Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

t88 0 F A , C A T A C I! R E S I s·. Book I. The integrnl Parts of M an, are put for the Man or his Body or Flefo; Gm. xvii. I 3· Pfal. xvi. 9· P,·o·v. xiv. 30. See Ails ii. 26, 31, &c. John vi. 5 1. (which is expound– ed, Luke xxii. ' 9· 2 Cor. vii. 1.) Flejb is put for the whole Man, Gen. vi. 12. L uke lii. 6. Rom. iii. 20. T Cor. i. 29. for ewry living Creature, Gen. vi. q, 17. Blood is put for Man, Pfal. xciv. 21. Prov. i.. 11 . Matt. xxvii. 4· Ails xvii. 26. <J'he HEAD is put for Man, Judg. v. 30. 2 Kings ii. 3· 2 Sam. i. I6. Ails xviii. 6. See other Examples, Gen. xix. 21. Matt. xiii. r6. Prov. viii. 13. 'Tit. i. 12. 'judg. !i· :ro. Gen. xxxi. 20. Where the Hebrew is, What haft thou done, that thou haft jlolen away my Hea1·t .< When he meant himfelf, as Verfe 27. Chald. Thou haft ftole myfelf. See Luke xxi . 34· Prov. i. r6. and vi. 8. !fa. lii. 7· Rom. x. I5, &c. The Tribe of Ephraim is put for alllfrael, !fa. vii. 2, 5, 8, 9· and ix. 9· becau.fe the royal Seat, viz. Samaria, was in it. So-is Jofeph (of whom Ephraim defcended) Pfal. lxxx. r. and lxxxi. 5· See Anzos v. 15. and vi. 6. 'fer. vi. r. The General is put for the Army, Exod. xvii. I3· 'Jojh. x. 28, 40. r Sam. xviii. 7· 2. Part of a <J'hing, is put for the intire <J'bing. As 011~ a Field for a Land or Country, Gen. xiv. 7· I Sam. xxvii. 7· A Corner for a ·<J'ower, Zeph. i. 6. and iii. 6. Zech. x. 4· becaufe· it has ftrong Corn ers. The Baptijin of John, is put for his whole Miniftry, Ails i. 22. x. 37· and xviii. 25, &c. A Nail for <J'ents; becaufe they are faftened with Nails or Stakes, Zech. x. 4· Stones are put for the intire Building, Pfal. cii. I4. The Wallfor a City, Anzos i. 7, 10, 14. (with Verfe I2.) and ii. 2, 5· The Gate for a City, Gen. xxii. 17. Deut. xii. 12. and xiv. 27, &c. And for the JnbabitantJ, Ruth iii. 11. and iv. 10. !fa. xiv. 31. A Rafter is put for a Roof and confequendy for a Houfe, Gen. xix. 8. Part of <J'ime is put for <J'ime, either indefinite or certain. A rear is put for 'I'ime, Ifa.lxi. 2. and lxiii. 4· 'fer. xi. 23. A Day is put for Time, Gen. viii. 22. 2 Kings xx. I. Pfal. xviii. I8. Matt. ii. I. A ils v. 36, &c. A Day is put for a rear, when there is no Addition of a numeral Word, Gen. xl. 4· Exocl. xiii. IO. I Sam. i. 3· Lev. xxv. 29. 'judg. xvii. ro. r Sam. xxvii. 7· Yet Amos iv. 4· three Days lignify three Years with RefpeEt to the Law, Deut. xiv. IS. The Sabbath is put for the whole Week, Luke xviii. 12. The Morning for continual <J'ime, Pfal. lxxiii. 14. !fa. xxxiii. 2. Eccl. xi. 6. Lam. iii. 23· Evening and Morning are put for the whole Day and Night, Gen. i. 5, &c. An Hour is put for 'I'ime, John iv. 23. v. 35· xvi. 2. and xvii. 1. And for a little Space of Time indefmitely, Gal. ii. 5· I <J'he.f!. 2. I 7· Phi!. Verfe 15C H A P. XVIII. Of a Catachrefis. HITHERTO we have expounded the Kinds of <J'ropes, now we are to treat briefly of their Affet1ions. Which are, Catachrifis. Hyperbole and an ./1!/egory. Which three Words fignify in Engliil1 Harfhnefs, Boldnefs, and Continualion.