Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. METAPHORS FROM HuMAN ADjuNcTs. ( 3 .) As Pijcator fays, If ye ·communicate the Word of God liberally, God will com– municate the Knowledge of his Divine Jv!yflertes more !tberally to you, and augmmt your Gifts, &c. For this heavenly Talent is improved and multiplied by communicating it to others. A RAZOR which !haves off Hair, is put for the King of AJ!Yria, !fa. vii. 20. de– notinrr that God would permit him tO deftroy lfrael. It is called hired, wirh RefpeCl: to the"Fact of Ahaz, who hired the King of /l!Jjria to affift him againlt the K·ng cif Syria, 2 Kings xvi. 7, 8. Moab is called a Wajh-pot by David, Pfal. lx. ~·denoting the Bafenefs of thofe People, and that they were only fit for the vileft Offices, 2 Sam. viri. 2. A BURDEN denotes Things troublefome and difficult, Exod. vi. 6. Pfal. lv. 22. !fa. ix. 4· x. 27. and xiv. 25. Matt. xxxiii. 4, &c. WEIGH'!' (3~1<r#', fignifies the Greatnefs of heavenly Giory, 2 Cor. iv. I 7· frequent– ly, '!rouble and Misfortmu, Matt. x. I2. Ac1s xv. 28. Gal. vi. 2. I 'I'he.Jl ii. 6. Rev. ii. 24. See Prov. xxvii. 3· Sin is called heavy, Heb. xii. x. becaufe it is an Impedi– ment in our heavenly Race or Courfe tO Heaven; -Of a Seal we have treated before. A LOOKING· GLASS denotes an imperfect Knowledge of the Myfleries of God in this Life, 1 Cor. xiii. ' 2 . becaufe it gives but an imperfeCt RefleCtion of the Figure or Object, compared to the ObjeCt itftlf. And becaufe .fome Looking-glaj[es reflect tHe Rays or Beams of the Sun when it fl1ines on them to an ObjeCt. The Apoflle ele– gantly ufes the Verb (xaTo,?e•?•~:7a,,) beholding in a Glafs for the Light ot Divine Knowledge, 2 Cor. iii. r8. But we with ope!l hue, beholding as in a Glafs the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the fame Image (that is, are eminently illuminated, and com– municate Light to others) from Glory to Glor,y, ils by the Spirit of the Lord. SPOILS taken from an ENEMY, denote Chrilt's ViCtory over Satan, !fa. liii. I2." Luke xi. 22. Col. ii. 15. a Man's Life is faici to be to him for a Prey, which denotes Deliverance from prefent Death, as he that takes a Booty expofcs his Lift: to D :nger, ']er. xxi. 9· xxxviii. 2. xxxix. 18. and xlv. 5· Stipeud or Wages given to a Soldier, is attributed to Sin, Rom. vi. 23. whofe dueWages is Death eternal. A 'l'abft, is at– tributed to the Heart, when it is fixed upon any Thing, Prov. iii. 3· Jer xvii. ,; A Cr;ver or Covering denotes Ignorance, becaufe if a Thing be covered we cannot fee ir, Ifa. xxv. 7· 2 Cor. iii. I4, I5, 16. Lam. iii. 65. /1 Sheath or Scabbard is ptit for the llody becaufe the Soul lodges there as a Sword in a Sheath, Dan. vii. I 5· A Vej[el is put for a Man's Body, I Sam. xxi. 5· I 'I'hejf iv. 4· Paul calls himfelf and his- Col– leagues Earthen Vej[els, 2 Cor. iv. 7· becaufe of the Cof]tempt, Calamities and Ha– zards that they were expofed to in the World; as earthen Veffils are more defpifetl and more obnoxious to be broken than fuch as are made of Silver and Gold, 1 Pet, iii. 7· Pete;· calls a Woman the weaker Vejfel, becaufe more fubjeCl: to WeakneJJes ·and Infirmities then Men. Paul is called a chofen Ve.ffel by Chrifl, /lfls ix. 15. that is, a moft choice and excellent ln(lrumcnt whom he would ufe to convert the Gentiles. Vej[els of Grace or Ilonor are fuch as are faved by Grace; and VeJJtls of Wrath and Dijhonor, fuch as are rejefled and damned fur their Infidelity and Contempt of the Mejjiph, Rom. ix. 2 t, 22, 23. See 2 'I'im. ii. 20, 21. where there is an exprefs Com– parifon. See !fa. xxii. 8, &c. A CARMEN'!' which covers the Body, defends and adorns it; yields a double Metaphor. I. 1t denotes Salvation by the Application and Appropriarion of the great Benefits ofChri(t as well in this Life as in that which is to come, Pfa!. xlv. 8, I3, 14. !fa. 1xr. 10. R ev. iii. I8. vii. I4· and xvi. 15. The Reafon of the Comparifon is excellent. (1.) from the Hiding of indecent Nakednefs, of which Pfal. xxxii. r. Rom. iv. 6.7. (2.) Becwfe thereby the Body is defended from Cold, and other noxious Things, }Jatt. xxiv. I2. viii. 30, &c. (3.) Becaufe it Rdorns and beautifies, Pfal. ex. 3, &c. See the Parables, Ezek. xvi. JO, &c. A1att. Xl'ii. 11, I 2. Lukqcv. 22. The typical Vijions, Zech. iii. 3, &c. Z ~ Rc'll