0 r A N T A N A C t A S I s. Book I. yet k11ow11; fee 2 Cor. iv. 8, 9· and Malt. viii. 22. Examples in the Hebrew Text are Ifa. lvii: 6. ami lxv. I 2. Gen. xviii. 2,7. __ Exod. xxv_. 27. and xxxii. 18. I Sam. xiii. 7 : Pfal. lx1x. 30, 31, 32. Ifa. v. 7· anti XIII. 6. Joel l. IS· Jer. 1. I 1, 1 '· and xlviii. 43 , !fa. XXIV. I7· Gen. IX. 27. Ifa. lxv. I 1. In the Greek Texr, Matt. xv1. I8. 'J'u es Tl•Te'W & fuper hac il•TI" a:dificabo Ecciefiam meam, &c. where there is an Allufion to the Name of Peter, though Chrift fpeaks of himftlf; Peter having confefled him to be the Son of the living God, I Pet. ii. 4, 5, 6. which plainly appeors by the Context;– As if Chrift had faid, The Name I give thee is not in vain, for thou ha(t acted con– formable to it, when in thy Confeffion, thou haft expreffed the true Rock, upon which thou, and all Believers, are to be built. Erafmus thus Paraphrafes it.-' I alfo, becaufe ' I would not have fo magnificent a Tefrimony unrequited, affirm, That thou art truly ' Peter, that is a folid Stone, fo fixt that thou fhalt not waver hither and thither, ac– ' carding to the giddy Humor of the Vulgar. And upon this Rock of thy Profeffion ' (viz. m)'felf) will I build my Church, that is, my Houfe and Palace, as upon an im– ' moveable Foundation, which all the -open Violence, or private Stratagems of Hell ' fhall not be able to deftroy. Satan v.ill employ his various Artifices to infnare you, ' and will ftir up a wicked Generation to circumvent, trepan, and perfecute you; but mine all-powerful Protection fhall be your invincible Defence during your found and ' folid Profeffion; the Church is my heavenly Kingdom, the unbelievingWorld is the • Devil's, none of the former have eend to fear the !at/er, if he be a Peter, that is like ' thee.' In the Syriac Tongue, in which Chrift fpeaks, the fome Word ~!l':J, Ggnifies both Peter a proper Name, and Petra a Rock, a Noun Appellat1ve. Hence Bellar– mine clamors, faying, ' We have what we would, viz. that Peter is that Rock of whom ' Chrift fpeaks. If Auguflin, fays he, had conGdered that Cephas fignifies nothing but ' a Rock, and that the Lord had faid, thou art a Rock, and upon this Rock, &c. he ' had made no doubt of the Truth of our Sentence.' But the Jefuit gains nothing by this tol!l':J: as it is aproper Name, it has a ditferent Signification from Cephas as it is a common Name, as Abet, Deborah, Rachel, Jonah, &c. fignify one Thing when they are proper Names; and another when they are common Names, although there be no Change in the Word or Denomination; the Syriac joins a Mafculine Pronoun mhe, to the firft Cephas, and the Feminine ~,;,, ha:c, this, to the latter Cepbas, which is of the Feminine Gender when it lignifies a Stone, as I Cor. x. 4· Matt. xxiii. 42. Mark xvi. 4· Moft faithfully therefore has Matthew expreffed the Words of Chrift in Greek, which alone is to be e(\eemed authentic: and it is certain, that the Holy Spirit did on purpofe change the Speech in the authentical Greek Text, to make it pcrfpicuous, left any body through Error or Inadvertency fhould apply thofe Things to Peter, which muft be underftood of the Doctrine and Confellion ofChrifl, or Chrift himfdf propofed in that Confeffion. From the Whole we may infer what a weak Foundation the Pope's Supremacy is built upon. Matt. xi. I 7· We havepiped, and )•e bave not danced; we have mourned unto )'OU, and )"e ha·ve not lameuted. In the S)'riac Tongue in wh1ch Chrifl fpake, there is a fair Allu– lion in thofe Words, danced, lamented, for both are of the fame Root, and ditfer only -in Conjugation. C H A P. III. Of Antanaclafis. AN?~'~"A<'~''' Antanaclafis, which lignifies Refraflion or Reciprocation, is a Figure when the Word is repeated in a different, if not contrary Signification; Exam– ples in the Hebrew Text are Judg. xv. I6. where the fame Word fignifies an Afs, and a Heap. 1 Sam. i. 24. and the Boy was a Boy, (fo the Hebrew) that is, as we render It, the Boy wasyoung. See Pfal. cxli. 5· Ecclef. vii. 7· Pfal.lviii. 9, 10. Ifa. xxxvii. IS. Iviii. IO. and lxvi. 3, 4· Jer. vii. I8, I9· viii. 4, I4. and xxxiv. 17. Ezek. xx. 24, 25. and xli. 24. Matt. viii. 22. Foliow me, and fuffer the Dead to bury their Dead; the firfl: Dead denotes the Wicked, who are fpiritually dead in Sin; the fecond Dead fuch as are naturally dead, or departed from this Life. Matt. x~vi. 29. l wi/1not drink hmc;– fortb of this Fruit of the Vim, until that Day when I drznk zt new wrthyou zn my Fathers Kingdom: Here the firft Drink is properly underftood; but the latter metaphorzca_lly, denotwg