METAPHORS FROMHUMANSENSE, Book I. llet!ring and to I-lear, denotes, 1. The inward Undedhnding, Intelligence, or Difcretion of the Mind, Gen. xi. 7· xli. '5· and xlii. 23. 2 Kings xviii. 26. lja. xxxvi. I 1. Jer. v. 15. Matt. xiii. '3• 1 Cor. xiv. 2, &c. 2. Approbation and Obedience, Gen. iii. 17. and xxi. 12. Jojh, i. I7, I8. Judg. ii. I7, 20. Deut. xviii. 19· 1Sam. ii. 25. Prov, iv. 1. lja. xxxiii. I5. Matt. xvii. 5· John viii. 47· ix. 72. and x. 27. 1 'lim. iv. 16. See James i. 22, &c. To Hearing is oppofed Deafnefs, denoting, unbelieving; wicked, and obfiinate Sinners, !fa. xlii. I8, '9· with vi. IO. it is fpoke of the Converted, lja. xxix. 18. SMELL, what relates to this Senfe we have in part fhewn before, A 'Thread of 'low is faid to fme/1 the Fire, fo the Hebrew, Judg. xvi. 9· when it touches ir, and finds its Force. See Chap. xv. 14. alto Job xiv. 9· and xxxix. 25. Bad Report is faid to ftink, Gen. xxxiv. 30. Exod. v. 21. I Sam. xiii. 4· 2 Sam. x. 6. and xvi. 21. Dan. vi. 14. 'To'[A S'!E is put for to undedhnd, experience, or enjoy, Pfal. xxxiv. 8, 9· Prov,' xxxi. 18. Matt. xvi. 28. John viii. 52. Heb. vi. 4, 5· I Pet. ii. 3· Hence the Noun !:JJ)tl Guftus, 'lafte, tranfiated to the Mind fignifies Cozmftl, Judgment, or Reafon, I Sam. xxi. 13. and xxv. 33· Pfal. cxix. 66. Prov. xi. 22. Job xii. 20. Dan. iii. 10, I2. Jonah i1i. 7. SWEE'!NESS, or to be fweet, is a Metaphor well known, ancl fignifies to delight, or to be well pltafed in a Thing, Job xx. I>. Pfal. lv. I4. Prov. iii. 24. and ix. 17. (where by a Metaphor ofjfolen Waters, which are [aid to be f.veet, and Bread of Secre– cies to be pleafanr, wicked Company· keeping with an Adulterefs is exprdfrd 1 Cant. ii. 3, 14. and v. 16. Jer. xxxi. 26, &c. SecProv. iii. 2~. Pfal. xix. 10,1 1. and cxix. 103. Bl'l'!ERNESS, or to be BI'l'I'ER denotes an overwhelming with Calamiry, which is as hateful to the Mind and Senfe, as Bitternefs is to the T a!le, Gen. xxvi. 35· Exod. i. 14. Ruth i. 20. 1Sam. xxx. 6. and i. 10. 2 Kings iv. 27. Job xi1i. 26. anJ xxi. 25.· Prov. xvii. 25. !fa. xxxviii. 17. Lam. iii. 15. Ezek. iii. 14. Zech. xi1. IO, &c. lfa. xxiv. 9· It betokens that which is evil and hurtful, Prov. v. 4· Jer. ii. 19. and fo is applied to Idols, Hof xii. 15. More efpec::ially 1t denotes Anger or .Fiercenefs and Cruelty of Mind, Gen. xlix. 23. Judg. xvi1i. 25. 2 Sam. xv>i. 8. Hab. i. 6. Eph. iv. 3 1. Cot. iii. 19. It denotes Calumny, Ram. iii. '4· James iii. 14. with Verfe 8, 9, 10, 11. Sin, as Atls viii. 23. Rom. iii. 14. Heb. xii. I5· Matt. xxvi. 75· Luke xxii. 62. The ObjeCt of 'Touch is bard and foft. Hardmfs is fpoken, '. Of Men ; and denotes, (1.) Depravity, Pertinacy, and Stubbornnefs of Mind, Exod. vii. 3· and xm. 15. Deut. ii. 30. and x. 16. Prov. xxviii. 15. !fa. xlviii. 4· and lxiii. 17. Ezek. ii. 4· Matt. xix. 8. Mark x. 5· /Ills xix. 9· Rom. ii. 5· and ix. 18. Heb. iii. 8, '3, 15. and iv. 7· (2.) It denotes Cruelty and Unmercifulnefs, Gen. xlix. 7· Judg. iv. 24. 1 Sam. v. 7· lja. viii. 22. and xix. 4· Matt. xxv. 24. (3.) Ajfliflions and Sadnefs, 1 Sam. i. 15. Job xxx. 25. Pfal. lx. 5, &c. 2. Of 'Things, and fo their Perplexity, Difficulty, and Grievoufnefs is intimated, Gm. xxxv. I6, 17. Deut. i. I?. and Chap. xv. I8. 2 Sam. ii I7· Afls ix. 5· JameJ iii. 4· 3· Of Speech, and Words, as when they are bitter, Gen. xlii. 7· 2 Sam. xix. 43· Pfal. xxxi. 18. when they are difficult to be under!lood, 2 Kings ii. 10. John vi. 6o. He i• called bard, who denounces Evil or Adverfity, or any Misfortune, I Kings xiv. 6. SOF'!NESS is applied, '· To the Heart of Man, and denotes Con!lernation and Fear, Deut. xx. 3· Job xxiii. 16. Jer. li. 46. !fa. vii. 4· alfo Contrition and Repentance, 2 Kings xxii. '9· with Ezek. xxxvi. 26. By Softnefs or Effeminacy, 1 Cor. VI. 9· are meant thofe impure \Vretches that unnaturally abufe themfdves or others, as Illyricus fays. 2. 'fo