Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

180 METAPHORS FROM PLACES SACRED TO GoD. Book I. 'Jerufdem, the Metropolis of 'judea met>phorically denotes the Church of Chrift, be– caufe God yeculiarly revcaledhimfelf in that City, and_gave Promili:s of the Melfiab there, Ija.IV. 3· xl. 2,9. and Ju. ,, 2. Zech. IX. 9· and xu. 2. Gal. IV. z6. Heb.xii. 02 , SION was a Hill in ]eri<Jalem upon which ftootl David's royal Palace, and is by way of Emtntncy (><~1 'S'X"') fometimes callt~ the Mountain of the Lord, the holy Hill, &c. IS propofeJ metaphoncally as a Symbol of the New 'I'ejlament Church, Pfal. ii. 6. )xviii. 15, 16. lxxxvii. 1, 2, 5· and cxxxii. 13, 14. Ifa. iv. 4, 5· xi. g. xxviii. 16. xl. 9· xlix. I4. !vi. 7· lix. 20. lxii. I I. and lxv. 25. Zech. ix. 9· Heb. xii. 22. 2. It denotes the Churcb triumphant in Heaven, Pfal. xv. 1. and xxiv. 3· IJa. xxxv. IO. and !1. It, &c. The magnificent 'I'emple built by Solomon in 'Jerufalem is frequently callecl the Houfe and Habitatio~z of God, and is metaphoric~lly put tor the lleaven of G~d's Glory, Pfal. XL 4· jVJ.zcah I, 2. for the Church, PJa!. XXVI. 8. xxvH. 4· XXIX. 9· xlvHI. 9· and Jxxxiv. 1, 2, 4· Ifa.lvi.1. Eph. ii. 2I. I Cor. iii. I6, I7. and vi. I92 Cor. vi. I6 Heb. iii. 6. an_d x. 21. God is c. id to be the 'l'emple of the Elefl, Rev. XXI. 22. (of which fee Chap. vm. before) Rev. XI. 19. . A 'l'emple is pUt for the Body of Chrift, John ii. I 9· In Unity with the o "''Y~ the Word, for in him dwelt all the Fulnefs of the Godhead bodily, Col. ii. 9· that is, malt rruly, perfeCtly and unchangeably, not typically or in a Shadow, as in the Temple of Jerufalem, &c. See lleb. ix. 11. x. 19, 20. viii. 2, ix. 24. and vi. 19, 20. An AL'I'AR is ufed to denote the whole Myftery of Chrijl the Mediator, Heb. xiii. 10. I Cor. x. 18. and ix. 13. fometimes Divine Worjhip in the New Teftament, Ifd. xix. '9· the Similitude being borrowed from the ancient Rites, &c. Cbrijl is called thePropitiation, '"'""I'" (hil~Jierion) Rom. ii i. 25. becaufe he became the great Sacrifice that fatisfied for our Sins. He is alfo called'""~!'-~ (bilafmos) Atone– ment, with RcfpeCI: w the <J)pe to which the Apo(\Je alludes, 1 'John ii. 2, &c. The Church is called the Pillar and Stay of'I'ruth, 1 'I'im. iii. I5- Some think that this j'vfetaphor is taken from the two Pillars which were fer up in Solomon's 'I'emple, I Kings vii. 21 . 2Chron. iii. I 7· The Name of the one was p:l1 (]achin) he fha!l ejlablijh, and of the other 1)1::1 (Banz) In it is Strength. By which Names douhtlefs this moll: wife King had Refpeft to the Stability and Firmnefs of the Kingdom and Church of the Mcjfiah, which Names Paul expreffes by the Word •Je"'wl'-"'• Jlabilimentum, firmamentum, Stabil– fame iment, or Firmammt, adding a Pillar in Allufion to thofe typical Pil!m·s. Hence in the Verfe he mentions the Houfe of God, that is the 'I'emple, by which he means the Church of the living God. . Verfe 16. He fays, without Cont,-overfy great is the Jvf;jlery of Godlinefs. Bur what is rhat 1 the Defcription follows which alludes to the Temple of ']erufalem; for, 1. In that old 'Temple God appeared in a Cloud and thick Darknejs, I Kings viii. to, It, I 2. Paul fays of the Truth of the New Tefl:ament, that God is manifejl in the Flejh. Which illu(l:rious Manifeftation, was adumbrated or lhadowed out, by that obfcure one. 2. In the old 'I'emple the Propitiatory or Mercy-feat was placed upon the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. Of Chrijl, Paul fays, that he is jufiified in Spirit: viz. when he was rifen from the Dead and fo declared himfelf the true (hilajlerion) Atone– ment, having maqe SatisfaCtion for the Sins of the World, and perfeftly fulfilled the Divine Law (the Tables of which were contained in theArkof theCovenant). Rom. iv. 25· 3· In the old 'I'emple, there were Cherubims overthe Propitiatory orMercy-feat, I Kings viii. 6, 7· Heb. ix. 5· OfChrijl, Pau!faysthatbe wasfeen of Angels, who were glorious and true Wimeffes of his RefurreCI:ion and Glory, Matt. xxviii. 2, &c. See I Pet. i. J2, 4· In the old 'I'emple the Jews were taught the Docrrine of the Mejfiah, who was to come. Paul fays of Chrijl, tnat he was preached unto the Gentiles (not to the Jews alone) believed on in the World (the Sound of the Apo!tles went out into all the Earth, Rom. x. 1 8. and their Docrrine was received by all true Believers, Col. i. 5, 6.) 5· In the old 'femple the vifible Appearance of God was not ordinary or perpetual. But Paul fays of Cbrijl, having manifefted himfelf in the Earth, that he was rewved up in Glory, as if he had faid, he hath withdrawn his vifible Prefence from his Churcb, yet he is gloriouny rruly and invifibly (for that is to be received up in Glory, vi,'!· at the Right,hand of the Father) prefent with it to the Eud oftheWorld, Matt. xxvw. 20• Eph. i, 20, 21, 22, 23, &c. ' But