M E T A p ft 0 R s FROM SACRED RITES. Book I. tion for the Sins of the World, Eph. v. 2. Heb. ix. 23, 26, 28. and x. IO, I 2, If. of which the old Sacrifices were Types and Shadows. Then the whole fVorjbip of Chritlians is called a Sacrifice, !fa. xix. 2 t. and Ivi. 7· and· IX. 7· I Pet. ii. 5· Moro particularly by the vVord Sacrifice is expreffed ferious Contriti– on of H eart, Pfal. li. 18, I9· Faith and Holi~tefs, Mal. i. 11 . Rom. xv. r6. (See R om. i. 5.) Phi/. ii. 17. New Obedience and Mortification of the Flefi1, Rom. xii. L See Pfal. iv. 5· Sacrifice the Sacrifices of Righteoufnefs. Devout Prayer is called a Sacrifice, Pfal. cxli. 2 . lfa. 1.. 7· So is glorifying of God, Pja/.1. 14· cvii. 22. Hof xiv. 3· Heb. xiii . 15. Helping our Neighbour, Pbil. iv. I8. lleb. xiii. t6. Martyrdom for th" Truth, Phi/. ii. '7· 2 'Tim. iv. 6. God's Vmgeanfe on. his Enemies, Ifa. xxxvi. 6, 'J'he OFFERING of FIRST FRUITS mentioned, Lev. xxiii. 9• IO. Numb. xv. 2t. Deut. xxvi. 2, &c, yields fame Metaphors. 1 Cor. xv. 29. It is faid that Chrift is ~"~IX•• 'Tbe Firfl Fruits of tbem that jleep, that is, of the Dead, that fhall rife again Verfe 2 3· for as a plentiful Harveft followed the Offering of Firft-fruits; fo !hall an univerfal Refurretlion (in due Seafon) fucceed or follow the Refurree\ion of Chrift. Some obferve from Ltv. xxiii. I I. that the Firfl-fruits were to be ofl'ered to the Lord on the Morrow after the Sabbath, that is, our Chdftian Sabbath or L ord's.day, (vulgarly after the Cultom of the Heathens called Sunday) and that in that very Year,. wherein Chrift fuffered, the Day of offeringFirjljr111ts fell on that Day, wherein our Lord rofe from the Dead, fo making an excellent Congruity with this allufive Metaphor which Paul ufed. 2. Believers are faid to be Firjlfruits (~,.~~x• Aparche) that is, felecred from the whole Lump of Mankind, and confecrated to himldf into the Adoption of the Suns of God;. as the Firfl.Jruits were feparared from the reft of the Fnms, and confecrated to God. The glorified Saints in Heaven are fo called, Rev. xiv. 4· Be/iec;ers are faid to have the Firflfruits of the Spirit, Rom. viii. 2 3· for as the Ifraelites by the Oblarion of Firfr-fruits, had hopes to receive the remaining Part in due Seafon by the Bleffing of God: So Be– lievers by thofe Gifts they receive in part, of the H oly Spirit, have Hopes of a Fulnefs of Joy, and a full Harveft of Glory. Some underftand this of the Apoflles only, who received the Firfl-fruits of the Spirit miraculoully, Atts ii. but the former Explication is more conformable to the Scope of the Text. 3· lt is faid of the ]ews, ]er. ii. 3· that they were the Firfl-fruits of his Increafe, that is, chofen out of, and before, all other People, of the World, and confecrated ro him. The Metaphor is continued, All that devour him fha/1 be dejolate, that is, becaufe as any, who converted the facred Provilion of Offerings to their own Ufe, againfi God's Order were guilty, and punifhed, Lev. v. fo the .People that would eat, that is, make Ifrae/ defolate, !hall themfelves be deftroyed. Rom. xi. 16. If tbe' Firflfruit be holy, the Lump is alfo holy, and if the Root be holy, fo are the Branches; that is, as the whole Lump was holy according to the Law, when the Firft-fruits were offered, fo whereas the Patriarchs and Elders of the ]er,;;s were holy unto the Lord, or a People peculiarly feparated from all People to him, this Prerogative !hall not expire with Refpe<'l: to their Poflerity, but thefe alfo !hall enjoy the Participation of Heaven and Bleffednefs, provided they believe the Gofpel and hear· rily embrace it, "Neither does the dpoflle jpeak of ajpiritual, bul of a legal Ho/inefs. Sacred Atlion~ of the latter Kind, which have Men immediately for their Objefls, (although primarily directed to the Worfhip of God) are thefe. CIRCUMCISION, the peculiar Character of the People of God, is put for Regene– ration, called tl\e Circumcifion of the Heart, Deut. x. 16. and xxx. 6. Rom. ii. 28. Of which there is a fair Periphralis, Col. ii. I I . bt wf.om alfo )'e m·e circtllhczfed, with tbe • NttjUitllim dejpirituali, fid !tgalifanllitaft Apojlolus fqquitur, Glafi. Rhtt.focra.p. 430. Circumcifion,