lj6 MET A pH 0 R s FROM HUMAN ADJUNCTS. Book I. I Pet. iii. 7· H ence the Phrafe to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, Matt. xix. 29. and xxv. 34· and fundry other Places; the Metaphor is taken from the Jewifh Inheritances which were kept very facredly and ftriC\Iy by the Poffelfors, and left to their Pofterity: as appears by that herorc Speech of Nabotb, 2 Kings xxi. 3· who refufcd to exchan"e his Vineyard for a better, &c. " To Ricbes, 'freafures, &c. are oppofed Poverty and Begging, which denote the Want of fpiritual good Things, Rw. iii. I7· Sometimes Repentance and Contrition, with a Defire after them, Matt. v. 3· and I 1. 5· Luke iv. 18. and vi. 20, &c. A DEB'f denotes Sin, Matt. vi. 12. (See Luke xi. 4·) Luke xiii. 4· becaufe we become thereby obnoxious to the Wrath of God as a Debtor does to the Arreft and Suit of his Creditor. See the Parables, Matt. v. 26. and xviii. 23, &c. Luke vii. 41, 42, 47· and the Appellation of a Bond, Col. ii. 14. of which before. A IVHJP metaphorically denotes Affliction, Calamity and Lofs, I Kings xii. I r, '4· Jojb. xxiii. 13· 'job v. 2 r. and ix. 23. !fa. x. 25. and xxviii. 18. Mark iii. IO. and v. 29, 34· Luke vii. 21. Heb. xii. 6, &c. The HAMMER of the whole Earth, is a metaphorical Epithet of the Babylonian J.-fonarch, ']er. I. 23. becaufe God (as if it were with a great Hammer) made ufe of him at that Time to break in pieces the Kingdoms of the whole World. See ']er. xxiii. 29. and li. 20. A '{ABLE denotes heavenly good Things, Pfal. xxiii. 5· and lxix. 22. Prov. ix. 2. Rom. xi. 9· A MEASURE, P·HI"' metron, has three metaphorical Significations, 1. Becaufe it contains Part of an intire I-Ieap or Parcel, ir is put for rhat Portion or Proportion of the Gifts of the .Spirit which Believers have, Ror,'. xii. 3· Epb. iv. 7, 16. Thus it is faid of Chritl:, 'johll iii. 34· 'fhat God giveth not the Spirit by Meafure unto bim, on which * 'fertu!!iall moft elegantly, Spiritus Sa11tlus habilat in Chriflo p!enus & lotus, nee in aliqua mmfura, aut portione mutilatus fed cum Iota fua redundantia cumulatC edmijfits, ut ex i!!o delibationem quandam gratiarum C£teri confequi po.Jlint, totius Santli Spiritus, in Chri.fto, Jonte remanente, ut ex illo donorum atque operum VC!tee duarentur, Spiritu Santlo ill Chriflo aifiuenter habitante. That is, " The Holy Spirit dwells fully and intirely in Chrift only, neither does he fo in a defective Way or Meafure, but heaped up to the full in the greateft Redundancy, that others may receive the Com– munications of Graces from him, the whole Spring or Fountain of the Spirit remain– ing in Chrift, that the Veins of Gifts and Works may convey Inflltence from him, the Holy Spirit dwelling moft abundantly in him." 2. In regard a Meajitre is filled, when a Thing is fold, it is put for a large Remune– ration of Benefits, (Luke vi. 38.) or Blej]ings. As alfo the Abundance or Termination ofEvil and Wickednds, Matt. xxiii. 32. (with I 'fbejf. ii. 16.)ji!! up then the Meafure o,fyottr Fathers, viz. of the Si11s of your Fathers, as Erafmus paraphrafes it, go on, i.mitate your Anceftors, ind what they wanted of extreme Cruelty, do ye make it up; they killed the Prophets, and you him, by whom, and of whom they prophefied. The bighejl Pitch of Vi!!ainy i noted by this Phrafe, beyond which there is no further Pro– grefs, and makes ripe for Divine Vengeance, and fevereft Punifhment, wh~h certainly follows it, as Payment follows Thrngs fully meafured and fold. See the Example! of rhe Amorites, Gen. xv. 16. Of the Sodomites, Gen. xviii. 20, &c. Of the Amalekites, Exod. xvii. 14· I Sam. xv. 2, &c. 3· Becaufe there is a muwal Equality and Proportion, in giving and rell:oring, therefore it is metaphorically faid in a Proverb, with what Meafure ye mete, it jhall be meafured to you again, which we find threeTimes, with a different or diverfe Scope. ( 1 .) Denoting juft Retaliation, erther wrth RefpeCl: to Reward or P.uni01ment, Matt. vii. 2. L uke vi. 3~· relating to our Neighbour. (2.) A legitimate and faving Handling of the Word of God, Mark iv. 24. As Et!· thymius fays, As ye attend the Word, fo ye jhall profit tn Knowledge. Or, • Lib. de 'l'rinit, f. 630. (3.) As