Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Eook I. METAPHORS FROM THE PARTs oF LIVING CREATUREs. I45 MARROW, the inward Fat of the Bones, becaufe it is the fweete!t Part of the Flefb commupicating Vigor to the Bones arid all the Body, affording it a grateful Ali– ment: by a Metaphor is put for any good Thing, !fa. v:. I7· and is mentioned in .the Defcription of the heavenly Banquet, !fa. xxv. 6. Fat IS of the fame S1gmficauon, Gen. xlv. I8. Numb. xviii. 12, 29, 30, 32. Deut. xxxii. 14. Pfa!. lxxxi. 16. and cxlvii. I 4 . in both which la(t Places the Hebrew Text is, the Fat of the Wheat. FAT is put for the Goodnefs and Fruitfulnefs of Land, Gm. xxvii. 2H, &c. for rich and powerful Men, Pfal. xxii. 29. and becaufe Fatnefs and Full-feeding make Beafl:s arow wanton and wild, therefore the T erm is tranfiated to Men enriched by God, and fu grown rebellious and wicked, Dcut. xxxii. 15. Job xv. 27. Pfal. xvii. 10. and Jxxiii. 7, &c. See !fa. vi. 10. '!'he Fatnefs of God's Houfe, denotes Plenty of heavenly · Bleillngs, the Similitude taken from Banquets. See !fa. xxxiv. 6, &c. BLOOD is metaphorically put tor that, which for Rednefs is like a bloody Colour, for which Reafon it is attributed to Wine, Gen. xlix. It. Deut. xxxii. I4· Eccl. 1. '5· Of the Place in Ezek. xix. 10. 'I'hy Mother was as a Vim* in thy Blood, &c. Illyricus in Clave, Col. 1087, thus fays, I believe that Blood is there to be taken for Wine, and we have heard before that it is fometimes fo taken. Others underfl:and it of native (or natural) Juice. Some alfo underfrand rhe Beginning or Birth: That is when fbe fir!t brought thee forth, lhe was !hong and flourifbed. Junius and 'I'remellius render it, in thy ~<iet (as derived of 011jiluit, quicvit) that is, in former Tranquillity. Others, in thy Likmefs (from mYT jimilis fuit, he was like) which the Chaldee alfo refpe<'ts. It is faid when the Moon is eclipfed, that it !ball be turmd znto Blood, Joel ii. 31. with iii. IS. upon which Schindler, t In an Eclipfe, the Moon is red like Blood, becaule its proper Light is mixt with the Shadow of the Earth, and caufes Rednefs. FLESHmade and nourifbed by Blood, denotesa frail and weak Thing, as that which is frail, and obnoxious to Death and Corruption, Pfal.lvi, 4- and lxxviii. 39· !fa. xxxi. 3· Jer. xvii. 3· It is likewife put for that which is mild, traCtable, and obfequious, Ezek. xxxvi. 26. MILK for its Sweetnefs and very great Ufe, is metaphorically brought to defcribe the Bleillngs of the Mejfiah, !fa. lv. 1. Joel iii. 23. In the New Teframent, I. It denotes the mo!t fweet and fincere Word of Chri!t, I Pet. ii. 2. TheWord is called Milk and is compared to it in this Place. (I.) Becaufe of its unmixt Simplicity and Whitenefs or Candor; for as Milk is not a Liquor compofed by human Art, but made by Nature itfelf: fo the 'Vord of God owns not Men for its Author, or Original, but Jehovah alone, 2 Pet. i. 2r. (2.) Becaufe of its Sweetnefs and Pleafantnefs, of which fee !fa. xxv. 6. Pfal. xix. 10. II. and cxix. 103. Prov. xxiv. 13, 14. (3.) Becaufe of its Utility in feeding and preferving our Souls to eternal Life, 2 'I'im. iii. I6, 17. (4·) Becaufe it tends to the De!tru<'tion of fuch as abufe it. Milk is not proper to be taken by fuch as are feverifb or Plethoric; becaufe it exafperates the Difeafe in a Body fo ill difpofed : So to fuch as are !tubbornly wicked and unbelieving the Word of God profits nothing, but becomes their greater Damnation, Johnxii. 48. 2Cor. ii. I6,&c. 2. If it be oppofed to folid or !trong Meat it denotes the fir!t Rudiments of the Chri£\ian Religion; 1 Cor. iii. 2. Heb. v. 12, 13. of which Beza fays thus: :j: Paul makes mention of Childhood and Milk in a diverfe Senfe: For he. oppofes Infancy to an adult Age, and therefore by the Word Milk he fignifies the Initiation or fir(t Entrance into the Chriflian Religion. But here (that is I Pet. ii. 2. As new born Babes difire the .fincere (or feafonable) Mzlk of the Word, &c. (he oppofes Infancy to the former corrupt Life, and cornmends the perpetual Ufe of Milk,) that is of the true and fincere Doc– trine qf the Gofpel.) Of Milk BU'I''I'ER is made, Prov. xxx. 33· whence buttered Words are mentioned, 21. that is fmooth and flattering Words, &c. • 101:1 t In Eclipfi n~bel /una injlar fonguinis, &c. t Paulus mentionem facit pueritite & lallis Jivnfo jmju, &c. Pp Metaphors