META pH 0 R s FROM CONTAINING SUBJECTS. Book I. Weapons, Rom. xv. 30. Col. iv. 12, &c. To commit Adultery or play the Whore, is put for Idolatry and Impiety of which there are 1\bundance of Examples in Scripmre E>od. xxxiv. 15, 16. Deut. xxxi. 16. Judg. ii. 17. and viii. 27, 33· 2 Kings ix. 22: 1 Cbron. v. 25. lfa. i. 21. and lvii. 3, 4- Jer. ii. 20. iii. 1, 6, 8, 9· xiii. 27. and xxiii, 14. Ezek. xvi. 15, 20. and xxiii. 3· Hof i. 2: iv. 12. v. 3· and vi. 10. Nahum iii. +– Rc·v. 11. 20, 21, 22. x1v. 8. XVII. 2. and XVIII. 3, &c. The Reafon of the !Vletaphor is, becaufe God hath joined and as it were efpoufed his Church to himfelf in a fpiritual Contral'l: or Covenant, that thereby he may begetfpiritual Children to be eternally faved. If the Church. therefore will bafdy [orf.1ke him, and run to Idols without any RefpeCl: to the Vtolanon of that conjugal Engagement, tt IS fptnt~al Adultery,. and the Scrip– ture fo lbles tt, &c. 'To bewttch, IS put for to feduce by wtcked Doctnne, Gal. iii. r. Apoftates and fuch as perfecute the Saints are faid, Heb. vi. 6. 'l'o crucify rhe Son of God afrejb. In which Senfc Rome, the Seat of Anticbrift is thus defcribed, Rev. xi. 8. The great City which fpi rindly is called Sodom and Egypt, wherealfo our Lord was cru– cified. Which Peripbrajis denotes the cruel Perfecution of true Chriil:ians, with all the Oppreflion, and Ma!Tacres perpetrated by Rome and its lnil:ruments, wherever they have Power to aCI:. For whatfoever Injuries are offered to Believers, are by the Holy Spirir.faid to be offered to Chri.ft himfelf, becaufe none of the Members can be hurt, but th~ Head fympathizes and fufi'ers with it, as was faid before. * Origen fays, By every Martyr's Condemnation, Jefus is condemned: For if a Chriftian be condemnedfor this alone, tbat be is a Chri.ftian, it is Cbri.ft then, that is condemned; (and fo crucified.) Metaphors taken from the containing Subjecrs. TO this belong · (1.) Generally Place and its Dimenjions. (2.) Particularly the Habitations of Men. To the Dimenjions or Differences of Place belongs Altitude or Height, which when referred to the Mind and Underil:anding of Man, metaphorically denotes an abf\rufe Thing, or that which is diffi(ult to be underil:ood, Prcv. xxiv. 7· Wifdom is too high for a Fool, that is, he cannot arcain it, See Prov. xiv. 6. AWord that has Affinity with this denotes the Diil:raCl:ion of an irrefolute Mind, by R eafon of divers Cares and Doubts, Luke xii. 29, ""' ~'-" 1'•1•we•~•~•· Be ye not lifted up on high, we tran!late it, be ve not of a doubtful Mind; this Metaphor is taken from Meteors, and denotes a Mind as ,: it were hung up in theAir, apt to be blown hither and thither by every Bla£1:; the Meaning is, be not di.ftrat1ed with various Cares for your Sultentation, but acquiefe in the Hope of Divine Help. Gen. xliii. r8. We are brought in, that be may roll himfelf upon us, andfall upon us, and take us for Bondmen. This is an elegant Metaphor taken from the Fall of a Body from an highPlace orPrecipice, upon which Junius fays, Metephora duplex, a corp.ribus magn£ & ponderoj£ molis, &c. " A double Metaphor taken from Bodies of a great and " weighty Bulk, which by wheeling (as it were) are !llmbled down from on high, and the higher they are, with fo much the more Violence do they fall: As if he had faid, whereas he has no lawful Caufe of Qttarrel again£1: us, he will make us Captives, or Bondmen by this Pretext of Money," &c. 'l'o go BACKWAND denotes Apof\acy, Jer. 7· 14. 'l'o turn their Hearts back again, fignifies Repentance, and their abhorring Baal whom they thought to be a God, r Kings xviii. 37· See lfa.J. 5· 'l'o turn to the RJGH'f HAND or LEF'l' HAND, Gen. xxiv. 49· fignifies a Defire what to do, or not to do; the Metaphor being taken from fuch as are doubtful, when they come to a Parting-way, which to take, and are wont to be directed by thatPhrafe, turn to the right or left Hand. This Phrafe is ufed with RelpeCl: to Divine Obedience, when Men are commanded to walk neither to the right nor left Hand, that is, to keep exat1/y to that Rule and Or– der with Refpect to God's Worfhip, which he hath fer down in his Word, Deut. v. 32. • Hfim;!. I I , in Je,-, xvii.