Part I. MET APH0 R S FROM HuMAN An JUNCTs. A HOUSE, denotes the Church militant, Pfal. xxvii. 3, 4-· and lxix. 9· ('John ii. 1 7.) Ixxxiv. 4-- and xcii. I3Ifa. !vi. 5, 7· Eph. ii. 19, 22. I 'l'inl. iii. I5. Heb. iii. 6. and x. 21. I Pet. 11. 5· and IV. I 7. Hence the Apoftles are called ''""'~'-"• the Houfe-fervants or Stewards of God, I Cor. iv. i. The Temple of Jerufalem is fre– quently called the Houfe of God, 2 Sam. vii. 5, 6. Pfal. xxvi. 7, 8. and xii. 2. Jer. vii. I 1. Malt. xxi. 13, &c. The Church triumphant and eternal Life, is called a Houfe, Pfal. xxxvi. 8. John xiv. 2. 2 Cor. v. I, 2. The Reafon is,_ bec~ufe . (I.) God lives there with the Bleffed, as the Mafter of a Family With h1s Domeft1cs. (2.) Becaufe it is a moft quiet and fecure Habitation. ( 3 .) Becaufe of the perfeCt and clear VIfion of God. . ( 4 .) With Refpect to the glonous Ornaments of his Family; for the Grandees of the World maintain their Families as fplendidly as they can. ( 5 .) Becaufe all the fpiritual Sons of God are gathered into this Houfe, where there i• perfect Harmony and Concord, &c. A 'J'abernac/e is almoft of the fame Signification, and is put for the Church militant, Pfal. xv. I. xxvii. 4-, 5· and lxxxiv. I. for. the Church triumphant, Luke xvi. 8. Rev. xxi. 3· The Tabernacle of Davzd, Amos IX. I 1. Acts xv. I6. denotes the Kmgdom and Chuch of the Mef!iah, &c. The Word 'l'abernac/e is faid of the Sun's tarrying in Heaven, Pfal. xix. 4-· and of a human Body, 2 Cor. v. 1, 4-· 2 Pet. i. If. becaufe the Soul dwells in it, as its Habitation till Death. * A Chamber or Inner Room, which the Latins call Penetrate is attributed to God, which is a Symbol of that divine and intimate Communion which the Samts enjoy with him, Cant. i. 4-· See John. xiv. 2. where the many Manfions there, are thus to be metaphorica/(y underftood, viz. Variety of heavenly Jo)'S. Chambers of the South, Job ix. 9· and xxxvii. 9· this denotes that Part of Heaven which is near the Antarctic Pole, or Southern Axis, which being below our Horizon cannot be feen of us. See Prov. xxiv. 4· and xviii. 8. By Chambers of Death, Prov. vii. 27. is denoted Damnation. The Chambers of the People, !fa. xxvi. 20. are temporal Death, or the Graves of the Godly, from which at the lafl: Day there will be a RefurreCI:ion. A PRISON, and Imprifonment is molt elegantly tranfiated to denote God's Vengeance againft his Enemies, !fa. xxiv. 21. And it jhall come to pafs in that Day, that the Lord jha/1 vifit (that is, take Notice of) the Hofl of every high one, with him that is on high, and the Kings of the Earth, with their Land, (that is, he will punifh high and low, King and SubjeCt) Verfe 22. And they jha/1 be gathered together with the gathering of Prifoners into the Dungeon, and jha/1 be jhut up in Prifon (that is, they !hall be held Captive by the Power of God, whatfoever they are that are his Adverfaries, for this !butting up in Prifon denotes any Kind of Punifhment) and after many Days they jha/1 be wanting, that is, they !hall never be able to extol or lift themfelves up more againit God. See 2 Cor. x. 4-, 5· A freeing from Prifon, denotes divine Deliverance, Pfa/. cxli. 7· A SHIP, !fa. xxxiii. 2I. denotes all the Force of the Church's Enemies, Pfal. x\viii 7· The breaking of the Ships ofTarfhifi,, betokens (as many Interpreters fay) the Confufion of thofe Enemies. See !fa. ii. I6, '7· Befides this ''"""''l''" to make Shipwreck of Faith, denotes Apoftacy from the Faith, &c. . A GRAVE denotes the depraved Nature of Man, Pfal. v. 9· Rom. iii. '3· '/'heir 'l'hroat is an open Sepulchre, the Metaphor being taken from the noifome Scent of a Grave, which is tranfiated to the corrupt and wicked Difcourfe of ill Men. See Matt. xxiii .. 27, 28, &c. See alfo !fa. xiv. II. 'l'hy Pomp is brought down to the Grave, that Is, none will honor thee, & c. Metaphors from the various AdjunCts of Men. THESE may be divided into internal and external; of the internal we have before expounded many; of the external, by which the various Utenfils or lnftruments, &c. ufeful for human Life are to be underftood, we will here treat briefly. • '11n cheder. '.rhiJ Wordjignijin the imnojJ and mojl retired Part of atry Place. y y ARMS