of God, which is frequently called fo, by a Reafon deduced from the Q!,tality of Light, which reprefents the Difference and Knowledge of Things to the Eyes, Pfal. xliii. 3· Prov. vi. 23. lfa. ii. 5· and v. io. 2 Cor. iv. 6. 1 john ii. 8. Thus the Apoll:les becaufe of their preaching the Word of God are called the Light of the World, Matt. v. 1 4· and their Light is fa id to Jhine before Men, Verfe 16 that is, the Light of DoCtrine by diltgenr Preaching, as alto the L ight of a good Life and Example. 2. The formaiCaufe, which is the faving Knowledge of Chrill: and true Faith mani– felled by Love and good Works, Atlsxxvi. 18. Eph. v. 8. 1Pet. ii 9· 1 john i. 7· H ence Believers are called Sons ofLight, Lukexvi. S. Eph. v. 8. 1 'I'hef!. v. 5· And good Works the Annor ofLight, Rom. xiii. 12. 3· !'he final Cafe, and the !all Scope and EffeCt of Faith, which is Life eternal often noted by the Term of Light, Ifa.Ix. 19, 20. john viii. 12. Atls>f.xvi. 23. 2 'J'im. i. 10, &c. From thence there may be an eafy Judgment made of certain Verbs belonging to Light. Pjal.