Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. OF A SYNECDOCHE OF THE SPECiES. A SJnetdoche is a '!'rope, by which the Whole is put for Part, or Part for the Whole.· And whereas the Whole, is either the Genus or intire '.Thing; and Part is a Species, or Member : We will treat of the four Kinds of Synecdoches in Order. A S;,necdoche of the Genus, is when the Genus is put for the Species, or an Univerfal for a Particular, as when, I. The Term All, is put for the greatdl: Part or many, as that Rule of Law ill the PandeB:s. § quod jVJajor. * AllJeem to do that, which tbe greater Part does. Ill doincr this, there mull: be great Heed cakell to the Scope and right Meaning of the Text; take"a few Examples out of the Old '.Tejlament, Exod. ix. 6. And All tbe Cattle of Egypt died, that is, all that was in the F ield, as Verfe 3. alld fame were left, as Verfe I 9 . Chap. xiv. z6, 28. alld Chap. rx. 29. Exod. xxxii.. 3· All the People, that is, the !!reatell: Part, as Verfe z6. Hence Paul u[es a partrcular Word, I Cor. x. 7· viz. JOme. See more Examples, Exod. xxxii. 26. with Verfe 29. and Deut. xxxiii. 9• Jfa. ii. 2, 3· Deut. xxviii. 64. 2 Sam. xvi. 22. Hof vii. +• &c. Ill the New '.Tejlament, Matt. iii. 5· Jenifalem a11d all Judea, and all the Region about Jordan went to be bap– tized, that is, many Men of thofe Places. More Examples are, Mark ix. 23. John x. 8. with Verfe 7· Afls ii. 5· Eph. i. rr. Phi/. ii. 21. and iv. I3· 2. The Word all or every, is put for the Kinds of Singulars, as Gen. ii. I6. Of e·very '.Tree of the Garden thou jhalt eat, that is, of every Kind of Fruit, Gen. xxiv. I o. All the Goods of his Mafter were in his Hands, that is, fame of every Sort. See Verfe 52, 53· (o 2 Kings viii. 9· Joel ii. 8. with 1 Pet. ii. 9· and Afls ii. I7. Zepb. ii. 14. Matt. iv. 23. Luke xi. 42. Afls x. 12. Heb. xiii. 4• A n univerfal Negative is alfo fometimes to be reftrained and underftood by a parti· cular Negati·ve, as Exod. xx. 10. No Work to be done on the Sabbath, that is fervile or mechanic: as appears, Lev. xxiii. 7, 8. Nurnb. xxviii. I 8. See I Sam. xx. 26. with 1 Kings xix. I r, I 2. Jer. viii. 6. Matt. v. 3+ Ye jhall not fwear at all, that is, rafhly and lightly, Matt. x. 26. Luke vii. 28. Jobn i. 31. iii. 32, 33· xv. 5· and xviii. 20. Afls xxvii. 33· 2 '.ThejJ. iu. I r. Alwrtys is put for often, Luke xviii. 1. and xxiv. 53· and every where for here and there, Matt. xvi. 20. Afls xxviii. 22. 1 Cor. iv. I 7· Names of a larger Signification are put for thofe which are of a narrower, as Flejh, is put for Man, all Flejh, that is, every Man, Gen. vi. 12. Pfal. cxlv. 2I. Ifa. xl. 5· and lxvi. 33· Matt. xxiv. 22 . Luke tii. 6. Ram. iii. 20. A Creature is put for a Man, Mark xv i. I5· Col. i. 23, &c. See Afls xii. 7· L uke xi. 51. Job xiv. I4. Afls x. I2, &c. A common Name is put for a proper, hence God is often called ~!l (El) which iignifiesftrong and powerful, alld that (x"1 '~'X"') by Way of Eminency, Gen. xiv. 22. and xxi. 33, &c. So Chrif1 is called Lord, Matt. xxi. 3· John xi. 3, I2, &c. and ]11:after, 'John xi. 28, &c. the Son of Man, Matt. viii. 20, &c. the Angel, Gen. xlviii. 16, &c. the Angel of the Lord, Exod. iii. 2 . Judg. vi. 1 r. fo thlf Seed of the Woman, MejJiab, Servant of God, Prophet, &c. Mofes is called a Prophet, Hof xii. I4, &c. The Plural Number is fometimes put for the Singular, as Gen. xxi. 7· Who would bave faid unto Abraham, Sarah jha/1 give Children fuck? that is, one Child, as in the next Verfe. Gen. xlvi. 7· It is faid, that tbere went down with Jacob into Egypt, all bis Daughters and all his Sons Daughters, whereas, as Verfe IS, '7· appears, he had but one, and one Niece, or Son's Daughter. See Arts xiii. 40. with Hab. i. 5· Matt. ii. 23, &c. Some general Verbs are put for fpecial, as '.To Jay for to command or admonifh ; Ram. xii. 3· to open is put fur toplow, Ifa. xxviii. 24. to be, is put for to live, Matt. ii. I~. and to dwell, Ruth i. 2. '.To fpeak , for Stipulation or Promife, Deut. xxvi. 17, &c. C H A P. XV. Of a Synecdoche of the Species. I\ SYNECDOCHE of the Species, is when the Species is put for the Genus or a Par– "' ticular for the Univerfal, and its Diftinetioll is conformable to the former Kind. As The Word many is put for all, Dan. xii. z. compared with Jobn v. B. Ifa. lii. u. See Matt. xvi. 28. and xxvi. 28. Rmn. v. IS, I g. Jobn vi. 50. • Omne; r.;identur facere, quodfacit Major pars. 3 B I. Words