168 METAPHORS FROM VARIOus AcTIONS oF MAKK!ND. BookL in the old Verfe, Adde parum par·vo, pavo fuperadde pvjillum, i.e. Add little to little,. and to little fuperadcl very little, thac at length they may acquire the whole Treafure of Learning; fo God, by his Prophets, (2Chron. xxxvi. 1;5.) and Minifters inftruCl.s his People in divine Learning, &c. 4· The Metaphors from a Country or Family are thefc; A Canaanite is pm for a Stranger or inipure Perfon, Zech. xiv. !all Verfe, !fa. xxxv. 8. Joel iii. 2'2. For a Merchant, hecaufe their Country was near the Sea, Prov. xxxi. 24•. !fa. ii. 8. ]er. x. 17. Hof xii. 8. Zeph. i. 11. An Arabian is pm for a Thief or Robber, becaufe they were infamous that 'Nay, ]er. iii. 2. !fa. xiii. 20. the Edomite> and Moabites are put for the Church's Enemies, becaufe they were fuch to the Jews, (Pjat. cxxxvii. 7· Lam. iv. 21. Amos i. 11. Oba– diah Verfc 10. Ezek. xxv. 12) !fa. xxxiv. 5, 6. lxiii. 1. and xxv. tO. Chaldeans are put for lv'Iathematicians or Fortune-tellers, becaufe that Nation was given to it, Dan. ii. 2. &c. The Names of Sodom and Gomorrah are attributed to the rebeilious and ftubborn Jews, !fa. i. 10. See !fa. iii. 9· Ezek. xvi. 48, 49, 53· Rome, the Seat of /lntil'hrijl, is called Sodom and Egypt, Rev. xi. 8. Sodam, becaufe of its corporal and fpirirual Whoredom, and other enormous Sins ; Egypt, becaufc of its Tyranny and Cruelty againft the People of God. Metaphors from the various Ac7ions of Men. SUCH of the Aftions of Men as we have not treated of before !hall be briefly given. ' Thefe may be difringui!hed into fuch as are necejfary, and fuch as arc contingellt. 1. Necejfary ACtions, as to EA'!' and DRINK denotes, (1.) To confumc or defrroy, Gen. xxxi. 15. Exod. iii. 2. Deut. xxxi. I7. and vii. 16. Prov. xxx. 14. Pfal. xiv. 4· and lxix. 10. !fa. i. 20. Jer. xxx. 16. Gal. v. 15. Jame> v. 2, 3, &c. (2.) To enjo;•, or receive Bene6r, as Eating nourilhes the Body- this Enjoyment is either corporal, as Gen. xlv. 18. Pfal. cxxviii. 2. Ifa . i. 19. and iii. 10, &c. or JPi– ritual, Prov. ix. 5· and viii. 5, 6, 10, &c. Jer. xv. 16. 1 'I'im. iv. 6. 2. It denotes aParticipation of the Merits and Blefiings of Chrift, John Yi. 50, &c• .I Co;·. x. 16. 3· The compleating of eternal Happinefs, or everlafting Life itfelf, Luke xiv. I5· and xxii. 30. John vi. 27. Rev. ii. 7· and iii. 20, &c. To be Filled, that is after Eating denotes any Fulnefs, as when an old Man is faid to be )IJ!II(Sept. "A"1"'"~-''1wv,) full of Days, Gen. xxv. 8. and xxxv. 29. See Hof xiii. 6. Luke vi. 25. 1 Cor. iv. 8. It denotes afufficient E njoyment of Things pleafing and profitable, Pfal. xvi. 10. xvii. I4. lxxxi. 10. ciii. 5· and cvii. 9· Matt. v. 6. Luke vi . 21. Sometimes it denotes Loathing, as a full Stomach does Meat, Pfal. lxxxviii. 3· Hab. ii. 16. Hence by an Anthropopathy it is attr.ibtlted to God, !fa. i. 11. 'I'o HUNGER and THIRST denotes an ardent Defire in the Godly, after heavenly T hings, Pfal. xlii. 2. and lxiii. 1. lfa. xli . 17. and li. 1. Matt. v. 6. Luke vi. 21.and i. 53· ln the Wicked it denotes eternal Maleditlion for the Want of thole Blelfmgs, Ifa. lxv. 13. Luke vi. 25· See Luke xvi. 24. and Amos viii. 1 1. 'l'o DRINK denotes the Enjoyment of good and pleafant Things, Jer. ii. 18. Yitlory, as Numb. xxiii. 24. See Prov. v. 15. !fa. xxxvii. 25. Participation of Heavm, Prov. ix. 5· !fa. lxv. 13. John iv. 14. and vii. 38. See Rev. Xxii. 17, &c. 'I'o fuffer Incon– veniences, as Job xxi. 20. Jer. xxv. 16. and xlix. 12. Obad. i. 16. Hab. ii. 16. Prov. xx. 6. Matt. xx. 22. and xxvi. 39, &c. 'l'o be accujfomed to a 'lbing, Job xv. 16. and xxxiv. 7· Rev. xviii. 3· Prov. ix. 5· 'l'o be drunk denotes to be filled with good Things, Deut. xxix. I9- Pfal. xxxvi. 8, 9· Prov. v. 19. and xi. 25. Caiit. v. 1. Jer. xxxi. q. To be overwhelmed with Cala– mities, !fa. li. 2 J. and lxiii. 6. Jer. xlviii. 26. Ezek. xxiii . 33· To be objfinate/:y confirm– ed in Impitty by tbe j uft Judgment of God , lfa. xxix. 9, 10. Hence Sobriety on the contrary, both of Body and Mind, is attributed to a godly Man, 1 'I'bejf. v. 6, H. 2 'I'im. iv. 5· and ii. 26. 1 Pet. i. 13. it. 7· and v. 8.