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I)4 METAPHORS FROM THE PARTS OF LIVING CREATURES. · Book I. in the Hebrew Text, !Ja. viii. 1 9· Of TVizards or fuch as have familiar Spirits, upon which Place the Paraphrafe of Junius and Tremellius" is excellent: 'Ihofe Seducers are not mdued with fuch a Faculty, as to fhew opmly and with a clear Voice, or expound in plain Terms, what fhozdd be faid, as we the Prophets relate the Judgments of God in an . intelli:;ible aud mofl cvideut Phraft: But the;• Jpeak in their Throat and keep a piping as Chick~IJS hardly hatched, or if they tiller any Thing with an audible Voice, they do fo mut. teras the Sybil out of her Tripod: Which fdf.fame Reafon the Prophet explains, Chap. xxix. Verfe + and llijlorians almo!l: every where. JV!ufculus upon the Place fays, Ecquid aliud vocandi funt, qui inter Mi!fandum fie mu.flitant; &c. \vhat rhall we orherwife call them who mutter and murmer at that Rate when they are alVIa.IJing, as if they defigned of fer Purpofe · to cunceol their Words, from fuch as are prefenr, and attribute a certain hidden Virtue to that Mufliration (or Muttering) by which the Subflance of Bread and Wine are converted into the Fle!h and ·Blood of Chri!l:: That Species of muttering and anrick Ge!l:ure befpeaks not an apoltolical and Chri!l:ian Spirit, but rather that which confi!l:s of Magick and Leger– dt"main, &c. A NEST, the Habitation of a Bird is put for Rooms or Chambers, Gen. vi. 14. Ncfts }halt thou make in the Ark, fo the He~rew, that is, feparate Lodgings for the rcfpec– tive Kinds of Creatures in Noab's Ark. Sometimes iris put for the Dwellings of Men, efpecially fuch as arc built in high Places, as ravenous Birds build their Netts in lteep and craggy Rocks, Jobxxix.t8. Numb. xxiv.2t. ]er. xxii. 23. and xlix. t6. Obad. Yerfe 4· 1-iabak. ii. 9· See Job xxix. 3&. Of the Kinds of Volatiles, the Turtle Dove denotes the People of Ifrael, or the Church, Pfal. lxxiv. '9· 0 deliver not the Soul of thy Turtle Dove unto the JVIulflludt (of which he fpoke Verfe 18.) that is, thy Church and People, who worfhip none but thee, as a Turtle Dove, that never entertains Conjunc1ion with another and who in their Affliction, hke a Turtle Dove, (!fa. xxxviii. 1 ?.J exprefs their Grief in folitary Groans, ,.nd Sighs to th~e: And which is unarmed, weak, ftmple, and meek like a Dove, yea like a Turtle Dove, which is e!l:eemed the lea!l: among the< Species of Doves as Arif/o– tle fays. The Chaldec renders it, the Soul of}itch as learn thy Law, (that Word 11!1 a 'Turtle Dove, being of fame Affinity with i111!1 Law) Chii!l: calls his C.hurch a Dove, Cant. ii. 14. v, 2. and vi. 8. And its Eyes, the Eyes of Doves, Cant. i. 15. and iv. 1. by which JVIetaphor its Simplicity (as Mall. x. 6.) its Cba(tity, Brighmefs, and its View and' Ddire of heavenly Things are denoted, &c. Among Infects, Hornets denote Terrors fent from God among Men, by which the Enemies of the People of God !hall be as it were !l:ung and rooted out, Exod. xxiii. 28. compared with Verfe 27. Deut. vii. 20. Jofh. xxiv. 12.-The Enemies of the People of lfracl are called Hies and Bees, !fa. vii. 18. becaufe of their Multitude, and Swiltnefs or Nimblenefs as the Flies, and the Jvval'"' or Power of hurting as in Bees. The Word Flies is attributed to the Egyptians, and Bees to the A.!Jj•rians, which Metaphor Jerome in his Commentary elegantly expounds thus; He calls the Egyptians Flies, be· caufe oftheirfilthy idolatry (See Eccl. x. 1 .) and becauft tbey were a weak People: But the Afl'yrians he calls a Bee, becauft they had at that Time a powerful Kingdom, and were very warlike, (as Bees reprefem, as it were, a very well ordered Monarchy, and are very refolute to annoy their Enemies;) Or buaufe all the Perfians and Affyrians went armed with Darts, wboft Points were like the Stings of Bees. The Metaphor is continued, Verfe '9· Aud theyfhall come and reft all of them in the defolate Vallies, and in the Holes of tbe Rocks, and upon all Thorns, and upon all Bujhes. Becaufe he once named thefe Enemies Flies and Bees, he keeps to the fame lt1etaphor in the reil:, as if all Places were to be filled with thofe Infects. Of the fulfilling of this Prophecy thus writes Jerome in the fame Place-Le/ ns read the Books of the Kiitgs and the Cbro· nic!es, and we will find that tbe good King Jofiah was jlam by the Eg;ptians, and the lfraelites jitbdued to an Egyptian Yoke, fo that they appoiuted them a King. And not long after comes Nebuchodonofor, with an innumerable Multitude of Soldm·s, took Jerufalem, deftro)'ed the other Cities of Judea, burnt the 'J'emple, and planted. Affyrian luhabitanls t Lib. 5, de llijl., ({lp, 13. in