Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part t 0 F A N A L L E G 0 R Y. ' rgs 2 Kings xix. 3· .Job iv. 10, I I. xx. 12, &c. xxvii. 20, &c. xxix. I4, &c. and xxxviii. 9, 1o. P[al. XXII\. '•.. &c. l1. 8, 9· lx1x. I, 2, 3·. lxxv. 8, 9· lxxx. H, 9, &c. ex. 2, 3· and cxxlll. 3· Prov. Ill. 8. and, IX. I, &c.. Ecc!. XJ. I, &c. Ifa. 1. 5, 6, 7, 22. lxv1. 6, 7, v. ult. xiv. 29• XXX. 33· XXXII. 23. XXXVI. 6. Xlll. 3• XlV. 8. hv. 1I, I2. lv. I, 2, I2, I3• and lix. r., 6. Jer. iv. II, I2. v. 6. vi. 28, 29, 30. xii. 9· and l. '7· Ezek. xiii. IO, &c. xvii~ 3• &c. xxii. I9, &c. xxiii. 2, &c. xxix. 3, &c. xxxi. 5, &c. xxxii. 3, &c. and xxxiv. &c. In the New 'l'eflament, Matt. iii. Io, I2. v. I3- vii. 3, 4, 5, 6. ix. IS, &c. xii. 43, &c. and xv. 13· Luke ix. 62. Rom. xi. I6, I7, 18, &c. and xiii. rr, I2. I Cor. iii. 6, 7, 8, 9• &c. V. 7, 8. and ix. 26, 27. 2 c;or. iii, 2, 3· V. I, &c.. X. fl• 4, 5, 6. and xi. 2. Gal. iv. '9· v. I5· and v1. 8, 9· Eph. v1. II, &c. The Exphcatwn of all wh1ch, (at leafr for the moll Part) may be taken from our Treaufe of Metaphors, fo that we lhall leave them to be improved by the ftudious Reader, Examples of mt allufive Allegory. PSALMxi. Upon the Wicked hejhall railt Snares, or Coals, Fire and Brimj!01ze, mul the Spirit of '!'errors, the Portion of their Cup, (fo the Hebrew.) This is an allego– rical Defcription of the Grievoufr1efs of their Punilhment, by Allufion to the Deftruc– tion of Sodom, as Ifa. xxxiv. 9, 10, &c. See Pfal. xx. 3· where by an Allegory of llurnt-offerings, &c. Prayers are meant-. More Examples, Pfal. I. 3· and lv. 9· Ifa. x. 24. where. he alludes to Mofes's Rod. See Verfe 2b•. Ifa. xxiv. 18. with Gen. vii. "· Ifa. xxv1. 14. wah Exod. x1v. 13· Ifa. xxx. 22. w1th Exod. xv. 20. I Sam. xviii. 5· Pfal. lxviii. 25, 26. with many others. In the New 'l'eflament you have thefe Examples, Matt. v. 2·2. which Allegory alludes to the Form of civil Judgments amongfr the Jews, and their Punilhments. Matt. vi. I7· Chrifr alludes to the hypocritical PraCl:ices of the Pharifees, who deformed their Faces when they failed, Verfe 16. The Senfe is, that you mull not imitate them. In Ne·w 'l'eflament fVotjhip, there are frequent Allulions to that which is proper to the Old 'l'eflament, as was !hewn, Chap. xiii. of a Metaphor, Ifa. iv. 5· there is an allegorical Defcription of God's ProteCl:ion of his Church by Allulion to the Pillar of a Cloud and Fire, Exod. xiii. 2I, See Ifa. xi. 14, 15, I6. and lii. II. with 2 Cor. vi. '7· Ifa. liv. 1, 4, 5, 6. (fee Gal. iv. 26, 27,) &c. There are other Allegories, Ifa. liv. 2. from mlarging of 'Tents-, from the inhabiting of defolated Cities, Verfe 0 , 5· laying the magnificwt Foundation, Verfe 1I, 12. (where there is withal an Hyperbole.) See Matt. xvi. 18. Eph. .ii. 20, 2I. from the Abolition of hojlile Jnjlruments, Verfes r6, 17. See Ifa.lxi. 6. 7, 8, 9· fee Hof ii. 15. Amos ix. 13, I4, 15. Zech. xiv. 10, I r, &c. 2 Cor. iii. I3. where is the Defcription of the New Teftament Church, there isan Allulion to the Vailof Mofes. See John ix. 28, &c. the Senfe of which Allegory is, that as the Jews could not behold the Face of Mofes becaufe of the Vail ; fo the carnal 'Jews (thofe Xe•<•/'-a%"• Enemies of Chrifr) could not fee the SpleJl'dor 6f this fpiritual Mofts, (that is, the chief End and Scope of his Writers) and do not under– ftand that Jefus Chrijl is our Saviour, becaufe of their willing Blindnefs of Mind, which as a Vail keeps the Shinings of that Light from their Hearts, which cannot be taken away but by true Converlion. Then by Way of Antithejis fays, Verfe 18.. that we (viz. his Difciples) with open Face behold his Glory, &c. See Verfes 7, 8, 9• I3, I8, &c. See Gal. iv. 28, 3 I. with Verfes 22, 23, 24. Sec alfo another Allegory, Rev. vii. 15· where there is an Allufion to the Levitical Minifrry in the Old Teftament 'l'emple. CHAP.