Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. METAPHORS FROM vARious DrFFERENc r.s OF MANKIND. r65 2. 'To Speech, as Flatte~y, Pfal. v. 9· xii. 3· and lv. 21. Prov. ii. 16. vii. 5· xxvi. 29; xxviii. 23. and xxix. 5· In which Places the term, p?n mollc, mild, or fofc is ufed for Flattery. Sometimes it notes Mildnefs and Humanity joined with Prudence, Prov. xv. 1. and xxv. •5· where the Word* 1'1 is ufed. See Job xi. 22. SLEEP the Ceffation of the Smfes, by which is fignified, I. Security, as that of Faith, by thofe that depend upon and acquiefce in the Lord, Pfal. iii. 5· and cxxvii. 2. Ezek. xxxiv. 25. Sometimes it denotes the carnal Security of wicked and unbelieving Men, Rom. xiii. 1 J. Eph. v. q. 1 'l'hejj; v. 6, 7· Hence it is faid, !fa. xxix. 10. He bath poured 011 them the Spirit of deep Sleep, &c. 2. Sloth, Lazinefs or Slug;;ifhnefs, which ileepy Perfons are very fubje<'t to, Prov. vi. 9, 10. and xxiv. 'l3· !fa. ]vi. 10. Nab. iii. 18. Ifa.v. 27.2 Pet. ii. 3· &c. 3· Death and Deflrutlion, Job iii. I3· and xiv. 12. with xvi. 22. Pfal. xiii. 3· and Jxxvi. 6. Jer. li. 39· Hence the prophane Authors call Sleep the Image of Death; Homer calls Sleep and Death '!'wins, and He.fiod cal!s Sleep the Brother of Death. Believers are faid to ileep when they die a corporal Death, M att. xxvii. 52. Jobn xi. 11, I 3· Afls vii. 6o. and xiii. 36. I Cor. XV. I 8, 20, sr. I 'l'he.f!. iv. !J, I 4, 15· The Rea!ons are elfewhere given, the Sub(bnce of which is, that their Souls have bklfed Reft: with God, and their Bodies have Rell: in the Grave, !fa. lvii. I, 2. in the certain Hope of a fmure Refurre<'tion, Afls ii. 26. Re·v. xiv. I .~ · Pfal. xvii. 14, 15. Slup being a Reprefentation or Figure of both, in which there is Rell: from Labor, and a Refrelhing of Strength, &c. To Sleep is oppofed Watching, therefore the Reafon of it in Signification is oppofite with Refpe<'t to Sleep. 1. As Sleep denotes carnal Security, fo Watchfulnefs fignifies true Repentance, and a ferious and diligent l:!.xercife of Piety, Matt. xxiv. 42. and xxv. I 3· Mark xiii. 35· Luke xxi. 36. I Cor. xvi. I 3· Rom. xiii. 11. 1 Cor. xv. 34· Eph. v. I 4· and vi. 18. Col. iv. 2. 1 'J'he.f!. v. 6, IO. 1 Pet. v. 8. Rev. iii. 2, 3· and xvi. IS. &c. 2. As Sleep denotes Sloth and Lazinefs; fo Watchfulnefs fignifies Alacrity, Diligence and Prudence, in the Management of Duty or Office, Pfal. cxxvii. 1. Afls xx. 3I. Heb. xiii. 17· 3· As Sleep denotes Death, fo Watchfulnefs denotes Life, both are joined together, I 'l'he.f!. v. ro. See Rom. xiv. 8. more Comparifons might be made, but they are obvious. Metaphors from the various Differences of Mankind. WE will conlider the Differences ofhuman Kind with RefpeB:, I. To Sex. 2. Age. 3· Relation. 4· Country or Family. And alchough fome of thefe belong to the Head of Adjunfls, yet for more commodious Order we will place them here. I. As to Sex; they are Man and Woman. A MAN !!I'll metaphorically denotes, a ll:om, couragious, eminent Perfon. I Sam. xxvi. 15. In that Irony of David, Art not thou a M•n? that is, hall: thou noc behaved thy!elf gallantly? Jer. v. I. Seek in the broad Places thereof (that is Jerufalem) if ye can find a Man; that is, a wift Man, &c. 1 Ki11gs ii. 2, 3· Pfal. xlix. 2, 3· iv. 3· cxviii. 5, 6. cxliv. 2, 3· and lxxxii. 6, 7· I Cor. iii. 21. vii. 23. and xvi. 13. &c. A l170MAN on the contrary, denotes one that :s timorous, weak and difpirited, !fa. iii. 12. J~r. Ji. 30. Nab. iii. 13. See Jer. xlviii. 41. !fa. xix. I 6. Hence a Sort of Men are called effeminate, &c. The Church is likened to a cba.fte Virgin; 2 Cor. xi. 2. See Hof ii. I9· This Meta– phor alludes to the legal Type of the High Prief\, who might marry none but a Virgin, Lev. xxi. t4. See Cant. i. 3· Zech. ix. '7· Re':l. xiv. 4· To which fpiritual Whoredom and Adultery is oppofed. 2. The Age of Man may be thus dill:inguifhed, viz. Infants, Boys, Youths, Men, old Men. A Jucking Infant and Boy, metaphorically denote, (1.) True Believers, Pfal. viii. z, 3· Matt. xi. 25. Luke x. 2 I. See Matt. xviii. 3, 4· I Cor. xiv. 20. 1 Pet. ii. I, 2, &c. • Mol/is, mild. Uu (2.) Such