Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. METAPHORS FROM MEN AND PLACEs SACRED To Got>. 179 Metaphors from Men facred to God. MEN that belong to this are either fingular or conjrmtl, viz. The whole People. Single ..... or fiogular, as Davida Man according to God's own H earr, who is pur for the Mejjiah, lfa~ lv. 3· I will make an evcrl'!fting Covmant with you, the mofl fitre j'>fercies of David. R . Kimchi, clearly alfens, that the i'vlejjiah is to be underftood here, and ir evi – dently appears from Vcrfe 4· Some underftand by the Mercies of David, the Bleffings that Goo promifcd David, viz. That the Mtjjiah and Savior of the V/orld ilrould be born of his Race; which is the fame Thing in Etrecr wirh the former Explication. This Text is applied to the RefurreCl:ion of Ch.-ijl, /Jfls xiii. 34· The Name of David* and fome of his Attributes are afcribed to the Mejjiah, Pfal. cxxxii. 10. Jer. xxx. 9· Ezck. xxxiv. 23, 24. and xxxvii. z;, 25. liof :ii. 5· The Khtgdom of David.typified the Kingdom of the Md}iah,. Ija. ix. 7· Luke i. 32, 33· See Ija. xi. 1. 2 Sam. u. 12, f3, r4...(Heb. 1. 5.) Pfal. lxxxtx. zo, 27. (Col.'· 15.) /lmos ix. I r. ( /Jfls xv. 16.) Pfal. XVIJJ. 50. ( Rom. xv. 9.) Hence the royal Seat of Dav.·d, Sion and J erufalemwere Types of the Church of Chrifr, Pf•l. ii. 6. Ija. ii. 2, 3, &c. That the Name of Solomon (the Son of David) is attributed to the Jl1ejjiah, plainly appears from (;_ant. iii. I 1. So ina certain and myfrical Senfe the Pro;nilt: made to Da– vid, 2 Sam. vu, and I Chron. xv11. 1s underfrood. Zerubbabcl the Son of Shealtiet was alfo put for Chrijl, Hag. ii. 23, :ls Interpreters thew, becaufe Chriltcame of his Race, Jltlatt. i. 12, I6. and becaufe he was the Captain of the J ews, Hag. ii. 22. as Chrifr is the Prince and Captain of his People. As he brought the People out of the Babylonijb Captivity; fo Chrift harh fi·eed his People from the Devi!'s Captiviry, &c. Zen;bbabe! founds as if it were '):J:J :Jl ;n that is, th& great, or li1ajler of Balylon, or as ·others fay, quit difperfit Bab)'lomm, who hath fcat– tered Babylon ; which name may be properly attribmed to Chrifr who hath conqllered the fpi ritual Kingdom ofBabyloil, (viz. ofthe Devil, the !Vorld, and /lntichrift.) Shealtie!, is derived of 1 ?l>lVpctiit, he fought; and~~-~ God, lo Chrifr is pallively; for he receives the Petitions of all the Godly, who feek God, and by his Merits renders them efficacious. John the Baptifr is called Elias the Prophet, Mal. iv. 5· as Chrifr himfelf expollnds it; Matt. xi. 14. and xvii. 1 t , 12, 13. Chrift is called the Church, which relates to a lvfetonyr-ty of the Subjefl; as Chap. iii. Seer. iii. There is a Metaphor taken from the Co;zception of Chritr, to denote that the Refroration of his Chllrch, and the Renovation of Men's Hearts is only through him; Gal. iv. 19 . See Rom. vi. 4, 5, 6. Gal. ii. 20. Col. ii. I 2. See alfo Col. ii. 14. To cru– cify the F'iejh, Gal. v. 24. denotes a fubduingofits depraved Lu(ls, which is painful and unpleaGng, as if they were fet upon a Crofs. Paul lays, he was crucified to the World, and the World to hin;, Gal. vi. q. that is, h~ judged the World condenmed, and the IVorJd had no bencrOpinion of him J; he exec;-ated the Acrings of the unconverted Wodd, and they likewile hated his DOCtrine, calling him pejlilent Fellow, fo that there was no Concord between him and the falfe deluding Pleafures of the World. See Matt."· 38. and xvi. 24- Mark viii. 34· and x. 2 r. L~.tke ix. 2 3. and xiv. 2 7· John xix. I 7· Gal. vi. 12. where the Croft is put for the AffliCl:ions and Sutferings of Believers, whereby their Faith is tried, and their Conformity to Chrijl is denoted, &c. The People of ljrael and Judah are frequently put for the New Teftament Chrwch; SeeG•11.xxii. 17. Jer. xxiii. 6. xxx. ro. and xxxiii. I4, 16. Ezek. xxxvii. 23 , 28. L uke i. 33· Ram. iv. 13, 17. Gal. iv. 28, 31. I Pet. ii. 9, &c. The Reafon is, becaufe of the old Covffia.ot made with them, which typified the Kingdom of the i11ejjiah. Metaphors takm from Places facred to God. THELn.dof Canaan, where the lfrae/ites dwelt becaufe of its Fruitfulneft and the · ptaceablt Sta.te of Things ther.e, is freql>ently put for the Churchs Ifo. xxvi. I. xxxv. •, 2. lvii. '3· lx. '3· and lxv. 9, 10. Ezek. x:o:xvii. 25. Joe! iii. 23. /lmos ix. ' 3• q ., '5· Mit:ah iv. .g.. Zech. iii. ro. • "1·11 Dttcuiif, amabilir, amin11,a 111 dilel/;u aur.iou, amator. t Luthcr in C(}fiJmtnr. h. l. - t a n,J Ji/).rrjit f!t 7l~ /Jqbe!. Jerttfalem,