Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

0 F A S Y N E CD 0 C H E. Book I. xxxix. IZ. and cxix. '9· z Cor. v. 4, 6, 8. Heb. xi. q, '4· The ·words of Auguftin are memorable,*Ufe the 11/orld (fays he) but let it not infnare.~ou; that thou haft come into it art upon thy Journey out of it, and that thou didft come to depart, not to tarry is certain: tbott art then ttpon a Journey, let this Life be thy Inn, ufe Monty as a 'rrave!ler upon th; R oad does a '!'able, Cup, Pot, and Bed, that is, to lea-ve them, not to tarry with them. So much of Old 'reflament Rites, thofe of the New 'reftament are two, Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. Baptifm and to baptize are metaphorically put, (1.) Fur the miraculous Effufion of the Holy Spirit upon the Apofiles and other Be– lievers in the primitive Church: To the I-loly Spirit is fometimes addeJ Fire, which is a SJ•mbol of its external Manifefration, .11Bs ii. 3· A1att. iii. 11. Mark i. 8. Luke iii. 16. John i. 33· .llfls i. 5· and xi. 16. Some give a Reafon of the Appellation from the ana– logicallrnmerjion, or Dipping (for fo ~a"1'S"'• to baptize fignines) becaufe the Houfe, where the Holy Spirit came. upon the Apoltles, was lo filled, that they were as it were drowned in it. Others fay that the Reafon of the Appellation is, from the great Plenty and Abundance of thofe Gifts, as the Baptizedwere wont to beplunged or dipped in Water, or that they were wholly immerged in this. L:kewife becaufe by the Efficacy of the Holy Spirit, they were clean!ed from Sin, refrejhed and purified, as Water quenches Thirfr and wafhe. away Spots and Filth, &c. 2. It is put for Calamities and .11Jfiiflions, efpecially thofe of Chrijf, Matt. xx. 22, 23. Mark x.,38, 39· Luke 12, 50. The Reafon of this Nlctaphor is likewife taken from Multitude or Abundance, as Calamities are elfewhere compared to many and deep Waters, Pfal. xviii. 16. xxxii. 6. and lxix. 1, 2, &c. 3· For the miraculous Pcjfagc of the Ifraelites through the Red Sea, 1 Cor. x. 2. which was a Type of Gofpel Baptijia, &c. From Bread (the other Part of the Lord's Supper) fame think a Metaphor is taken, 1 Cor. x. 17. or1 o~ tz(11)>, H uwp.~, o1 tro>.Aol trrp.Ev quoniam unus panis, unum corpus, multi jianus, which is Word for \Vord (in Engh!h) thus, bccnufe one Bread, we being many are one bed;•, in our TranOationfor being many and one Body: Upon which Eraf– mus tin his Annotations. 'The Greeks think that we underftmzd that Bread wbicb is the Body of the Lord: Whereas all Chrijfians are Members of Chrijf, as if he bad correfted what be before had [poke, (viz. we partake) for it is more to be one and the fame, than Partaker. And in his Paraphafe, thus. We being all Partakers of the fame Bread, do declare, tha: though we be many in Number, Jet in the Confent (and Harmony) of Minds we are one Bread and one Body. · Others (Giaf}ius in Rhet. Jacra. p. 414· fays,) .nzore truly underfrand the Word Bread properly, and that there is an Ellipfis of the Verb Subftantive (is) in this Senfe: There (is) one Bread (in the holy Supper:) So likewife we being many are one Body; the Syriac clearly exprelfes it thus, As that Bread is therefore one, Jo all we are one Body: For we all receive ofthe felf,{amc Bread- For that Samenefs of Bread m the holy Supper, JS to be underftood with RefpeCl: to the facramental U fe of it, as well as the Identity of Matter, &c. C H A P. XIV. Of a Synecdoche. HAVING largely gone through the mofr frequent and moll e':linent '!'ropes in the Scripture, pnncrpally Me_taphors, we wdl be more concife m what follows, and illu!trate each, with a few Scnpture Examples, by whrch the refr of that Krnd may be ealily underfrood. • Uurt mundoj non 1t rapial mundus. ft.!!od intraj!i, &c. t Puta11t Gr.eti nos, &c. A Synec_