Part I. OF AN H y p E R.B 0 L E. K"i"Xe""'~' Catachrljis, is called in Latin /lbtijio, an Abufe, not as if the f•cred Scrip– ture had abufed any Words, but becaufe the Things that are catachrijlical, differ in feme Thino-s from the Cuftom of fpeaking tropically, and have a harder Utterance and Co– heren~e. The Stile of Scripture is moft holy, and pure from any BlemiJh, or Undc– cency, of which take a few Examples of a threefold Kind. 1. With Refpect to the Acceptation or Signification of ·words, Lw. xxvi. 30. The Fragments of Idols are called Carcafes, by a hard Metaphor, alluding to the Carcafes of Men before-mentioned. Deut. xvi. 7· '1o boil ~!11:1 is put for roafling the Pafchal Lamb, which was not to be boiled but roalred by the Command of God. Exod. xii. 9, &c. Live Flejh (i n the Hebrew Text) is put for raw Flejh. I Sam. ii. I5. The Water, whi<;h the three Worthies of David brought with the Peril of their Lives, is called (by a harder Metonymy) their Blood. Job. iv. I2. Now a Word was brought by Stealth to me, he fpeaks of that angelica! Oracle that came fecretly to Eliphaz. See more Examples, Pfal. lxxxviii. 5· where he calls [forfaken] free, &c. lvlatt. xii. Rom. vii. 23. In– dwelling Sin, is called a L aw, becaufe it has a Kind of Command upon a Man while he lives, unlefs the Power of Grace reftrains it. See 1 Cor. xi. 10. '(he Covering of a Woman's Head, is called •E•"'"• Power, (becaufe it is paffively a Sign of her being un– der Command of the Man,) by a catachrejlical Metonymy. Sin is called p.<l\"' the Members, which are on the Earth, by a Metaphor. See Col. ii. 1 I. 2. With Refpect to the joining of the Words, when fome Words (in aMetaphor efpe– cially) are joined together, which feem not fo well to correJPond, as Exod. v. 21. where it is faid to}link in the Eyes, which better agrees with theNoflrils, which denotes great Averfenefs. Exod. xx. 18. And all the People Jaw the 'Thunder and Lightnings and the Noife of the 'l'rumpet, of which only Lightning, is feen, the others are heard. So to fee a Voice, Rev. i. I2. See more Examples, Matt. vii. 2I, 22 . . and x. IS, &c. I '1im•. vi. I9· 2Cor. v. 7· 2 'l'im. ii. I9, &c. With Refpect to the Change of JVords. This belongs to the Writings of the New 'l'ejlament, and the Greek Tongue, in which certain Words are ufed to fignify different Things, becaufe One and the fame He~rew Word, (whence that Speech was taken,) may lo flgnify. Thus A•w'"• (/liones)fecula Ages, are pm for the World, Heb. i. be– caufe the Hebrew t:l~1V fignifies both Ages and the TVorld, Eccl. iii. I 1. Awe'"'• gratis, freely is put for P."'"'• fruflra, in vain, Gal. ii. 2 r. from the Hebrew Word t:l)n, which fignifies both, viz. (freely, 1 as oppofed to Merit, Price or Reward, and, (in vain) as it is contradiltingui!hed, from the hoped Effect or Event, Pfal. cix. 2, 3· See more Exam– ples, Rev. xiv. 8. and xviii. 3· compared with Job vi. 4· Matt. vi. 34-· A Word that fignifies Malice, is put for A.flliflion becaufe the H ebrew word ;;;>1 fignifies both. See Amos iii. 6. See I Cor. xv. 54· With Amos i. 11. Heb. xi. 31. Ja;nes ii. 25. 1 Cor. ii. 6. and xiv. 20. Col. iii. I4· and iv. I2. I John iv. 18, &c. with Judges ix. I 6. and Prov. xi. 3, &c. C H A P. XIX. Of an Hyp~rbole. JF..PERBOLE is that AJfeflion of a 'l'rope, by which with greater Excefs and Enlargement for to amplify or extenuate Thi"gs, a Word is carried, or ufed, very far from its proper and native Signification. Here we are not to take away an Hyperbole ~rom the Holy Scripture by that Pretext, that is, a Kind of Lie, extolling or depre!f– mg a Thing more than is rrue: For we are to obferve, that this Kind of Speech, (as 'i'ropes are) is accommodated more to make Expreffions efficacious and powerful, than with any Purpofe to deceive, for that is inconflftent with the Goodnefs and Truth of it is moft true and bldfed Author, the Lord God; and that there is no Difagreement between the Mind, and the Words fpoken, whicl1 is the Thing that conftirutes a Lie. There is a twofold Species of an Hyperbole. 3 C ( 1.) Amplijicatio>J>