Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

MET A pH 0 R s FROM CONTAINING SUBJECTS. Book I. ?.nd Laftingnefs, Prov. ix._r. Jer. i. 18. Job ix. 6. and xxvi. 11. r<Tim. iii. 5· Rev. 111. 12. Drgmty and Pre-emmence m the Church, Gal. ir. 9· the Common-wealth, Pfal. lxxv. 4· A Corner, denotes Extremity, becaufe it is the extreme Part of the Building, as J, The Extrem~s of the Earth, Exod. xxvii. 9· Numb. xxxiv. 3· Neh. ix. 22. Jer. ix. 26. Deut. xxxii. 26. 2. Of a Field and Country, Lev. xix. '9· Numb. xxiv. '7· where the Cbaldee and Septuagint underfbnd Princes. 3• Of the Head, as the Forehead and Temples, Lev. xiii. 41. and xix. 27. The outward Corner of a Houfe, fignifies a Prince or Grandee, Judg. xx. 2. r Sam. xiv. 38. lfa. xix. 13. Hence Chrift is called a Corner-jlone, Pfal. cxviii. n. expounded Epb. ii. 15, 16, 17, 20. A Nail,- fignifies one fixt for common Good, lfa. xxii. 23. the Cha!dee renders it faithful Governor, and the Septuagint "PGW>, a Prince. A Gate or Door, is put for a populous City, through which the Palfage of Traffic or Commerce is wont to be, Ezek. xxvi. 2. For the Entrance into a Country, Micah v. 5· For the Lips, Job xli. 5· See Pfal. cxli. 3· and lxxvii. 22, 23. Job iii. 10. What a Door of Hope denotes is lhewn before in the Mention of the Valley of Acbor, Hof ii. I 5· The Opening of a Door, denotes Preaching the Gofpel, lfa. xxvi. 2. and lx. I I. Acts xiv. 27. I Cor. xvi. 9· 2 Cor. ii. I2. Col. iv. 3· Rev. iii. 8. '!'be Door of Heaven denotes the Means of· arriving to Blelfednefs, Gen. xxviii. I7. Matt. vii. I 4 . Luke xiii. 24. Chrift calls himfelf a Door, John x. I, 2, 7, .9· becaufe none can get into Heaven or rightly into the Church but through him. See Metaphor Door in the frcond Book. Matt. xxiii. q. The Pharifees are faid to jhut the Kingdom of Heaven and prohibit Entrance therein, becarife they hi11dered Men from looking after the faving Graces of the ivfd}iah, who is the only Door of Salvarion, and becaufe they depraved his holy Word: 'l'o be at the Door, denotes Nearnefs of Time, Matt. xxiv. 33· J ames v. 9· '!'be Gates of Death, denote extreme Peril, Job xxxviii. 1. Pfal. ix. 13· and cvii. 18. !fa. xxxviii. 10. 'I'be Gates of Hell, Matt. xvi. 18. denote the Stratagems, Machinations, Plots, and Power of the Devil and his Miniflers, &c. Believers are faid to knock at the Door, when they pray earneftly, Matt. vii. 7, 8. Luke xi. 9· God is faid to knock at tbe Door (of our Beart) when he earneftly invites Men to Repentance, Re·v. iii. 20, &c. Bars, which ftrengthen Gates, I Sam. xxiii. 7· are metaphorically put for any Kind of Fortification or Strength, Job xxxviii. 10. Pfal. cxlvii. I3· Ezek. xxx. 18. Amos i. 5· lfa. xv. 5· and xliii. 14A KEY denotes Authority and Power, Ifa. xxii. 22. It is attributed to Chrifl with RefpeCt to Hell and Death, Rev. i. 18. and the Church and Heaven, Rev. iii. 7· which denotes chief Dominion. '!'he Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, Matt. xvi. '9· denote the Miniftry and Office of the Apoftles, Job xx. 23. in retaining Sins, (viz. excom– municating fcandalous Sinners) and remitting Sins, (that is, receiving the Penitent) fet forth by the Metaphors of a Key, which lhuts or opens the Door. The Species of Buildings, are (1.) A City, which metaphorically denotes the Church militant, Ifa. xxvi. 1. Heb. xii. 22. See Matt. v. I4· The Church triumphant, Heb. xi. 10. and xiii. '4· Rev. ii. 2, &c. See Phi!. iii. 20. and i. 27. where heavenly Converfation is exprelfed by a Word derived of.,..;.,, a City, as Civility is from Civis a Citizen, becaufe thetr Converfation lhould be civil, in OppoGtion to the Rudenefs and Barbarity of fuch as live in the Country. lt is faid of a Fool, Eccl.. x. I5· that be knows not bow to go to the City, that is, he cannot perfeCt what he undertook. STRONG HOLDS, or Munitions are elegantly ufed by the Apoftle, 2 Cor. x. 4- for all that which the Chur-ch's Enemies put their Confidence in, as carnal Wifdom, Learn– ino-, Eloquence, &c. which thofe divine Weapons pull down, &c. 0 'l'owers fometimes denote proud Tyrants, and worldly Grandees, lfa. ii. 15. and xxx. 25. Other Significations of tbefe, fee before, Cbap. viii. and in the metaphorical Parallels, Book 2. A HOUSE