Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

OF A SYNECDOCHE OF THE WHOLE . Book I. r. Words of a narrowtr or more fpecial Signification are put for thofe of a more Earge or univerf41 Signification. The Word !11'~ vir, a Mail, is the fpecial Attribute pf rhe male Sex, yet is put for any Man or Woman, Pfal. i. L xxxii. L and cxii. I. Jer. xvii. 5, 7· Joel ii. 7, 8, '.ilc. Fathers are put for Ancej}ors, Pfal. xxii. 4• and cvi. 6, &c. Father is pur for a Gr-andfather, 2 Sam. ix. 7· and xix. 18. Dan. v. 11, I8. A Mother for a Grandmother, 1 Kings xv. 10, '3· See Verfe 2, &c. Brothers [o; Kinjimn, Judg. ix. 1. 1Chrmz. xii. 22. Matt. xii. 46, 47· Jerom recites four Kinds of Brothers, or fuch as are fo by Nature, Gen. xxvii. 11. by Cormtry, Deut. xv. 3· by Kindred, Gen. xiii. 8. by AjjdJio11 or Union of Mind, Pfal. cxxxiii . 1. Hence the Brotherhood of one Faith in Chrifl, Rom. xiv. IO. I Pet. ii. 17, &c. Sons and Daughters for Po)lerity, Exod. i. 7· ]er. xxxi. 29. A Son for a Nephew, and a Daughter for a N iece, Gen. xxix. 5· and xxiv. 48. See Jojh. vii. 24. with Verte L f\ Son for remote Pojlerity. Hence Chrifl: is called the Son ofAbraham and David, M att. i. I, &c. See Luke xix. 9, &c. 2. A proper Name is pur for a common, as Abraham and lfrael for the Patriarchs, !fa. lxiii. 16. Paul and Apollos for any Gofpel Miniflers, 1 Cor. iii. 6. See Rom. ii. 17· and ix. 19, 20. 1 Cot'. vii. 16. where a Speech is directed to one, that concerns all. 3· The Species is pur for the Genus ; as a Bow and Spear for all Kinds of Weapons, Pfal. xliv. 6. and xlvi. IO. Zech. x. 4· Gold for any Gift, Pfal. lxxii. 15. !fa. lx. b. A L iozz for any great Beaft, !fa. xv. 9· A Command, f or any Doctrine, 2 Pet. ii. 21. and iii. 2. Honey for any fweet Thing, Exod. iii. 8, 17. and many other Places. A Land flowing witb Mill< and Honey, Ezek. xx. 6, I5· denotes Abundance of good Things ; Bread for any Victuals, Gen. iii. I9· and xxxix. 6. Matt. vi. I 1. L uke xiv. I, & c. A Garment for any Necelfaries, !fa. iii. g, 7· A Widow and Orphan for any in Dillrefs, Exod. xxii. 21. James i. 27, &c. 4· A certain Species of Number, is put for an undetermined Multitude; as two for many, !fa. xl. 2. and !xi. 7· Jer. xvi. 18. Zech. ix. 12. Rev. xviii. 6. 'I'wice, for as often, Pfal. lxii. 11. Five Words are put for a few, 1 Cor. xiv. I9· and ten thoufand Words for prolix Speech. The Number ftven, is frequently put for an indefinite Mul· titude, L ev. xxvi. 18, 21, 24, 28. I Sam. ii. 5· Sevmfold for a vaft Number, Gen. iv. 24- Matt. xviii. 22. '!'en for many, Gen. xxxi. 7· Numb. xiv. 22. A hundred for many; Eccl. vi. 3· and viii. I2. Prov. xvii. 10. Matt. xix. 29. 'I'houfands for very many, Exod. xx. 6. Myriads or ten 'J'houfands for a vajl Number, I Sam. xviii. 7· See Gen. xxiv. 6o. Numb. x. 36. Dan. vii. 10. Rev. v. 11, &c. 5· The fingular Number is put for the plural, Gen. xxxii. 5· Exod. x. 12. Judg. iv. 5· Job xiv. 1. !fa. i. 3· and xvi. 1.. Jer. viii. 7· Joel i. 4· Mall. vi. I7· Rom. ii. 28, &c. 6. Special Verbs are put for general, as to go in and out is put for the AClions of Life, or for Life in general, .Numb. xxvii. I7, 3I·. !fa. xxxvii. 2~. ACls i. 21, &c. 'l'oca/l upon God, is put for Divme Wodhtp, Gen. 1v. 26. Ifa. xhu. 22. John tv. 23, 24. with many others. 7· The Scripture fometimes propofes any Thing that is gemral, by fome illufl:rious Species, for Evidence Sake; as, (1.) In the Aflions of Men, Deut. xix. 5· The Example of the Ax flipping from the Helve, and killing a Man by Chance, is put for any involuntary Man-flaughrer. See Pfal. cxii. 5· Prov. xx. 10. Matt. v. 22. ( 2 ,) In Precepts and Divine Admonitions, Exod. xx. Honor thy Father and thy Mother, denotes Reverence to all Superiors. See Exod. xxii. 22, 26. and xxiii. ·h 5· Deut. xxii. 3, &c. L ev. xix. 14. Prov. xxv. 21. Rom. xii. 20. L uke iii. 11. John iii. 14. The Wajhing of Feet, denotes all fincere Offices of Love and Humility to each other. See I Sam. xxv. 41. 1 'I'im. v. 10. · C H A P. XVI. Of a Synecdoche of the Whole. A SYNECDOCHE of the Whole is, when an Intire or Integer is put for a Membrr, or the Whole for any Part. Which may be di(\mguilhed as they refpeCl, ( I.) A