Part I. METAPHORS FROM THE VARIOUS ACTIONS OF MEN. To BEGET and BRING FORTH, is put for the Produffion or Event of any Thino-, Job xxxviii. 28. Pfal. xc. 2. Prov. xxv. 23. and xxvii. I. Zeph. ii. 2. James i. 1 5. 0 Hence Gwerations fignify Things done, or Hiftories, Gen. ii. 4· v. 1. and xxxvii. 2. iris attributed to JPiritual Renovation, Ifa.Jxvi. 9· 'John i. I 3· The Church being as it were the Mother of Believers, !fa. liv. I, and lxvi. 7, S. Gal. iv. 26, 27. To the Minifters of the GoJPel, I Cor. iv. '5· Gal. iv. I9· Philemon Verle 10, &c. When a Man is faid to bring forth f¥ind, Stubble, Vanity, &c. it denotes the ill Succefs of his malignant Endeavours, 'Job xv: 35· Pfal. vii. '4· !fa. xxvi. 28. xxxiii. I 1. and lix. 4· Hitherto of rhe necej[ary Acbons of Men; now we fhall bnefly couch fuch as are con– tingent, which aregoodor bad; with RefpeCl: ro the Agent or others. What concerns Site or local Motion, as to GO or U/ .ALK, is put for the Life, Man– ners, and ACl:ions of Men, Gen. xvii. I. Pfal. i. 1. and cxix. 1, 3, 9• &c. Ram. viii." Eph. ii. 2, IO, &c. 2 Cor. xii. I8. Hence aWay is put for the Courfe of Life or Con– duct of Men, Gen. xviii. I9· and xxxi. 35· Prov. xxviii . 6. Jer. vi. r6. Matt. xxi. 32 . .Affs xiv. 16, &c. To Go, fignifies to die, Gen. xv. 2. 'Jofh. xxiii. 14. Luke xxii. 22, &c. To Stay or Tarry fignifies to live, John xxi. 22 . Phi!. i. 25. To Follow, fignifies Imitation and Conformity in Life and ACl:ions, 1 Kings xviii. 2 •· Matt. xvi. 24. John viii. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 21. 2 Pet. i. 16. To Run, betokens Diligence, Pfal. cxix. 32. Cant. i. 4· Jer: xxxii. 2. Ram. ix. I6. 1 Cor. ix. 26. Gal. v. 7· Phi!. ii. 16. 2 Tim. iv. 7· Heb. xii. •· The Word of God is faid to run, when it is largely propagated, 2 Thejf. iii. r. and when the Will of God is fulfilled, Pfal. cxlvii. '5· To Haflen, fignifies Temerity, Rafhnefs, Precipitancy and Folly, Job v. 13. !fa. xxxv. 4· To Stand, lignifies to be happy or in a good Condition, I Sam. xxiv. 21. Pfal. xxx. 7, 8. Dan. xi. 2. Rom. xiv. 4• To believe firmly and perfevere, Exod. xiv. 13. Ram. v. 2. and xi. 20. 1 Cor. x. 12. and xvi. 13. 2 Cor. i. 24. Phi!. iv. I. It denotes Perfeverance in Sin, Pfal. i. I. Eccl. viii. 3· Hof. x. 9· The;Confirmation or ratifyiltg a Word or Decree, Lev. xxvii. I4· Deut. ix. 5· and xix. 15. !fa. xl. 8. Jer. xliv. 28. 2 Cor. xiii. I, &c. 'I'o SI'!' denotes to be quiet andfledfafl, Gen. xlix. 24. Pfal. cxiii. <J· Micah v. 3" &c. To Fall, denotes to fin, ']er. viii. 4· I Cor. xi. I2. and to be overwhelmed with Calamities, xxiv. r6, I7· .Amos v. 2. To be defpicable or low, Neh. vi. I6. Eflh. vi. I3· 'John xii. 3· To die, Gen. xxv. 18. I Cor. x. 8. See moreExamples, Gal. v. 4· 2 Pet. iii. I7· Rev. ii. 5· Matt. viii. 1 I. Luke xiii. 29. M att. xxii. I, &c. !fa. xxv. 6, &c. To GIRD denotes Fortitude, Preparation and Difpatch of Bur,nefs,. I Sam. ii. 4· Job xxxviii. 3· Prov. xxxi. I 7· Jer. i. 17. To Put on denotes a clofe Union, 'Job x. I r• .Jer. xliii. 12. Putting on, denotes Regeneration or Renovation, 2 Cor. v. 3· Rom. xiii. I2, 14· Eph. iv. 24. Col. iii. 9• 10. 1 Pet. v. 5· There are many tranr,ent .Affions of Men ufed metaphorically of which take a few Examples infiead of many, by which you may judge of the refi. ToT.AKE, is put for to learn or unded1:and, Job xxii. 22. Ptov. i. 3• &c. To Build, (O'Tl:l banab) for getting ofChildren, Gm. xvi. 2. Deut. xxv. 9· Ruth iv. I r. To rejlore, exalt or make profperous, Job xxii. 2 3· !fa. lviii. I 2. Jer. xii. I 6. and xxxi. 4· Mal. iii. IS· (to which, to dejlroy, is oppofed, ']er. xlii. IO, &c.) To ejlablijh and confirm, Pfal. lxxxix. 2. Matt. vii. 25. To inform by Doctrine and Example,Rom.xv. 20. I Cor. viii. 1. x. 23. and xiv. 4, '7· Gal. ii. I8. 1 'I'hejf. v. I I. 'Jude Verfe 20. (Hence ""'J'I'"• Edification, is put for Informatioll by Word and Life, Ram. xiv. I9· and xv. 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 3, 5, 12. 2 Cor. x. 8. and xiii. IO.) Thus is the Church built, which is the Houfe and City of God, Pfal. li. I8. and cii. I4· !fa. lx. IO. and liv. I I, 12. Matt. xvi. I 8. 1 Cor. iii. 9· Eph. ii. 2 I, 22. and iv. I 2. I Pet. ii. 5· Hence fuch as fhould pre– ferve and reO:ore the Church are called Builders, Pfal. cxviii. 22. Matt. xxi. 42• .Affs iv. 11. I Pet. ii. 7· To Build is alfo put for feducing byfalfeDo<'l:rine, I Cor. viii. 10, &c. ToW.AR, FICH'I', &c. is put for the fpiritual Fight of Believers againf1: the Devil, the World and the Flcjh, !fa. xl. 2. 2 Cor. x. 4· Eph. vi. 12. I 'l'im, i. I8. 2Tim. ii. 3> 4· and iv. 7· Phi/. i. 27. It is faid of fuch Things as difagree amono-11: themfelves as Flejh and Spirit, R01;o. vii. 23. 'James iv. 1. 1 Pet, ii. 21, Prayer~ are fpiriruai X x Weapons,