Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

OF AN 1E N I G M A. Book I. Verfe, thus expounds it. If the Sins, which I do, as it were, trample upon with my Heels, and e!teem light Tranfgreffions, yet in the Judgment of God condemn me, how much more do Riches condemn fuch as tru!t in them ? See Eccl. ix. IO, &c. Prov. xxvi. 10. It is a very perplext Text, and rendered varioufly by Interpreters, which we leave tO the Inquiry of the Learned. Erafmus calls that parabolical PaJJage Matt. xii. 43, 44, 45· Luke xi. 24, zs, z6. an .!Enigma, upon which fee his Paraphrafe. See Glafs. Rhet. Sacra. p. so8. To conclude, Francifcus ]unius * fays, that an .!Enigma, is an obfcure Parable or Alle– gory, which is more dillicultly under!tood. Hence every Parable or Allegor;; is not to be reputed an .!Enigma; but every .!Enigma is an Allegor;;, &c. • Lib. I. Para/, S. PHILOLOGIA